A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 465 Going to the Ice Region

Chapter 465 Going to the Ice Region
In the Hall of Nine Demons, the Lord of the Palace of Nine Demons, who had never shown his true face, turned around for the first time, revealing Xuanyue's face.

At this time, there was only Guimian in the main hall of Jiusha Temple, and the master of Jiusha Temple didn't seem to care about showing his face.

At first, Ghost Mian was shocked, after all, he had seen Xuanyue Guoshi from a distance.

He still remembers the first glimpse, Xuanyue Guoshi's figure like a banished fairy, which could not dissipate in his mind for a long time.

Unexpectedly, Master Xuanyue and their Hall Master of the Nine Demons would be alone.

"Hallmaster, is it time to do something now?"

Ghost Mian suppressed the emotions in his heart, and still asked conscientiously.

Xuan Yue, the master of the Nine Demon Palace, smiled slightly.

"Now that my identity has probably spread throughout the world of cultivating immortals, it is time to act. The sects of the royal family are all firmly controlled by this seat. No one can replace me. At that time, those people will be together Bring it. This time, I went to the Wuji Hall, controlled all the medicines in the Wuji Palace, distributed them to all the disciples, and then started to act in four groups. This seat already has a hunch that within a month, the seal will be at its weakest .”

As long as the seal is weakened, it is the best time to use the Annihilating Void Formation Formation.

Elder Ning was a little stunned. Lin Luo came and brought a young monk. What does this mean?
"You mean, Lin Luo came to Bingyu to ask for a meeting?"

"How about we cooperate with other sects?" Rui Mian whispered.

When Rui Mian heard this, she also felt that it made sense.

Chen Xin clasped his hands together, "Amitabha, Chen Xin has seen two benefactors."

Elder Ning's expression moved slightly, "That's okay, but I have to go out now, otherwise it's not easy to communicate with the outside world. There is no transmission jade in the Qingxuan Continent, and the spiritual power cannot reach those sects, so we still have to pass the book. But If it is intercepted by the people from the Hall of Nine Evil Spirits, it will be a shock to the snake."

"In a short time, I will be able to send your soul back to the Lanchuan Continent for resurrection. You will never remember Yan Qingxuan again, and you will always only remember me. We will live happily together, and no one else will disturb you ,are you happy?"

Rui Mian opened the door, walked in quickly, and immediately told Elder Ning the news he had received.

"Elder Ning, news just came that Master Xuanyue and the Lord of the Nine Demons Hall are the same person. Both avatars have very high levels of cultivation. If they are fused together, the entire Qingxuan Continent may be in danger."

Almost at this moment, Lin Luo thought of the reason.

But if she doesn't help, Xuan Yue will attack the monks and arrange a huge formation, which will still make the ice land fall.

When she saw the green willow, Lin Luo thought she was mistaken, but she didn't expect that it was the Lin family in Qingzhou, the green willow who followed Bai Qiong and later came to Lin Wenzhe.

It was really embarrassing, and Rui Mian was also worried.

Elder Ning looked at Rui Mian and showed a meaningful smile.

"Lin Luo met two seniors."

It wasn't that the two of them were flying slowly, but that they didn't fly at all in the ice region, and chose to ride the monster brought by the green willow.

No, it's a good thing that someone brings a pillow to you when you're dozing off right now!

Unfortunately, Piccolo couldn't answer him at all.

If the entire Qingxuan Continent falls, it is impossible for the Ice Region to be alone, after all, the Ice Region is where the seal is located.

Elder Ning also tidied up, and went to the main hall with Rui Mian, she was also going to see Lin Luo.

"Then what should we do now? Elder Ning, I heard that the disciples of the Hall of Nine Demons have also made a big move. They have gathered a lot of people, and I don't know which sect they will attack." Rui Mian said with an ugly expression.

Lu Liu nodded, "Yes, Lin Luo is indeed here."

"I have met the domain master and Elder Ning."

About half an hour later, Lin Luo and Chen Xin rushed to the Bingyu Palace.

In the past, it could be said that Bing Yu's strength was still very strong, but now he dare not say that, the Nine Shades Palace is the most powerful force.

It's a pity that there is no heavenly restriction in Qingxuan Continent, otherwise Xuanyue's behavior would be impossible.

"Knock Knock Knock!"

Elder Ning's voice sounded, "Come in."

"Yes, this subordinate will do it right away." The ghost said.

Elder Ning's face also sank, "It turned out to be like this. The strange thing is that the ancestor didn't even notice it at the beginning. It seems that Xuanyue is not simple. It is very likely that, like us, they all come from the Lanchuan Continent, otherwise he It is impossible to cultivate to this extent in Qingxuan Continent."

If you go to help other sects, then the interior of the ice region will inevitably be short-lived, and there will be no chance at all when the Nine Evil Palace comes to attack.

"Bring the two of them in quickly." Rui Mian ordered Luliu.

When they arrived at the main hall, Lin Luo saluted Rui Mian, who was at the head, and Elder Ning, who was sitting beside him.

"What's the matter?" Rui Mian asked.

At this moment, Lu Liu walked in from the door.

Therefore, Green Willow should be Bing Yu's eyeliner.

Elder Ning fell silent, and she was also conflicted.

I don't know how the girl's cultivation is now.

If a force like Bingyu wants to know the news from the outside world, it will naturally have to plant its own eyeliner everywhere to know.

However, Chen Xin didn't seem to intend to reveal his identity, so he followed Lin Luo to salute.

In Bingyu, Rui Mian knocked on Elder Ning's door with an ugly expression.

"Look, although we can't contact the outside world in time, haven't people from the outside world come? As for the little monk, let him come in. It proves that he has some ability to pass through the barrier of cold poison. Now the ice field is in trouble. , and don’t care about the rules that men are not allowed to enter, rules are dead, people are alive, you have to pay attention to flexibility. What’s more, a little monk is nothing more than a little trouble here.”

After a long time, Xuan Yue's figure disappeared in place.

Xuan Yue waved her hand to let the ghost face leave, and it took a long time to take out the piccolo from her sleeve and stroke it.

According to Chen Xin's identity, Rui Mian and Elder Ning should actually come to salute him, after all, he was from Yan Qingxuan's time.

"Yes, domain master." Lu Liufu stepped down.

Luliu's expression was rather complicated, "I would like to report to the domain master, the disciple Lin Luo that Elder Ning met in the outside world before, is now asking to meet at the border of the ice domain. She did not come alone, but also brought an ambush A young monk from Dragon Temple."

"You're welcome, what do you mean by coming here today? The ice field has never been easy for outsiders to set foot on, especially men. You are quite courageous." Rui Mian stared at Chen Xin with a half-smile.

The two were asking questions, but she was very curious about Chen Xin.

Lin Luo smiled slightly, "Senior was joking, but I really had to come because I had to come, so I came here rashly. I hope senior will not be offended."

It is said that people in Bingyu have a bad temper, so it is always right to be careful.

(End of this chapter)

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