Chapter 24
The two turned the field over again with a wooden shovel.Yao Xiaoqing found that stepping on the wooden shovel and pressing down hard, the wooden shovel sank in, and the soil turned out was black and oily. Those who have planted the land know that such soil is full of fertility.

After the land was turned over, Yao Xiaoqing took Shan'am and divided the land into three compartments, one piece of land into three compartments.The millet seeds were scattered all over the room, and then covered with a thin layer of soil.

I dug the ground with my hands and planted most of the beans, pumpkin seeds, and chili seeds that I picked out.Yao Xiaoqing was secretly worried about whether these pumpkin seeds and chili seeds could grow in another time and space.

Shovel the soil and raise the ridges to plant the taro, and half a basket of taro is planted in three ridges.I dug a hole and planted four yams on the edge of the ground, and built a few shelves for the yams to climb.

The two of them planted the thick branches cut by Shuibo around the ground, wrapped vines around them to form a fence, and finally made a fence gate with vines and branches.

He picked up the bucket and poured water again.After being busy for a long time, I finally planted it, and my stomach was growling with hunger.

Yao Xiaoqing looked at the fence wall and thought: This kind of fence wall can only resist some small animals, and it has no effect at all on large wild animals like wild boars.

Shan Amu thought that he had also planted corn and beans a few times, and only today did he know that there are so many specialties in farming.

Looking at Yao Xiaoqing, he said with a smile: "Xiaoqing, when farming in the tribe, everyone just sprinkles the seeds in the soil and ignores them. If you plant like this, can you harvest a lot of millet and beans?"

Yao Xiaoqing nodded, "Yes, the harvest of grain grown in this way will be good, and we will have to weed and fertilize in a few days."

When it came to fertilizing, Yao Xiaoqing thought that after Yaohu and the others finished cutting down the trees, it was time to dig two latrines.

Feeling his hungry stomach, he said to Shan Amu: "Shan Amu, let's dig some wild vegetables and go back to fry wild vegetable omelets."

Shan'am laughed and said, "There are wild vegetables in the cave!"

The two talked to the people who felled the tree, and walked back with a wooden shovel.

Yao Xiaoqing suddenly saw a golden shadow and shouted excitedly, "Golden Retriever, Golden Retriever, sister is here."

Hearing her cry, the golden retriever turned around and ran over, hopping, screaming "Zhizhi" and threw himself on her.

Yao Xiaoqing hugged it quickly, her face was filled with the joy of finding it again, knowing that it would not answer, she asked repeatedly: "Where did you go, golden retriever? Did you go home? Who else is there in your family?" what?"

The golden retriever scratched his ears and looked at Yao Xiaoqing, and smiled happily with his mouth open.

Yao Xiaoqing hugged the golden retriever and said with a smile: "Go, go back and my sister will make duck egg pancakes for you."

Shan Amu was also happy that the golden retriever came back, and said, "It's good that the golden retriever is back! With it here, we won't be afraid of worms."

The two of them returned to the cave together, and Yun Amu and Hua were still roasting the jerky.Hua took Yao Xiaoqing to look at the earthen pots she had made, and saw four large pots and several half-sized pots being fired in the fire pit.

Yao Xiaoqing raised his thumb with a smile, "Flowers, you can do it, so many cans will be made so soon."

Hua looked at her with a smile, and felt that she liked her more and more. Although she was so much younger than herself, it made her feel at ease.

When Yaya saw the golden retriever came back, she happily showed the clay doll she made to the golden retriever. The golden retriever also learned from Yaya to play with the mud and smeared the mud everywhere.

Yao Xiaoqing saw that the lard in the jar was already cold and the oil hadn't completely solidified, so she carefully carried the lard jar to a corner and put it away.

Opening the jar of roasted fat intestines, a smell of meat came out.

"It smells so good," Shan Amu sniffed, pointing to the fat sausage in the jar, "Xiaoqing, is this the food cooked with the sausage?"

Yao Xiaoqing nodded with a smile, "Yes, I stewed it in the jar this morning."

"I want to eat it when I smell it. Let's cook what I washed today."

"When the seasoning is used up, it won't be so delicious if you make it again."

"That's better than the food we ate in the tribe." Shan'am smiled and turned on the fire in the stove, and the two began to fry wild vegetable cakes with duck eggs.

After frying a wooden pan full of pancakes, Shan Amu went to call Yaohu and the others back. When he came back, he dragged back a few bundles of rattan and tough vines.

Yao Xiaoqing found that the golden retriever doesn't like meat, but likes to eat duck egg pancakes. After eating a pancake, he ran outside the cave and climbed a tree to sleep.

Fatty sausage is really attractive, a big pot of fat sausage and pork belly, everyone eats it with pancakes.

After the men had finished eating, they took Guy Shi down the mountain to cut trees, and Yun and Shan took Yaya to find wild vegetables.

Yao Xiaoqing stayed on the mountain to boil water to wash his hair, and found lice in the basin.Yao Xiaoqing, who was suffering from the cold, changed seven or eight basins of water, only to find no trace of lice.

With her hair loose, she searched her mind for a herbal medicine to kill lice, and after thinking for a long time, she realized that Baibu is the medicine to kill lice.

He picked up the stone knife and took the golden hair down the mountain. It didn't take long before he found Baibu among the vines at the foot of the mountain. He dug up a few Baibu plants with the stone knife, cut a bunch of wormwood and tied it with vines to carry it back to the mountain.

Tie the wormwood into a small bundle to dry.I took a part of Baibu, washed it, boiled a pot of water, buried my head in the potion and soaked it for a few minutes, then wrapped it in a towel and stuffed it for a while, and then washed it again before I felt relieved.

When she packed up and went down the mountain, she saw that the woods in front of the cave had been cut down, and the large and small logs had been piled up into hills.

Walking to the north, I found that the water flowing down from the ravine has collected in the low-lying places for many years, forming several large ponds, and the water in the ponds overflowed to the outside and washed out a small ditch.

The water in the pond is very clear, and it is full of aquatic plants. Standing by the pond, you can see fish swimming in the water.Yao Xiaoqing thought of letting you off for the time being, and waited for her sister to find ginger, green onion, and garlic and come back to see what you tasted like.

Looking at the mountains to the east, and the cleared land and several ponds at the foot of the mountains, Yao Xiaoqing is really satisfied with the environment here.

The three of Mufeng captured a stag and two badger pigs in the mountains, and also caught a bunch of rabbits. The three happily carried the prey out of the valley and walked back.Walking halfway, Mu Feng sensed someone behind him, turned his head suddenly, and saw two figures dodging behind a big tree quickly.

Mu Feng whispered to the pig who was walking in front: "Shi, someone is following us."

"How many are there? Where are they?" She asked in a low voice.

"I don't know how many, I only see two figures."

Xiong Niu whispered to the two, "Let's hurry up and hide on the hillside ahead to see who it is?"

The three of them quickened their pace and walked quickly to the hillside ahead, hiding in the bushes.

I saw the tall men with a stone spear, with a tall man with red wood charm totems on the arms and chests. They chased behind the hillside and looked around.The two found a circle and did not find Mu Feng's trace before they took the stone spear.

The three of them hid in the bushes and waited for a while before getting out and walking back quickly.

By the time they went down the mountain to go home, it was already dark, and the three of them saw Yun Amu and Yao Xiaoqing standing on the platform and looking towards the back mountain.

Mu Feng ran to Yao Xiaoqing with a bunch of hares and two squirrels, followed by a bull and a pig carrying their prey.

(End of this chapter)

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