Chapter 405
I saw that the small village, which was originally peaceful and peaceful, has now turned into a mess, with blackened and burnt black wood everywhere.

Food and supplies were scattered all around in a mess, and even some houses were mostly collapsed.

Even on the ground, there were many traces of fighting, accompanied by a lot of dried blood.

"Maoqiu, look to see if anyone is there." Lin Luo's face was very pale.

The fur ball came out, and immediately acted, sniffing lightly with its nose.

Xiaota also knew the worry in Lin Luo's heart, and also used her own strength to find it.

However, nothing was found.

"Luo Luo, no one is here." Xiaota said.

Hearing this, Lin Luo couldn't care about anything else, and hurried to the Lingyun Pavilion. She couldn't imagine that the outer gates had become the current situation. What happened to the Lingyun Pavilion now? Could it be that the people from the Jiusha Palace have already attacked Lingyun Pavilion? ?

"No, I'm going to have a look right away!" Lin Luo pursed her lips.

Halfway through the run, Lin Luo remembered that she was already a monk at the golden core stage, and now she could fly with a sword.

Therefore, she hurriedly stepped on Bai Yu's sword wound and flew towards Ling Yunfeng.

As for why it wasn't Jingsifeng, it wasn't because there was no one in Jingsifeng. If Liu Yi wasn't there, there would be only Qiushuang alone.

If the Hall of Nine Demons really wanted to go to Lingyun Pavilion, it would definitely not waste time attacking Jingsi Peak, but would attack Ling Yunfeng. After all, Lingyun Peak is the main peak, and it also has the most people.

"Luo Luo, don't worry, there seems to be nothing unusual." Xiaota's voice sounded again.

Lin Luo stabilized her mind, and she flew directly to the top of Lingyun Peak. The surrounding area was indeed quiet, and there was nothing unusual about it.

There seemed to be quite a few people in the main hall of Lingyun Pavilion, Lin Luo lifted her foot and walked slowly to the door.

There was no one guarding the door, so Lin Luo walked in after thinking about it.

"Disciple Lin Luo has met the pavilion master."

Lin Luo immediately made a sound when she stepped into the entrance of the main hall, and she did not suppress her footsteps, so that the people inside could hear.

The conversation stopped, and Lin Luo also walked into the hall.

When she arrived at the main hall, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw Great Elder and Elder Xiao sitting under Fu Chen, Liu Yi and the other two peak masters Du Feiyu and Xue Kai were also there, as if they were talking about something.

Seeing Lin Luo come in this time, everyone looked at her.

"You don't have to stick to these things." Fu Chen slightly raised his hand.

Liu Yi looked at Lin Luo with a smile, "The girl is back, it seems that her cultivation has improved, and it won't be long before she can't teach you as a teacher."

It is true to say so, but Liu Yi's expression is a little smug.

That's right, an apprentice like Lin Luo can't be recruited casually.

Lin Luo didn't care about Liu Yi's jokes, he still had more doubts in his heart.

"Master, I was at the foot of the mountain just now. I wanted to go to the outer gate to see the Great Elder and the disciples of Xunxianzong. However, the outer gate was in a mess. I was worried that something would happen to the disciples of the outer sect and the disciples of Xunxianzong. Only people from the Hall of Nine Shalls will come to Lingyun Peak in a hurry." Lin Luo said.

In any case, Lin Luo is both a disciple of Lingyun Pavilion and a member of Xunxianzong, so she will be worried on both sides.

Hearing this, the Great Elder smiled gently.

"Actually, you are not mistaken. Just three days ago, people from the Hall of Nine Demons did come to the outer sect. They may have known that the remaining disciples of Xunxianzong are here, or they may want to test Ling Yun. The strength of the pavilion. It happened that Elder Liu Yi was passing by at that time, drinking tea with us, we chatted about you, and he stayed for a while. It is indeed dangerous to meet people in the Hall of Nine Evils. With Elder Liu Yi, the Hall of Nine Evils The people who came back failed, and the people who came did not have the cultivation base of the middle and late stages of the Nascent Soul. After the people from the Jiusha Palace left, Elder Liu Yi decided to bring everyone from the outer sect up the mountain."

Hearing this, Lin Luo also heaved a sigh of relief.

Since you, Liu Yi, are present, it means that no matter whether it is the disciples of Lingyun Pavilion or the disciples of Xunxianzong, there should be no casualties.

"Thank you Lingyun Pavilion for taking us who have nowhere to go." The third elder couldn't help but sighed.

Now that his spiritual strength has been abolished, his state of mind will of course be different from usual.

Fu Chen waved his hand, "That's not necessary, as I said just now, our major sects must unite in the future. According to the news from Zixiao Sect, there will be a big move in the Hall of Nine Demons. It is said that they have been collecting talents Dibao, what do you guys think?"

Everyone didn't speak, in fact, they really didn't know much about Jiusha Temple.

Now that the Hall of the Nine Shades collects the treasures of heaven and earth, they don't know what they are using them for, whether they are training more outstanding disciples, or for other purposes, everyone doesn't understand.

"One more thing, I have already found out that the Nine Evil Palace is recruiting other small sects, and many small sects have joined the Nine Evil Palace. The current Nine Evil Palace has faintly started to appear directly, and does not intend to hide In the dark. I also cooperated with the royal family to check before, and the news should be correct." Liu Yi said.

Lin Luo actually had some thoughts in his mind, but he promised Xiaota not to say anything before, so it's really hard to say now.

Just as Lin Luo was due, Xiaota spoke softly.

"Luo Luo, if you want to say something about Yan Qingxuan, you can say it, and you can't hide it now. If I guessed correctly, the owner of the Nine Evil Palace should also be related to the Lanchuan Continent. Maybe he is now The purpose of doing these things is to escape from Qingxuan Continent and go to Lanchuan Continent."

Hearing what Xiaota said, Lin Luo nodded.

"Pavilion Master, Master, and all the elders, Lin Luo has something to report." Lin Luo stepped forward and clasped his fists together.

Fu Chen looked at Lin Luo gently, "Just say it."

Next, Lin Luo explained the matter of Yan Qingxuan and the situation of Lanchuan Continent to everyone in detail, and the most important thing was to tell everyone about the speculation about the Hall of Nine Demons.

The people in the hall couldn't react after hearing it, even Fu Chen was surprised.

It turned out that Qingxuan Continent was just a place of exile in Lanchuan Continent.

Just when everyone was silent, Lin Luo's familiar voice suddenly came from outside the hall.

"Chenxin of Fulong Temple, please see the master of Lingyun Pavilion."

Lin Luo looked up and looked outside the hall, "It's the little monk."

"Master Chen Xin, please come in quickly." Fu Chen's voice sounded.

A figure in moon-white clothes slowly stepped into the hall at the door. He clasped his hands together with a slight smile on his face.

"Amitabha, I have met all the seniors."

"You don't have to be so polite. It's rare that the future abbot of Fulong Temple comes to our Lingyun Pavilion, making us flourish." Fu Chen smiled.

Chen Xin's status is not low, but Fu Chen said so, not because of Chen Xin's status.

In fact, it was because of Chen Xin's talent.

"Amitabha, don't dare to be a Buddha, just call the little monk's dharma name. Today, the little monk has something to talk to the pavilion master, and this is also related to the safety of Qingxuan Continent."

 Happy New Year~ I wish you all the best, safety, health, and happiness forever!

(End of this chapter)

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