A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 385 The Marriage Contract Never Disappeared

Chapter 385 The Marriage Contract Never Disappeared
Those who were in a hurry to soak in the water to collect the medicine didn't have the mind to think about the problem now, their minds were all occupied by the medicine fields.

Lin Luo and Lin Wenxuan got up from Lin Zhanhong's arms and looked around after hearing the man in black clothes speak.

Lin Zhanhong also withdrew his hand and introduced the man beside Lin Luo and Lin Wenxuan.

"Wen Xuan, Luo Luo, this is my father's friend Tan Yao, you can just call him Uncle Yao."

"I've seen Uncle Yao." Lin Luo and Lin Wenxuan shouted together.

Tan Yao smiled slightly, and took out two small storage rings from the storage ring.

"Hey, this is my meeting gift for you. It's not worth anything. Most of it is some spiritual herbs inside. We have picked a lot of spiritual herbs here over the years. You can take them back and eat them as snacks." Tan Yao spoke nonchalantly.

The corner of Lin Luo's mouth twitched, and he ate the spirit grass as a snack. What kind of rich and powerful is this?

But thanks are still needed, the brothers and sisters thanked Tan Yao.

Although everyone has a lot to say, the most important thing now is the issue of going out.

"Luo Luo, why did you and Wenxuan come here? Once you're here, you can't go out unless you can control the formation outside." Lin Zhanhong said worriedly.

Lin Luo didn't care, "Father, we are here to find you. My brother and I met the ancestor of the Lin family some time ago and asked him about you. He said that your soul lamp has not been extinguished, and the light is getting brighter and brighter. We knew you were fine. Later he told us that you should still be in the Mysterious Qing Realm, and we came when the Mysterious Qing Realm opened just in time. By the way, my master told me earlier that you are most likely here. It's true."

Lin Zhanhong became more and more confused. He really wanted to know what was going on with Lin Luo, so he could only talk about it later.

"But, if you come to look for me, you can't get out by yourself." Lin Zhanhong said very worriedly.

He himself is fine. After so many years, his mood has become very peaceful. If he hadn't met Lin Luo and Lin Wenxuan today, he would have remained calm.

But his son and daughter were also trapped here, and Lin Zhanhong felt very uncomfortable. He was the one who brought his son and daughter into trouble.

Lin Luo shook his head, "Father, don't worry, Zimo has a very strong attainment in formations, and he is a very talented person. We can open the formations, all thanks to Zimo alone, and he can also make me Take it out, don’t worry, I’ve made preparations before.”

Hearing what Lin Luo said, Lin Zhanhong's complexion improved a lot, but he was still a little worried.

No matter what, you must find a way to get out.

For the next time, Lin Luo and Lin Wenxuan were by Lin Zhanhong's side, while Tan Yao chose to leave the space for the three of them to pick spirit herbs.

An hour passed quickly, and Lin Zhanhong finally realized that a long time had passed, and he had been trapped here for ten years.

At the same time, he also knew what kind of life Tang Yuan, mother and son lived after he disappeared.

Thinking of Tang Yuan suffering so much, Lin Zhanhong felt more and more guilty.

"It's my fault. When Yuan'er married me, she was willing to give up everything and follow me. I promised to take good care of her, but I couldn't do it. I even forced her to remarry. I really don't deserve to be a husband!"

For Tang Yuan's remarriage to Fang Li, Lin Zhanhong would not blame her at all, it was because of his disappearance.

"Father, don't think too much about it. That Fang Li was paralyzed on the bed, inhumane, but mother suffered a lot and was beaten and scolded by him. But everything is fine now, I sent mother to Yinshen Valley, Get out from here, let's go find our mother." Lin Luo said with a smile.

Lin Zhanhong's expression moved slightly, but he was a little hesitant.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Lin Wenxuan's heart sank slightly, and some bad thoughts immediately came to mind.

"Father, don't you want to see your mother? Or, do you think that your mother's remarriage is unacceptable to you? But, she had no choice at the beginning. I'm not in Songjiagou, so she can't just watch Luo Luo die." Lin Wenxuan said anxiously.

Lin Zhanhong glared at Lin Wenxuan, "What nonsense are you talking about? It's impossible for me to dislike your mother? I'm worried that she won't forgive me. When she needed me the most, I didn't stay by her side. I left everything to her alone. I wronged her. Now when I come back, I always worry that she will blame me and won't forgive me. "

While speaking, Lin Zhanhong raised his left hand, and the thin red line on the ring finger still existed.

That was the marriage contract between him and Tang Yuan. After he entered the altar, his own aura was cut off, and the marriage contract in Tang Yuan's hand would disappear.

Seeing Lin Zhanhong's fingers, Lin Luo was a little puzzled.

"Father, if you go out, will the marriage contract in mother's hand reappear?"

Lin Zhanhong nodded, "Yes, the marriage contract between me and your mother was signed by her mother, that is, your grandmother, with the blood of both of us. This marriage contract can be called a marriage contract, or it can be It is called a blood contract. Just because the Qingxuan Secret Realm is too mysterious, when I entered it, even the connection with the marriage contract was broken."

Hearing what Lin Zhanhong said, Lin Luo breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Yuan definitely didn't want to have anything to do with Lin Zhanhong anymore, she felt that she was unclean and not worthy of Lin Zhanhong, but it was different with a marriage contract, it was a kind of restriction.

With this thing in place, even if he stalks Tang Yuan in a shameless way, I believe that Lin Zhanhong can make Tang Yuan change his mind.

Tang Yuan and Lin Zhanhong have a deep relationship, and I believe they will have a happy ending.

"Father, don't worry. Mother has you in her heart. Let's wait for them to pick all the spirit grass. Let's wait slowly." Lin Luo said with a smile.

For some reason, Lin Zhanhong felt that Lin Luo's words had some deep meaning.

It's just that his daughter has said so, and he will definitely not refute.

Half a day passed quickly, and at this moment, many disciples came out of the blisters, all of them blushing, and they seemed to have gained a lot.

"That's great. Just going to such a medicine field can be worth what I've gained in three years outside. It's crazy. If I take these spirit herbs and exchange them for spirit stones, or take them to the Wuji Temple , I don’t know how many good things can be exchanged, but just thinking about it makes people’s heart beat.”

"That's not it, I dare to think now, there is such a good thing, doesn't it mean that the more central the position is, the more dangerous it is?"

"That's right, didn't you say that there are very powerful monsters here, what about monsters? I looked carefully, and there seemed to be no traces of monsters. There are no monsters here."

More and more people came out, and everyone had smiles on their faces.

Suddenly, a clear voice sounded.

"Everyone's harvest is very good, but now, how do you plan to go out?"

(End of this chapter)

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