Chapter 410 Thunder Valley

After completing the registration, Liu Yi and his party were also allowed to enter Zixiaozong.

The place they are going now is the courtyard used by Zixiaozong to entertain guests, and there is also a disciple of Zixiaozong leading the way.

"Girl, you are too reckless today, those two people are not easy to get along with, and they should hold grudges." Liu Yi sighed.

Lin Luo didn't think so, "Master, I'm not being reckless. I have no reason to endure being bullied to this extent. It's not that we don't have that strength."

How can I say that Liu Yi is a monk of the Empress Yuanying, and she is also at the Golden Core stage, so she won't be bullied by the two people from the Yanzi Mansion, even if the other party has some background, but that's all.

Liu Yi just said that he was still very happy with Lin Luo's protection of him.

"Okay, we're all in, let's wait for the arrangements." Liu Yi smiled.

Lin Luo nodded, looked around casually, and found that the inside of Zixiao Sect was even more magnificent, and it really deserved to be a top-level sect. The background is different.

When she got here, Lin Luo would naturally think of Chu Yan.

"My little brother, I don't know if Master Chu Yan is in the sect?" Lin Luo walked a few steps forward and asked the disciple who took them away.

The disciple shook his head, "Our young sect master is not in the sect now, but he should be back soon. He has been away for a while, and he must be back in the past few days."

"Thank you." Lin Luo nodded.

I thought Chu Yan was also in the sect, but he was not there.

Lin Luo thought that since they were friends, they came to Chu Yan's sect, of course they wanted to meet and have a good chat, but who knew that this person was not there.

Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't see him in Zixiaozong, there is always a chance to see him.

Maybe next time we all get together.

For the next three days, Lin Luo and his party were placed in the Zixiao Sect, but they did not see the rest of the Zixiao Sect, and they stayed in the courtyard all the time.

On the night of the third day, I finally got news from Zixiaozong.

Liu Yi called Lin Luo and the others to his room, and told them about Zixiaozong's arrangement.

"Tomorrow, the Zixiao Sect will take all the disciples who have top-grade Thunder Spirit Roots to a place called Thunder Valley. Thunder Valley is a naturally formed valley of thunder and lightning, which is divided into two parts. There is no requirement for the most central place, and you'd better not go there, because the power of thunder and lightning contained in it is very powerful. The requirement of the Erzi Xiaozong is to train the body for three days without using any defenses in the thunder valley, and reach the level of sky thunder quenching. If you can persevere, you can practice Zixiao Yushenjue." Liu Yi told the three of them the news he had received.

To be honest, after hearing this request, Liu Yi felt a little regretful, thinking that Lin Luo should not be allowed to try.

He had also heard about the Valley of Thunder, that the thunder and lightning contained in the naturally formed Valley of Thunder and Lightning was much stronger than the thunder and rain normally seen.

And the reason why there are so few people in Zixiaozong who succeed in practicing Zixiao Yushenjue is that the disciples can't bear such pain, and some of them were even injured by the sky lightning the moment they entered.

Don't think that the top-grade Thunder Lingen can withstand three days in the Thunder Valley, in fact, the Thunder Lingen is far from the real sky thunder.

Moreover, undergoing three days of body training is only a qualification to be able to practice Zixiao Yushenjue.

If you want to practice successfully, you need to practice in the Thunder Valley, otherwise you will not be able to attract the thunder.

Liu Yi looked at Lin Luo, he was a little hesitant, thinking whether he should just let Lin Luo give up, if something happened, it would be too late for him to regret it.

Lin Luo understood Liu Yi's expression in an instant, and she also knew what Liu Yi was thinking in his heart, but she had already come, so she would not give up.

What's more, she had other plans in mind.

"Master, don't worry, since you want to practice Zixiao Yushenjue, you will have to pay. If you can't even bear the sky thunder, then naturally you can't attract the sky thunder, and you can practice this method." Lin Luo told the truth.

Cen Wushuang also nodded, "That's right, what the little senior sister said is true, the journey of cultivation is to go through hardships, and I will work hard for the three-day sky thunder training."

"If the two girls don't back down, then naturally I, a man, can't be looked down upon. I will work hard." Zhong Shuai said with a smile.

Hearing what the three said, Liu Yi nodded in relief.

That's right, he always wants to let his disciples go to fight.

If you can't persist on this point, it will be even more dangerous to face the Jiusha Temple in the future.

"You are all doing well, I will wait here for your safe return and bring me good news." Liu Yi said with a smile.

Because Thunder Valley is very special, not only because of its danger, but also because it is the trump card of Zixiao Sect, so no one is allowed to enter except those top-grade Leilingen disciples.

Therefore, Liu Yi could only wait in this courtyard.

After resting all night, the disciples of Zixiaozong brought Lin Luo and the three of them to the small square of Zixiaozong early the next morning.

It was also today that everyone saw the other members of Zixiao Sect.

Zixiaozong's clothes are purple, including their suzerain also wearing purple clothes, the color is the same, but the patterns on the clothes are a little different.

A small platform is built in the small square, which is not too high.

Standing on it now was Chu Yuan, the suzerain of Zixiao Sect, and he looked at the fifty people present with a smile on his face.

There were more than 60 high-grade Lei Lingen disciples in line before, but now it seems that there are more than ten people missing.

Chu Yuan's appearance was excellent, he looked about 30 years old, and standing there made people feel really handsome, otherwise he would not have had a son with such an excellent appearance as Chu Yan.

Below Chu Yuan, stood five young men who must be his apprentices.

"About the cultivation of Zixiao Yushen Jue, I have informed my disciples to tell the elders who led you here last night. Now, I want to remind you once again that although Thunder Valley does not have any powerful monsters, it itself has It is very dangerous, it is full of thunder, and there will be thunder calamity from time to time. Practicing Zixiao Yushenjue is to temper the body so that it can accompany the power of thunder in the body. The power of thunder is introduced into the meridians of the whole body. This kind of pain is severe, and it is also very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will end up dead."

"Well, I have already said this, but in the end I decided that you should do it yourself. If you haven't gone yet, you still have a chance to regret it. If it comes to that time, there is no way to regret it, and this seat will not be able to save you. So, no matter what, you have to think twice to determine whether your strength can withstand the attack of Tianlei. You must know that there are many disciples of Zixiaozong who die in Thunder Valley every year. At first, those people also believed that they could succeed , and finally failed.”

After listening to Chu Yuan's words, he fell into an eerie silence.

(End of this chapter)

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