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Chapter 1041

Chapter 1041


Yin Lihua curled her lips, the boss of the bullshit company?Just like him, I don't know how many little girls have been cheated.

He and Su Jian are friends, so he can't tell the truth, will his stupid son be kept in the dark?
Hehe, when she goes to the capital to ask Su Jian, date her son, and be friends with other men, if she thinks about spoiling their Zhong family's family style, then wait to fight her.

Yu Zhen took Su Mingcheng after dinner, and then went around the company again.

I only saw the appearance of my daughter's company in the TV commercials, but it was another feeling to go in and visit it in person. Su Mingcheng burst into tears with excitement.

After he left, Wan Xiaohong asked Tian Mi curiously, "Is that uncle the boss Xiaojian's father?"


She looked at Tian Mi, and suddenly asked, "Designer Tian, ​​how are you and Mr. Yu? If it's over, tell us, there are quite a lot of girls out there waiting to fall in love with Mr. Yu."

Tian Mi blushed, and pushed Wan Xiaohong out, "I still have to work, so don't bother me."

"Be clear, I hate it when you're on two boats like this. I'll give you a letter of approval if you can do it."


Leaning her back against the door, Tian Mi sighed, she might have nothing to do with the aftershocks!

The woman who committed suicide by jumping into the river left Yu Zhen a letter, which was full of her helplessness and failure in life. At the end of the letter, she wanted to ask Yu Zhen to help her send her three-year-old daughter to the orphanage.

Yu Zhen went to the hotel to find the child, he was very beautiful, and he didn't cry when he saw him, and even reached out for him to hug.

Yu Zhen was reluctant to send her to the orphanage, he and Yu Wei grew up dependent on each other, and received a lot of cold looks, knowing how pitiful a motherless child is.

After discussing with Yu Wei, they decided to adopt the little girl.

The conflict between the two started because of this. She didn't understand why Yu Zhen wanted to raise a child who had no blood relationship with him, not to mention that it was rumored throughout the city that women committed suicide by jumping into the river because they couldn't get Yu Zhen's love.

Originally, when the two were dating, their parents strongly opposed it. Yu Zhen graduated from junior high school and stayed in a sports school for a year.

If she married in the past, she would be a sister-in-law in the future, and she would have to do too many things. Her parents were worried that she would suffer too much.

It cannot be said that Tian Mi does not love Aftershock enough, love is not blind, and love will not disappear, but it will transfer.

Whether it is rational or blind, once there is a gap, it is really difficult to go back to the old you and me.

After sending Su Mingcheng to the station, there were still 10 minutes before the departure, Yu Zhen was standing next to him, and the two were talking.

"You know Huaiyuan too?" Su Mingcheng was taken aback.

"Wu Huaiyuan, I know you. We lived together for a while before." Yu Zhen smiled self-deprecatingly.

I don't know which muscle is wrong, Su Mingcheng asked mysteriously, "Huaiyuan hasn't found a partner until now, is there something wrong with him?"

Yu Zhen was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "I don't know about that, maybe I should focus on my studies first."

In the countryside, at Wu Huaiyuan's age, children can already make soy sauce.

Su Mingcheng looked at Aftershock up and down, "How old are you this year?"


"How old is the child?"

"I'm not married."

Su Mingcheng's expression became weird in an instant, and he held back for a long time and said, "What's going on? Are you all looking for someone?"

His elder brother-in-law has always been a "difficult household to marry a wife" because of his health and family poverty. Why is it that it is not easy to find a wife in Aftershock?

"Girls nowadays have too high requirements for getting married. They have to buy a house, and they have to buy this or that. The betrothal gifts are very high..."

Aftershock looked at him in surprise.

Su Mingcheng continued, "I think these are all right!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Yin Lihua behind him, "What do you think? Mother in law!"

His in-laws and mother had a look of eating shit.

(End of this chapter)

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