A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 445 The Original Body of the Ice Region

Chapter 445 The Original Body of the Ice Region

Looking up, the person above him also has white hair and looks to be in his thirties.

Obviously, like Elder Ning, she is not too young.

This person is the domain lord of the Ice Region, who took over from the previous domain lord only 30 years ago, and his name is Rui Mian.

And Rui Mian was two hundred years younger than Elder Ning, so she respected Elder Ning very much.

It can be said that Elder Ning watched Rui Mian grow up.

"Smooth is smooth, but when I came back, I met people from the Nine Evil Palace. They seemed to be doing something to the seal. Does the domain owner know?"

Elder Ning returned to the Ice Region from the outside world, but she didn't take the straight road back, but deliberately took Lu Liu and Lin Qingyan to the border of the Ice Region, which was the seal of the Qingxuan Continent.

Nowadays, many people in the world of cultivating immortals know that there is a seal in the Qingxuan Continent, and they also know that there is a seal in the location of the ice region.

However, where do ordinary monks dare to come to the ice field?

Seeing the disciples of the Hall of Nine Demons at the edge, Elder Ning understood after a brief surprise.

Obviously, the Lord of the Nine Demons Palace wanted to leave the Qingxuan Continent for the Lanchuan Continent, so he sent the people under him to test the situation of the seal.

Rui Mian nodded, "Elder Ning, shortly after you left, the seal loosened slightly. Maybe it was the slight looseness that was sensed by the Lord of the Nine Demons, and he sent the disciples of the Nine Demons over."

"After so many years of changes, the seal has been loosened a lot. The old bastard of the Nine Demon Palace is probably waiting for time, otherwise there will be no movement for so many years. Now that the situation is unknown, we have to take precautions. He This time it's just a test, and next time I'm afraid it will be all out." Elder Ning said.

"What Elder Ning said is true." Rui Mian paused, then looked at Lin Qingyan and Lu Liu, "You two, one is the disciple selected by Elder Ning to enter the Ice Realm, and the other is our Ice Realm who originally went out on a mission. disciple. Once you enter the Ice Realm, you must be cautious in everything you say and do, and practice hard, understand?"

Lu Liu and Lin Qingyan responded at the same time, "Yes, domain master."

"You two go down first, I have something to discuss with Elder Ning alone." Rui Mian waved her hand.

The two left quickly, Rui Mian stood up from above, her body was suspended in mid-air, and floated in front of Elder Ning.

However, her position is slightly lower than Elder Ning's, after all Rui Mian is a bit taller than Elder Ning.

"Elder Ning, the seal of the Qingxuan Continent has begun to loosen, so can we go to the ancestor before, but the ancestor is in retreat, and now ignore the matter of the ice field for the time being, I don't know what Elder Ning wants?" Rui Mian asked.

Even if she is the domain master, she has to ask Elder Ning about many things before making a decision.

For nothing else, Elder Ning is the head of the four elders.

Bingyu doesn't necessarily work if the domain owner speaks. The effective domain owner is the previous ancestor, but everyone still calls her the domain owner.

"The seal is loose, but it is not completely loose. The time is not so fast, unless the people of the Nine Evil Palace use other methods. I know what you think, but you have to think about it. If we let the Nine Evil Palace Even if we return to the Lanchuan Continent, our Ice Crystal Palace will still be unable to avoid the fate of thousands of years ago."

It turned out that Bingyu was not a native strength in Qingxuan Continent, but migrated from Lanchuan Continent.

It sounds like migration, but in fact it was driven away by people.

The ice area of ​​the Lanchuan Continent is called the Ice Crystal Palace, and they couldn't survive there, they were almost destroyed, so they came to the Qingxuan Continent to recuperate.

Coming to the Qingxuan Continent also had a request. The central forces of the Lanchuan Continent requested that the Ice Crystal Palace be renamed, and then set the location of the seal at the location of their sect, also for them to guard the seal.

If the seal is released, all the disciples of Bingyu can return to Lanchuan Continent.

However, the people above will definitely be furious and reprimand them for not being able to do even this little thing well.

"However, it is also our chance for the people from the Hall of Nine Evils to attack the seal. Elder Ning, I know that we are doing well now, and we can be considered a big force in the Qingxuan Continent. No one dares to bully our disciples from the Ice Region. However, It is not a good thing for every disciple to only practice until the Nascent Soul Stage. We do not want to stop at the Nascent Soul Stage. Only by returning to the Lanchuan Continent can we continue to practice behind the Nascent Soul, like the ancestor That way you can become a Sanxian." Rui Mian frowned.

Elder Ning fell into silence, she understood Rui Mian's thoughts, but she also had some considerations.

Rui Mian carefully observed Elder Ning's reaction, and knew that she needed time to think about what kind of attitude Bing Yu should face the actions of the Nine Evil Palace.

"Leave it alone for now and see what they do later." Elder Ning gave an ambiguous answer.

In fact, she didn't know what to do, so she could only take one step at a time.

Rui Mian didn't get the answer she wanted, but she also knew that she couldn't force Elder Ning, otherwise the result might be even worse.

"Okay, let's not move for now."

Lin Luo Yujian returned to Lingyun Pavilion, she went to meet Liu Yi, told him some plans, and then went directly to meet the disciples of Xunxianzong.

The disciples of Xunxianzong lived very well in Lingyun Pavilion, and their cultivation did not fall behind.

Perhaps it was because they had hatred in their hearts, they hated the disciples of the Hall of Nine Demons to the bone, which also drove their thoughts on cultivation.

Now, the disciples of Xunxianzong have improved a lot, and the elder is very pleased.

Now every day, the disciples of Xunxianzong have to practice, and the teachers and elders personally arrive. After all, there are not as many people as before, and both sides can be regarded as easy.

Today is no exception, the Great Elder is also teaching his disciples to practice.

Lin Zimo has always had good eyesight. When he was practicing, he saw Lin Luo at a glance. She was floating in mid-air.

"Luo Luo, you're back."

Hearing Lin Zimo's shout, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up at Lin Luo with envy in their eyes.

Among the remaining disciples of Xunxianzong, almost all of them started before Lin Luo. As a result, all of them are not as talented as Lin Luo, and far from her.

Now Lin Luo is already a disciple of Jingsi Peak in Lingyun Pavilion, and a monk in the Golden Core stage, who can fly with a sword.

And they didn't even have a heartbeat period.

Lin Luo fell down slowly and nodded to Lin Zimo.

"Lin Luo is back." The Great Elder walked out from behind the disciples.

Seeing the Great Elder, Lin Luo remembered the idea of ​​coming to see the Great Elder and the others this time.

"Great Elder, I haven't seen you for a while. I came here today because I want to discuss something with the Great Elder. I don't know what the Great Elder wants?"

(End of this chapter)

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