A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 393 The Lin Family's Attitude

Chapter 393 The Lin Family's Attitude
One must know that what Lin Yue cared most about was the blood of the Lin family, and Bai Qiong was so reckless that he set his sights on the blood of the Lin family.

There is a problem with Dongfang Lie's spiritual veins of the Dongfang family, obviously because he knows the power of the Lin family's bloodline.

Lin Yue stared at Bai Qiong viciously, with a feeling of wanting to pinch her to death immediately. If Lin Luo's spiritual root had been tested back then, what would Lin Luo be like now?
Could it be that she was forcibly married to Dongfang Lie?
Lin Zhanhong was so angry that he trembled all over, he couldn't help raising his hand and waved a palm.


Bai Qiong forcibly received Lin Zhanhong's palm, and before he had time to react, he left the chair, turned back and threw it out, and even spat out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing Lin Zhanhong make a move, the Lin family realized that Lin Zhanhong was no longer someone they could casually bully.

Just when you raise your hand, you don't have the slightest ability to fight back.

Lin Yue didn't speak. If Lin Zhanhong didn't do it, he probably wouldn't let Bai Qiong go.

Only Lin Zhanpeng stood up and helped Bai Qiong up.

"Third brother, you are going too far, and you even shot your sister-in-law."

Lin Zhanhong laughed angrily at his words. He grabbed the void with his right hand, sucked again, pinched Lin Zhanpeng in his hand, and strangled his neck with his right hand.

"Brother should be lucky. If you weren't my elder brother, you and Bai Qiong would be corpses now. If you dare to treat my daughter like this, I will never let you go, especially you, Bai Qiong!" Lin Zhanhong said coldly.

Now, Lin Zhanhong doesn't even call his sister-in-law anymore. In his heart, the Lin family is no longer his relatives.

Lin Luo would not hide it from them, "Father, you don't know something. After knowing that I don't have spiritual roots, their faces changed. They didn't know that I joined Xunxianzong as a talisman master and became a Disciple of Xunxianzong. Bai Qiong was not the only one responsible for the Dongfang family matter. Liu Yuxin couldn't sit still and used the sword you brought out from a secret place to kill me and my mother. Fortunately, I was already a The Yinfu master solved her. In addition, Lin Huanyue and the Dongfang family cooperated to deal with my mother, and I broke through, and my mother was still seriously injured. I came to the Lin family to explain, and they pushed Liu Yuxin as a scapegoat, thinking I didn't know .”

Lin Luo didn't tell Lin Zhanhong these words before, and he thought that these people were his family members, so he came back, and he must still think about his family members in his heart.

But now that Bai Qiong speaks so bluntly, she doesn't hide it anymore.

After hearing this, Lin Zhanhong's face became very pale. He knew in his heart that Tang Yuan and the children had been wronged, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

If the Lin family had tested that Lin Luo had spiritual roots, he would not dare to think about what Lin Luo would be like now.

At this moment, Lin Zhanhong has the heart to kill Bai Qiong.

"My sisters-in-law, you are really good!" Lin Zhanhong looked at Liu Yuxin with red eyes.

However, Liu Yuxin looked very weak, so Lin Zhanhong didn't attack her right away.

"Father, don't be sad. I hurt Liu Yuxin. Last time I came here to explain, I asked them who arranged for someone to kill their mother. In the end, Liu Yuxin was withdrawn by Lin Huanyue to take the blame, and I hurt her." Lin Luo told the truth To be honest.

Lin Yue sat on the spot and saw that Lin Zhanpeng's neck was still in Lin Zhanhong's hands, but this time he didn't stop it.

If it was before, he would definitely say that everyone is of the blood of the Lin family, it shouldn't be like this, they should love each other.

Now, Lin Yue couldn't say a word.

If you really want to treat people as relatives, no matter whether it is the first or second wife, you shouldn't treat Tang Yuan and the others like this, Lin Yue feels very sad.

At this moment, Lin Zhanhong set his sights on Lin Yue.

"Father, I let the eldest brother and the second brother go for your sake, but I have to teach you a lesson. I don't want anything from the Lin family, whether it belongs to me or not. From now on, we have nothing to do with the Lin family "Lin Luo and Lin Wenxuan are just my children. I hope you will cross their names, together with my name and Yuan'er's, from the genealogy. When my father needs it in the future, I will definitely be obliged. After all, the grace of giving birth is greater than heaven. Forget the rest, the threshold of the Lin family is too high, if there is nothing to do in the future, I will not come back." Lin Zhanhong said lightly.

Lin Luo raised her eyebrows slightly, she also wondered if Lin Zhanhong would directly solve the two rooms and control the Lin family by himself.

Unexpectedly, he was not interested in the Lin family.

That's right, after staying in the secret realm for so many years, my wife and children have been bullied like that, and the most painful person is my wife.

To stay in the Lin family is to plant a thorn in Tang Yuan's heart.

Yes, there is nothing worth nostalgic about the current Lin family, they have all left the Lin family.

"No, it can't be like this. You are all from the Lin family and cannot be removed from the genealogy." Lin Yue, who hadn't spoken for a long time, objected fiercely.

Lin Zhanhong has already made up his mind, "Father, the Lin family has never been able to restrict us, and we will be free in the future. Even without the protection of the family, but the strength of my Nascent Soul Stage, and the strength of Luo Luo and Wenxuan Jindan Stage, There is no problem with self-preservation."

Lin Yue froze in place, as if he had never thought that the cultivation of Lin Zhanhong's family was so high!

Thinking of Lin Zhanhong's donkey temper since he was a child, Lin Yue knew that nothing he had decided could be changed.

For a while, Lin Yue seemed to have aged a lot.

Lin Luo took a deep breath. When she came in earlier, she was worried that Lin Zhanhong would show mercy to the Lin family, but seeing his decision, Lin Luo felt relieved.

"Father, get rid of the rest as soon as possible, and then we'll go to the Dongfang Family." Lin Luo said.

Staying in Lin's house, I really feel irritable even to breathe, it's better to leave.

Lin Zhanhong nodded, with a little force in his hand, he pinched Lin Zhanpeng's neck fiercely, then let go of him, and punched him out.


Lin Zhanpeng also vomited a mouthful of blood, his face pale.

In the same way, Lin Zhanpeng also attacked Liu Yuxin and Lin Zhanfei, and all four of them were seriously injured.

The injury is not serious enough to die, but there is a lot of pain, and the pain in the body will last at least three months.

It's not that Lin Zhanhong was merciful, the main reason was to let them die, and it would be too happy to die.

Let them live, watch their family glow little by little, make them envious, become a knife hanging above their heads, and always make them fearful.

As for the other Lin Xiangyao, Lin Zhanpeng finally didn't do anything.

Lin Xiangyao can be said to be arrogant and self-willed. She bullied Lin Luo, but did not kill her.

But if Lin Huanyue was here, he would definitely do it.

Lin Zhanhong looked at Lin Yue indifferently, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Cross out our names. We will have nothing to do with the Lin family in Qingzhou in the future. My wife and two children have repaid my father's gift of childbearing."

(End of this chapter)

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