Chapter 462
When hearing this, a thought quickly flashed through Lin Luo's mind.

Chen Xin said that he was reincarnated and recultivated, that's why he was born in the Golden Core Realm. That's because his cultivation came here from the Canglan Continent and was compressed in the Nascent Soul.

But because of the strength of the soul, even if he was seriously injured, he was born in the golden core state, which is enviable, and the monks of Fulong Temple could not find the reason.

"Then, why can Xuanyue practice here?" Lin Luo was a little puzzled.

It stands to reason that Xuan Yue's cultivation base is higher than Chen Xin's, but it is not a few levels higher, but why can he stay here all the time?
Chen Xin smiled, "The method he used is similar to the method I used, except that his method is at the cost of human life. You can see that what he did is not good by looking at the black aura emanating from his body just now. Xuanyue established the Hall of Nine Evils for his cultivation, so as to ensure that he can be in the top state. Xuanyue also had his handwriting in the previous Xunxianzong, but later the suzerain of the previous generation of Xunxianzong was unwilling to hand over those The talented disciples caused Xuanyue to arrange for the Jiusha Hall to destroy the sect."

"There are still many small sects, including Biyunxuan, who also has the shadow of Xuanyue. I also fought against him secretly many times, but unfortunately it was not his last. In the end, it was because my cultivation had reached the upper limit and my soul was damaged. , I can only reincarnate and recultivate. But I am returning to myself now, and the gap between my cultivation base and Xuan Yue's clone is not that big. He left in a hurry because he was worried that I would destroy his clone, after all, his clone has half his own strength."

Lin Luo was dumbfounded, once again realizing that her world was too narrow.

After a long time, what Xuanyue appeared turned out to be just a clone.

Even if this avatar only has half the power, but it should not be underestimated, she has no power to fight back.

"Now, what should we do?" Lin Luo asked.

"Okay, then let's go back first." Lin Luo nodded in response, paused again, and then continued, "Chen Xin, the formation of annihilation and nothingness should be a very large formation, and the things needed are also very large. It must be a lot, but can he really succeed?"

He didn't say anything else, because he didn't want Lin Luo and Master Chang Hui to worry.

Chen Xin thought for a moment, then nodded, he felt that it was similar to Lin Luo's guess.

"Master, why did this happen suddenly? What happened?"

After Chu Yan read this sentence, the black words disappeared completely.

He also really loves Chu Yan as an apprentice.

It turned out that Xuan Yue hadn't left too far.

Is it possible that she was originally from the Qingxuan Continent, or the original owner?

The three of them stopped talking, rose into the air, and flew towards Lingyun Pavilion instead.

In fact, the current situation is really very bad.

"No, that's not the case. I didn't feel his killing intent towards me. He probably didn't want to kill me. If he really wanted to do this, he wouldn't wait until now to do it. He should have put me in prison long ago. Then quickly. I don't know if he wants to hold me hostage, and finally use me and that annihilating nothingness formation to break the restriction." Lin Luo replied.

At this moment, Lin Luo felt that she was chosen by the heavens, and it seemed that it was no accident that she traveled to the Qingxuan Continent.

Upon hearing Lin Luo's question, Master Chang Hui also set his sights on Chen Xin.

If Xuan Yue really planned to kill Lin Luo directly, he and the master would be too late.

It's a pity that they are destined to stand on opposite sides, and there is no need to see the last side of Zixiaozong.

It's a pity that she has no way of researching it now, and she doesn't plan to investigate further, after all, she already regards Tang Yuan and the others as her family.

I don't know if Lin Luo can reach the Nascent Soul stage in a short time.

There, is his home, is his destination.

There is no need for Chen Xin to say, Lin Luo knows that now is not a good time, and her cultivation level is indeed still far behind.

At the same time, a black ray flew towards Zixiaozong and landed on Chu Yan's table, forming a sentence composed of black ray.

Chu Yan immediately stood up, turned around and ran out of the house.

"Everyone wants to open the restriction of the Qingxuan Continent, but it must not be done in the way of Xuanyue, otherwise it will be a waste of life. There is a [-]% certainty that the Nirvana Void Formation will succeed, but if you are the one who makes the move, in your When your cultivation reaches the top of the Qingxuan Continent, you can be [-]% sure, but the time has not yet come." Chen Xin said bluntly.

Chu Yan was still in a daze just now, but after seeing these words, his whole body felt a little bad.

Chen Xin couldn't help but sighed slightly, "During the thousands of years I maintained the Qingxuan Continent, my body couldn't bear it, and I didn't even go to the place where the prohibition was arranged. But I know that what Xuanyue arranged is extinction, nothingness and lifelessness. Formation, he wants to use this formation to forcibly break the prohibition of Qingxuan Continent. If he fails, he can only pin his hopes on Lin Luo and Maoqiu. However, according to his previous practice, he is very concerned about this formation You have a plan in mind, otherwise you wouldn't be thinking about killing Lin Luo."

However, as soon as he ran to the door, Chu Yan stopped, with a dazed look on his face.

Not long after the three of them left, a white figure fell down again, which seemed to be Xuan Yue.

Mo Li couldn't wait, and he couldn't wait, so he was tired after so many years in Qingxuan Continent, and he wanted to return to Lanchuan Continent urgently.

Xuan Yue glanced at the direction of Zixiaozong, there was a trace of struggle in her eyes, and finally she suppressed her emotions and disappeared in place.

"Yan Yan, don't think that you can stop me by telling them these things. Even if Lin Luo is not needed, I will make preparations in the shortest possible time to break the prohibition of the Qingxuan Continent!"

"You and I, master and apprentice, from now on we will cut off all kindness and friendship, and we will be enemies when we meet again. I hope you will cherish it."

Master Chang Hui listened carefully, and he was already mentally prepared that his apprentice was not an ordinary person, and now he could accept it, and he wasn't that sad.

Hearing this, Lin Luo thought carefully about Xuan Yue's performance before.

"Go back to Lingyun Pavilion first. You have made a certain breakthrough in the cultivation of Zixiao Yushenjue. Let's inform the people in the sect about this as soon as possible. You don't need to say my identity. I am still Chenxin. Now that we have already startled the snake, Xuanyue will fuse with the two bodies of the Lord of the Nine Demons in a short time, and his strength will become even stronger." Chen Xin frowned slightly.

It is impossible for Chu Yan to understand Xuanyue's biography, and no one can imitate Xuanyue to do so, after all, the cultivation base is here.

It's just that part of the soul is missing?

That's right, Xuanyue always took the initiative to send letters, and Chu Yan was only in charge of reading them, but he never expected that Xuanyue would send out such a letter this time.

Chu Yan froze in place, not knowing how to react.

After a long time, he gritted his teeth and planned to go to the National Teacher's Mansion to inquire about the situation.

I don't want to, after all, I still couldn't leave Zixiaozong, so I was stopped by Chu Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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