Chapter 431
A petite figure curled up in a cellar of the Promise Hall, which appeared to be a woman.

In the dim light, it could be seen that this person was covered with scars, the clothes on her body were in tatters, and her body was also covered with dried blood.


The door of the cell was forcefully opened, and a slender figure appeared at the door of the cell.

The person who came was Xiao Ziyue, dressed in a goose-yellow gauze dress, about 20 years old, with good looks, but at this moment he was staring at the figure on the ground with disdain, his eyes fell on her six fingers, and a dark and unclear look flashed quickly in his eyes .

Speaking of meeting her, it was an accident and something she only learned about.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ziyue felt very impatient, because Er Ni might be related to her family.

It's also my fault that she was a little impatient in Yujianzong at that time, and she brought Erni directly when she saw Erni, which should be a way to deal with it.

If the elders find out about this later, they will inevitably be punished.

But even if she will be punished, she will still do this, at most she will bring people out secretly.

But this girl is also very powerful, she is still young and her cultivation is at the later stage of integration, if she didn't bring enough people, and she secretly sprinkled poisonous powder, otherwise she wouldn't be able to take people away.

Now Yu Jianzong probably knows that she brought the news that she will personally meet the Promise Hall, maybe they won't come to look for it in a big way, but they will definitely ask the elders and dignitaries.

He had to find a way to make sure that if it was this person, he would kill her if he got the thing in her hand.

If not, then I can only apologize and send it back to Yu Jianzong.

"Your name is Erni, why are you so tight-lipped? You don't answer when I ask you, so you don't have to suffer if you tell me obediently. Don't think that someone will come to save you. Yu Jianzong will not do it for a disciple like you. Just go against our Wuji Palace. You know, I am a third-rank alchemist in the Wuji Palace, and my status is much more noble than yours." Xiao Ziyue squatted down and said.

Erni's expression was indifferent, she just glanced at Xiao Ziyue coolly, but still didn't speak.

Seeing that Erni ignored her, Xiao Ziyue's face became more and more gloomy.

"Let me ask you again, where did you grow up and who is in your family? You didn't communicate with anyone in Yujianzong in the past, and no one knew you well, but I heard that you have a good friend in Lingyun Pavilion .Since you were taken away by me, someone has gone to Lingyun Pavilion to look for her, so you are not afraid that I will attack her? Don't think that I can do nothing to you if you are silent. I can start with your friends." Xiao Zi Moon sneered.

Er Ni, who hadn't reacted until now, finally reacted a little after hearing Xiao Ziyue's words.

"What exactly do you want to know?"

Hearing Erni's hoarse voice, Xiao Ziyue's face became more and more gloomy.

The dead girl, her spirit veins were sealed and she couldn't use her spirit power, she didn't say a word after suffering so many injuries, but when she mentioned her friends, she got so excited.

Xiao Ziyue took a deep breath, and then opened her eyes again.

"I just want to know where you grew up and who else was in your family?"

Erni was also very puzzled, she didn't know why the girl in Wuji Palace asked her these questions.

But she used Lin Luo as a threat, and Erni thought for a while that there was nothing she couldn't say at home before answering.

"I grew up in Songjiagou, and I have parents at home."

What kind of place is that, is it a village?
Xiao Ziyue remembered this name in her heart, and tried her best to recall her childhood, but she couldn't recall hearing this place at all. Could it be that she guessed wrong?
"Then your parents, are they your biological parents? Do you have a baby?"

When Xiao Ziyue was questioning, she was also observing Erni's reaction.

After hearing this, Erni's expression became very complicated.

"Why do you mention whether my parents are biological or not? I really don't know what you are talking about. Since I was a child, I have never heard anything from my parents. Of course I am my father." Born to my mother."

Originally, Erni was not good at lying, but when she said it, she lowered her head and suppressed the emotion in her eyes, and Xiao Ziyue didn't notice it because of thinking.

"Then where is your place? Which place do you belong to?" Xiao Ziyue asked again.

"It's Songjiagou in Qingzhou. Songjiagou is a small village. I grew up in the village." Erni replied, "If you don't believe me, you can go to Yujianzong to inquire about the news. At the beginning, there were senior brothers The teachers and sisters said I was a bumpkin."

Xiao Ziyue's face became very ugly, and she grabbed Erni's collar.

"Tell me the truth, do you have a swaddle that looks priceless? That thing is a swaddle that children in your village can't get at all. You are not born to your parents, right! Everything is right, There is still Liuzhi in the village of Qingzhou, you must be her!" Xiao Ziyue's eyes turned red.

Erni was dragged so hard to breathe, and her body became limp because of her spiritual power being controlled.

Hearing Xiao Ziyue's words now, she also felt a strange feeling in her heart.

Does this person in front of him know her background?
"I don't know what you're talking about. I just know that my parents are very good to me. My friend you mentioned before also came from Songjiagou. We grew up together. As for my six fingers, She told me that it wasn't my fault, and Liuzhi is indeed not a big deal." Erni spoke slowly.

If it wasn't for the person in front of her holding her collar, she could have said more.

Xiao Ziyue let go of Erni, with a bloodthirsty light in her eyes, but her tone became very gentle.

"Look at you poor little one. How about this, as long as you hand over the swaddling baby to me, I'll let you go?" Xiao Ziyue said softly.

If the actions just now were not too presumptuous, Erni would have misunderstood that she really had no ill intentions towards her.

"I don't have a swaddle, or else you'll ask me to go back and ask my parents." Erni replied with her eyes closed.

In fact, the swaddle was in Erni's storage ring, but she knew she couldn't call it out, after all, she didn't know what was going on with the person in front of her, and what she wanted to get the swaddle for.

In addition, her biological parents abandoned her, is there really something hidden like Lin Luo said?
Xiao Ziyue was silent for a moment, "When I find out whether you have lied or not, I will come to you. Now you stay here!"

After saying this, Xiao Ziyue walked out, and she wanted to investigate as soon as possible.

This matter is very important!

After Xiao Ziyue left, Erni touched her neck with her hand, her eyes filled with anger.

In the final analysis, his cultivation is still not strong enough, otherwise he would not be controlled by others, and Lin Luo might be implicated.

At this moment, Erni didn't want Lin Luo to know the news that she was taken away by Wuji Palace.

Relying on Lin Luo alone, it must be dangerous to come to Wuji Hall to rescue her, and she doesn't want Lin Luo to take risks for her.

Luo Luo, please don't come here.

(End of this chapter)

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