Chapter 447 is finally out

The time of practice always passed quickly, and Lin Luo woke up from the practice after a year passed before he knew it.

At the Golden Core stage, he can fast, which caused Lin Luo to have no concept of time, but only wanted to practice hard and improve his cultivation.

One year is not too short, but Lin Luo's cultivation has not improved much, and he is still in the early stage of Golden Core stage.

It's not that the neighbors don't want to improve their cultivation, but after reaching the golden core stage, the speed of cultivation is slower than before, not to mention that the phoenix wings are useless in the pagoda.

Lin Luo went from the fifth floor to the seventh floor during retreat, and now her body has become very tough.

As for the cultivation of spiritual power, the fourth natal talisman has already taken shape, and Lin Luo has gained a lot in this year.

It can be said that she took one step at a time and sorted out all the previous cultivation bases.

In this way, the benefits are naturally immeasurable.

"We're about to go back, but it's a pity that the fur ball hasn't woken up yet, so we can only put it in the contract space." Lin Luo looked at the sleeping fur ball and said.

The little tower shook, "Don't worry, it will be fine. When it wakes up, it should be at the golden core stage. As for the black flood dragon, it has also devoted itself to hard work this year, but unfortunately there is no change in its cultivation base. And Mao Compared with the ball, the talent of the black flood dragon is not enough, and the speed of cultivation is much slower."

"You can't say that. The situation of Maoqiu is different from that of the native black flood dragon. Of course, there is no comparison. Let's go out first. I don't know what the situation outside is like now, and I don't know how the Nine Evil Palace is doing. It's just my cultivation. I was so devoted, I originally wanted to retreat for three months, but who knew it would take a year." Lin Luo couldn't help but sigh.

"That's right, I'm also practicing. I don't know what's going on outside. The Buddha Pagoda has cut off my perception of the outside world. I think the Nine Evil Palace must have something to do. We'd better get out as soon as possible." Xiaota also agreed.

Lin Luo quickly walked out of the Buddha Pagoda, and only now did she realize that there seemed to be no disciples of the Xunxianzong around.

If so, did all the disciples of Xunxianzong go back to Lingyun Pavilion?

Just when Lin Luo had just walked to the gate of Xunxianzong, Lin Zimo and Erni ran in from outside the gate.

The moment they saw Lin Luo, both of them were surprised at the same time.

"Luo Luo, you're finally out!" Lin Zimo spoke first.

Lin Luo smiled slightly, "That's right, I'm finally out of customs, why are you here, people from Xunxianzong?"

Since Lin Zimo came here, he should know the situation outside.

"Hey, something is wrong. If it wasn't for the great elders who stopped me before, I would have called you out a long time ago!" Lin Zimo exclaimed.

Er Ni glared at Lin Zimo, and knew that this person was completely lost in his focus.

"Luo Luo, after you retreated, the Hall of Nine Evil Spirits took action against the Hehuan Sect and the Jubao Building. The Jubao Building was a little bit better, and many points were searched by the Hall of the Nine Evil Spirits. When they came back, their main store didn’t have any major problems, and it was still in good condition. You also know the elder brother of the sub-host, who is Senior Tan Yao. But the Hehuan Sect is even more miserable. It was Zou Jie, the former owner of Wanyao Valley At first, even their suzerain was taken away by Zou Jie. Under the protection of her disciples, Senior Sister Miaoyan broke out of the siege and went to Lingyun Pavilion to ask for help. Unfortunately, when the disciples of Lingyun Pavilion arrived, the Hehuan Sect had already lost countless lives. .The current disciples of the Hehuan Sect are similar to those of the Xunxian Sect." Erni said.

"It's more than that. I heard that the Jiusha Temple has integrated many small sects, and now it is going to take action against Lingyun Pavilion and Yujianzong. As for Fulong Temple, it seems that they have not heard of it. Maybe they don't want to fight with those sects. The monk did it. You know, the skills of Fulong Temple can restrain the skills of Jiusha Temple, and those people from Wanyao Valley were sent to deal with Yujianzong, so no one was going to deal with Fulong Temple. But the little monk They received a letter from Lingyun Pavilion, and they should also go to Yujianzong to help, don't worry." Lin Zimo took the words.

Erni continued, "I just came out from home. I planned to go back to Yujianzong, but I happened to meet Zimo, so I came to you with him."

After hearing this, Lin Luo couldn't help frowning.

Unexpectedly, in a year, the outside world has changed so much.

Although she may not be able to do anything, she still wants to advance and retreat with everyone.

"Then let's go back to Lingyun Pavilion first." Lin Luo paused and frowned again, "I don't know how the family is, where are my parents and the others?"

Lin Zimo raised his hand, "Luo Luo, I know this. Uncle Zhanhong came to Lingyun Pavilion to look for you before, and he told me when you were not there. He told you not to worry about him and aunt. They have gone home. The Hall of Nine Demons will not go to the village to fight. In addition, the family background is strong, but the qualifications of the children are not as good as those of several big sects, so the Hall of Nine Evils will not attack them. After all, the sect must be dealt with first. Therefore , you don't have to worry about the aristocratic family, the Tang family and the Lin family will be fine."

After listening to this, Lin Luo has completely calmed down, and now he just goes back to Lingyun Pavilion.

"Erni, you go back to Lingyun Pavilion with us. Now that the little monks have gone to Yujianzong, there shouldn't be any problem. Let's take the disciples of Lingyun Pavilion and set off together, preferably after the people from Jiusha Palace leave , move all the disciples of Yujianzong to Lingyun Pavilion, and keep them safe for the time being." Lin Luo frowned.

According to Lin Luo's status as a first-generation disciple and Liu Yi's affirmation of her, no one objected to her decision.

What's more, the current division of sects should not be so strict, and it is more important to be consistent with the outside world.

"Okay, Luoluo, I'll follow you." Erni nodded.

Maybe it's because she lived in Xiao's house for a while, and the second head of the Xiao family and the second wife are also very kind to Erni, now Erni looks much more confident than before.

And I heard before that Erni's grandfather is also Liuzhi, it seems that Erni's heart knot has been completely opened.

Not being abandoned by her parents, Six Fingers is also owned by the elders in the family, so she is indeed much relieved.

Lin Luoyujianfei took Lin Zimo and Er Ni to Lingyun Pavilion quickly, and at this time the disciples of Lingyun Pavilion gathered in the square under Shen Bingxin.

Over the course of this year, the Nine Evil Palace's actions have become more and more serious, completely ignoring people from various sects, and it has also made the disciples of all major sects feel a fire in their hearts.

Not only are they restricted from going out of the sect, even if they are able to go out, they have to go out in groups of three or five, and they are not free at all.

Now, you can go directly to the Hall of Nine Evils, gearing up one by one to fight against the Hall of Nine Evils.

At worst, you will die, and you will be a fart shrinking turtle!
(End of this chapter)

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