A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 407 Fierce Fighting Ghost Face

Chapter 407 Fierce Fighting Ghost Face

Chen Xin didn't stay for long, he still had to go to Hehuan Sect to be a lobbyist, he had already been to Yujian Sect, and he only hoped to unite all the sects.

Knowing that Chen Xin was going to the Hehuan Sect, Lin Luo, as a friend, did not intend to help at all, but watched Chen Xin go to such a hot place for him, with a bit of a mentality of watching the show.

"Little monk, don't worry, Senior Sister Miaoyan is so nice, you just go to find her when the time comes." Lin Luo smiled.

If Liu Yi didn't want to take her to Zixiaozong tomorrow, she really wanted to watch the fun with Chen Xin.

Yes, it was watching Chen Xin's excitement.

Of course, she is also very clear that Miao Yan and those disciples of the Hehuan Sect are at most just talking about taking advantage of Chen Xin, but in fact they will never really do anything out of the ordinary.

So Lin Luo was not worried at all, and even found it very interesting.

Chen Xin probably knew Lin Luo's thoughts, and felt that he had made a bad friend, and his face was full of helplessness.

"Okay, stay for a while, and see you again some day."

Lin Luo nodded with a smile, "Okay, be careful along the way. Even though you are at the Nascent Soul stage, don't relax too much. There are many Nascent Soul stage monks in the Jiusha Palace. No matter when, where, or Pay attention to your own safety."

Hearing that Lin Luo really cared about his safety, Chen Xin laughed.

"Okay, take care."

After Chen Xin's words fell, his body rose into the air and flew away directly from Lingyun Peak.

Lin Luo watched Chen Xin leave before turning back to the main hall and continuing to talk with the master and the elders.

"This time we have screened the disciples of Lingyun Pavilion, and only three of Lin Luocai have top-grade or above Lei Linggen, and then the younger brother will take them there." Fu Chen instructed Liu Yi.

Liu Yi agreed, anyway, he was going to take Lin Luo there anyway, and it would be fine to bring the other two people.

But Liu Yi selfishly believed that those two were running with him, and he probably couldn't practice Zixiao Yushenjue, but it was impossible for him to say that.

"Brother, don't worry, I will definitely bring the disciples there safely."

Fu Chen looked at Lin Luo again, "Lin Luo, I know that your talent must be the best among the three. I can't guarantee the other two, but with a top-quality Thunder Spirit Root like you, the entire Qingxuan Continent may You can’t find two, so you must do your best.”

Apart from hoping that Lin Luo could practice successfully and improve his cultivation, Fu Chen also had other thoughts.

If almost all the elders of Lingyun Pavilion and the previous Xunxianzong died in the final battle with Jiusha Temple, he also hoped that young disciples such as Lin Luo and Shen Bingxin would survive.

They are the hope of Lingyun Pavilion, and they are also the talented young generation, who will most likely bring Lingyun Pavilion to another realm.

If there is a day when the ban on the Qingxuan Continent is lifted to go to the Lanchuan Continent, I don't know if these old guys will be able to see it.

"Lin Luo must do her best." Lin Luo said solemnly.

Early the next morning, Liu Yi took Lin Luo and two Lingyun Pavilion disciples to Zixiaozong.

The two disciples, a man and a woman, were both top-grade Thunder Spirit Roots, but they didn't know that Lin Luo was the top-grade Thunder Spirit Root, and they thought they were all the same.

The woman's name is Cen Wushuang, 24 years old, and the man's name is Zhong Shuai, 22 years old.

Both of them are Ling Yunfeng's disciples, but the former belongs to the fifth generation and the latter belongs to the sixth generation.

According to their identities as disciples of the fifth and sixth generations, Lin Luo had to be called "Little Senior Sister", even if Lin Luo was younger than the two of them, she still had to be called that.

Probably because they knew that Lin Luo had won Li Qing in the Zongmen Grand Competition, so they were convinced of Lin Luo, a young senior sister, and they didn't feel jealous at all, even though she was a disciple of the first generation.

Lin Luo is not boring when meeting two people who don't like her on the road together, and sometimes she can chat with them.

Unlike Lin Luo's ease, Chen Xin ran into trouble on the way to Hehuanzong.

At this moment, standing in front of Chen Xin was a person he had seen before, who was also an elder with a high status in the Hall of Nine Demons.

"Little monk, the recent actions of you self-proclaimed decent people are really not small. We are all a little worried that you will cause us trouble. I don't like the women of the Hehuan Sect very much, and it is not too pleasant to fight with them. It’s not very comfortable, and they’re all so enchanting. From my point of view, little monk, you’d better not go there. If a young bird like you enters the realm of the Acacia Sect, it’s like a sheep entering the tiger’s mouth, so you’d better be careful.”

Standing opposite Chen Xin was Ghost Mian, and I don't know how he got the news, but he actually blocked Chen Xin's way to Hehuanzong.

Chen Xin naturally didn't take the other party's words seriously, he looked indifferent.

"The people of the Hall of Nine Evil Spirits don't need to say much."

After the words fell, Chen Xin made a seal with both hands, and the huge golden Buddha hand seal flew towards the ghost face at an extremely fast speed.

The two had met each other in Tianhan Valley before, but there was no specific action at all. Both sides knew that the other party was not weak, but only when they fought did they know the other party's true strength.

Ghost Mian has won the true biography of the master of the nine evil spirits, and most of his cultivation is guided by the master of the nine evil spirits.

Even if it is only a part, it will not be weak.

Compared with the last time he returned from Xunxianzong, his cultivation base has improved again. It is also the master of Jiusha Hall who specially instructed Ghost Mian in order to retreat, and handed over the matter to him by the way.

The ghost face had already faced Chen Xin, and the two figures, one black and one white, collided fiercely in midair, causing smoke and dust to rise everywhere.

Both of them were monks in the Nascent Soul Stage, and they fought each other very fast, leaving only a black and a white afterimage in mid-air.

Compared with Ghost Mian, Chen Xin's cultivation is indeed a bit weaker, after all, he is only a Nascent Soul, but it is almost impossible for Ghost Mian to directly take Chen Xin down.

At this moment, when the two collided with each other, they each took a few steps back, still suspended in mid-air.

Ghost Mian took three steps back, and Chen Xin took four steps back.

Chen Xin's talent is indeed much better than Ghost Mian, so the gap between the two is very small.

Suddenly, Guimian laughed sullenly, and a long black knife appeared in his hand. This knife seemed to be unopened and looked a little blunt.

I saw two words engraved on the handle of the knife, blood blade.

When Chen Xin saw that knife, she didn't know why her heart trembled.

The next moment, a spiritual weapon also appeared in Chen Xin's hand, which was the demon pestle that was used to purify the mother-in-law tree in Tianhan Valley.

Master Chang Hui was worried that Chen Xin would meet an expert from the Temple of the Nine Evils at the foot of the mountain. He thought that he was still young, so he handed the Fumo pestle to him, but he did not expect that he would be useful today. Master ghost face.


Xueren didn't know whether he felt the presence of the crouching pestle or was just taken out by the ghost face, but he could completely feel the excitement of Xueren.

Chen Xin's expression was slightly gloomy, he had a familiar feeling about the blood blade.

He even seems to know that there is a sword spirit in the blood blade!
(End of this chapter)

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