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Chapter 1004 Social Activities

Chapter 1004 Social Activities
At eleven twenty at night, the train departs.

Qin Guoan came back for treatment, and most of his body recovered. Captain Li seemed to be facing an enemy, his eyes were like searchlights, and no living thing 500 meters away could escape his radar scan.

Fang Yong and his wife came to send Su Jian a pack of hot scones, and Jin Meiling hugged her hard.

"A Li, take good care of little Jane. She is a girl. There is a lot of wind and sand over there, and the temperature difference between day and night is also big. Don't freeze her."

"Auntie, you have said this ten times!"

"Are there so many?" Jin Meiling asked in surprise.

Su Jian nodded, "Ten times, brother is right."

Jin Meiling pursed her lips, "You boy, you have to listen even if I tell you a hundred times."

"Okay, okay. Otherwise, you won't let the child come to the door, or you will keep nagging. Both of them are big children, so they can't take care of themselves?"

Fang Yong was worried that Su Jian would get into trouble, and if her secrets were discovered, it might cause some trouble.

Fortunately, this child knows how to measure, is not arrogant and complacent, and is low-key and restrained.

"Teacher Fang, Mrs. Mistress, you go back, we will take care of ourselves."

The two got on the train. This train was a special train. When she saw a group of young girls boarding the train, Su Jian was shocked. Why did she feel like an ancient emperor was traveling?
"The sorority meeting was originally scheduled half a month ago. I was afraid of accidents. This time I will go with us."

"Brother, is it really a man's world over there?"

"It's not absolute. There are still women, but most of them are famous women."

The young women were all very nervous. They all saw the friendship advertisements published in the newspapers, and only got on this train after going through multiple examinations and screenings.

No one dared to whisper to each other, they all sat quietly in the carriage, waiting for the train to start, when suddenly the carriage door opened, and they all looked up.

Su Jian nodded to them. Qin Guoan suddenly wanted to get the documents in another carriage. Su Jian helped him pack the things, so she had to go through the carriage to get them.

Zhong Li walked behind her.

It may be a conditioned reflex. In an unfamiliar environment, she is used to using supernatural powers to check the safety of her surroundings.

The girls looked at the two of them in amazement, their supernatural abilities spread out a little bit, one of the girls, who was not a few years older than her, had abnormal flushing on her face, but there was nothing wrong with her body, maybe she was too excited Well, Su Jian thought so.

Get things in the next carriage, and the ability has spread to 500 meters around the railway.

I don't know if it's because she hasn't had enough sleep recently. In order not to miss her studies, she shortened her rest time to two hours. Occasionally, she would feel dizzy when using supernatural powers.

In the middle of the night, it was very cold in the carriage. The girls were all in the hard-seat carriage, and each was given a blanket and a hot water bottle. They snuggled up to each other to keep warm, when suddenly someone coughed violently.

"What's wrong? Is it hard?"

The girl next to her gave her her blanket to wrap it in, got up and poured a cup of hot water for her.

"Thank you, thank you!"

"Did you catch a cold? Why is your face so red?"

"No, no, I just, just, that's how it is at night." The girl hurriedly explained.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled tacitly. Everyone gave a lot to be able to sit here, and no one wanted anything to go wrong at this time.

Sororities don’t happen very often, especially this time, the object of the fraternity is a hero admired by many young women. If you can tie the knot with one of them, your future will be bright. Not only will you be happy, but your family will also be honored .

(End of this chapter)

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