Chapter 450 What a Lin Luo

Fortunately, Lin Luo is already a monk at the Golden Core stage, and the power of her Nine Swords of the God of Fighting is much higher than before, and it is a bit difficult for Zou Jie to fight against.

Not to mention, Zou Jie focused on monsters.

Looking at the monster beside him, Zou Jie's face became even uglier when he was crushed and beaten by a monster that looked like an alpaca.

"Damn girl, today I will settle the old and new grudges with you!" Zou Jie was furious.

Lin Luo looked at Zou Jie indifferently, "Forget it, what's the big deal, I don't expect to have any friendship with you."

After speaking, Lin Luo stabbed with the white feather sword.

The Battle God's Nine Swords had been charged, and she began to superimpose the fourth sword.

Even though Zou Jie is a Nascent Soul cultivator, he was also very good at Xunxianzong before, and he was able to hold back Si Jing.

But I don't know if his cultivation base is low now, or Lin Luo's cultivation base is a little too high, anyway, in the battle with Lin Luo at this moment, Zou Jie is at a disadvantage.

Zou Jie said harsh words on his face, but in fact he was suffering beyond words.

The previous matter was not done well, and it was the monk who unintentionally provoked the Fulong Temple, which caused a lot of damage to the disciples of the Nine Demons Palace, and was punished by the master of the Nine Demons Palace, which caused him to suffer serious internal injuries.

Now that his spiritual power was running, his whole body was in pain, and he could only endure it.

From Zou Jie's point of view, he didn't think that a mere Golden Core stage monk could kill him. He was also a Nascent Soul stage cultivator, and even if he was injured, the other party couldn't kill him.

But seeing that Lin Luo put away all the spiritual energy in her body, even the white feather sword glowed with blue light.

She used her mental power to use the Nine Swords of the God of Fighting again. The Nine Swords of the God of Fighting with spiritual power was only a little weaker than her spiritual power, but this time Zou Jie was not so easy to avoid.

It's just because the attack of mental power is much more troublesome than the attack of spiritual power, and if it is contaminated, it will hurt the body.

As we all know, once the spiritual power of the talisman master penetrates into the opponent's body, it will destroy the opponent's spiritual power, and the opponent must spend spiritual power to fight.

Zou Jie, who was already a little powerless, now Lin Luo's mental attack is so overbearing and unreasonable, he is simply overwhelmed.

I didn't pay attention for a little bit, but was penetrated by Lin Luo's mental power.


In just a few breaths, Zou Jie spit out a mouthful of blood.

Lin Luo, on the other hand, didn't even change her complexion. At most, she just used some more spiritual power, and she could just swallow a elixir.

The attack of mental power is far stronger than Zou Jie thought. It's not that he didn't know the power of mental power attack, but he didn't expect Lin Luo to be so powerful.

You know, Lin Luo is only a three-seal talisman teacher, and she didn't expect that she could do this.

Lin Luo didn't give Zou Jie time to catch his breath, and directly stabbed with his sword again. This time, he used the Falling Flower Sword Art, allowing his mental power to fall on Zou Jie more widely.

Zou Jie could no longer dodge, and he was even more angry.

"What a Lin Luo!"

Originally, Zou Jie wanted his monster to help, but he happened to see the fur ball paw on the monster's body. The monster was already covered in blood, and it was lying on the ground breathing in more and breathing less.

When he turned around, Zou Jie felt a chill in his heart, only to realize that Lin Luo's sword had pierced his heart.

Lin Luo withdrew the Baiyu sword, shook the blood from Baiyu's sword wound, turned and left, and continued to kill the disciples of the Jiusha Hall.

She wasn't worried that the Nascent Soul in Zou Jie's body would escape, nor was she worried that he would fight desperately.

When the mental power entered Zou Jie's body, Lin Luo already knew that he was injured. Her mental power was constantly attacking Zou Jie's mental power, and Zou Jie was already too busy to take care of himself.

It is almost impossible to want to survive now.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo had to thank the person who hurt Zou Jie, otherwise she might not be the opponent's opponent.

Zou Jie behind Lin Luo could only close his eyes unwillingly, and fell down softly.

Chen Xin's opponent was almost at the end, and he killed his opponent without a doubt, even if that person was an elder of the Nine Evil Palace.

"Little monk, it's not bad. Your cultivation level has improved a lot. Now people in the early stage of Nascent Soul are no match for you." Lin Luo looked envious.

"You and your elder brother's cultivation base has also improved a lot. This is the result of being suppressed in the Golden Core Stage for many years, but you have cultivated slowly." Chen Xin replied.

According to Chen Xin, it seems to be correct.

The battle between Yujianzong and Jiusha Temple is still going on, but with the participation of Lingyun Pavilion and Fulong Temple, the result is naturally a victory.

The people from the Hall of Nine Demons fled, not even paying attention to Zou Jie's body.

The next step is to clean up. The entire Yujianzong seems to be washed with blood. There are the corpses of their disciples, and there are also the corpses of the disciples of the Jiusha Hall.

The corpses of Yujianzong's disciples need to be buried, and those from the Jiusha Temple should be thrown into the mass grave at random, so as not to dirty Yujianzong's place.

Most of the people were seriously injured, and Yang Jiuchao, the suzerain of Yujianzong, was also injured.

However, he still suppressed his injuries and walked in front of Chen Xin and Lin Luo.

"Thanks to Lingyun Pavilion and Fulong Temple for helping us through this disaster. If there is any need for Yujianzong in the future, please feel free to ask, our Yujianzong must be obliged." Yang Jiuchao said.

"Amitabha, the suzerain is being polite. Now that the three sects are one, the tragedy of the Acacia sect cannot happen again." Chen Xin clasped his hands together.

Probably thinking of the fate of the Hehuan Sect, the atmosphere was a little stiff.

At this moment, Shen Bingxin had already talked to Lin Wenxuan and came over. Upon hearing this, a trace of pain flashed in her eyes, but she quickly restrained herself.

"Sect Master Yang, when we come to Lingyun Pavilion this time, we still have something to discuss with your lord. I don't know if your lord is willing to agree." Shen Bingxin clasped her fists.

Yang Jiuchao also recognized Shen Bingxin, "Nephew Shen, just say so."

"It's like this. Now the Nine Evil Palace is getting more and more active. My junior sister and I discussed it on the way here. Can we ask the disciples of Yujianzong to move to Lingyun Pavilion temporarily. It's not Lingyun Pavilion. The meaning of Tun Yu Jianzong is that we are afraid that the Hall of Nine Shalls will make a comeback. After we leave with the monks of Fulong Temple, we will attack the noble sect again. In addition, we will also invite the monks of Fulong Temple to come to Yujianzong. After solving the matter of the Nine Evil Palace, it's better to go back again." Shen Bingxin spoke bluntly.

Hearing this, Yang Jiuchao fell into a brief silence.

After a while, he raised his head and looked at the disciples around him. Those who were seriously injured still needed support.

For a while, Yang Jiuchao felt very uncomfortable.

In fact, he knew very well that Shen Bingxin's suggestion was the best, and it would be good for the disciples, as they would be safer, and they would be able to take care of each other in the same place as Lingyun Pavilion and Fulong Temple.

However, Yu Jianzong was taken over by him from the previous suzerain, and he is also very uncomfortable now that it has become like this.

"Let me think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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