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Chapter 11 Lesson Exams

Chapter 11 Lesson Exams
Liu Fang understood, but let the child face the domineering old couple alone, and she felt uneasy when she returned to her natal home.

"Mom, just listen to me. My uncle has done a lot for our family. I remember that tomorrow is his birthday. If it weren't for the class, Xiao Dan and I would definitely go to celebrate his birthday."

Liu Fang's eyes were red with emotion, and her daughter seemed to be more sensible overnight. When she mentioned her uncle before, Su Jian's nose was not her nose, her face was not her face, and she felt ashamed. Liu Sheng sighed behind her back more than once.

"Mom, I was ignorant before, and I didn't understand Uncle's painstaking efforts. You tell Uncle, I will repay him with the best academic performance, get into high school and university, and earn money to support him in the future."

"Oh, your mouth." Liu Fang was amused by her.

"It's fine if you have the intention. Your uncle is physically disabled and hasn't married a wife until now. He treats you and Xiao Dan as his own children."

"Well, Mom, I know. When I think of my uncle's cold face before, I feel uncomfortable." Speaking of this, Su Jian's nose was sour, and she hated her blindness in her previous life, which broke her heart. .

After dinner, while the old lady was lying on the kang to sleep, Su Jian took her mother out and went to the field to find Su Mingcheng.

"Okay, you go back, bring a bottle of wine for Liu Sheng, buy better ones, and buy some supplements for our parents."

Su Mingcheng took out a sweat-soaked handkerchief with 200 yuan in it from his waistband.

"Wow, Dad, you still have a small treasury." Su Jian teased.

Su Mingcheng chuckled, "Don't tell your mother."

"Hey, do you think I'm a fool?" The father and daughter sang and chased away the gloomy mood at first, and Liu Fang punched Su Mingcheng dumbfounded.

"Honey, you have worked hard all these years, and you haven't enjoyed any blessings by following me."

"Come on, aren't you ashamed in front of children?"

Su Jian was very happy to see the scene of her parents loving each other, and she became more determined not to let her parents repeat the fate of the previous life.

"Mom, let's go, I will ride the car for you, and I will walk to school."

"How can that be done?"

"The school is close, I will run over."

The family is poor, and other people's homes have already added motorcycles at this time. Hers only has two broken bicycles, only the bell does not ring, and the rest of the bicycles ring.

"I'll ride my family's tricycle, and help your uncle buy some fertilizer and feed."

Su Jian was right when she thought about it, so she left the village with her mother.

In the first class exam in the afternoon, Su Jian came late, and the exam had already started for 5 minutes.

Teacher Li frowned, stared at her as she walked to the seat, shook her head, and said nothing.

Probably because she thought that she was the one who couldn't afford to support her. If it wasn't for her son being under Wang Chunmei's command, she wouldn't bother talking to Su Jian.

The test paper was the original question of last year's senior high school entrance examination. Zhang Hui was across the aisle from her. Seeing her holding the test paper and reading it for a long time, she pouted contemptuously, turned sideways, and blocked the paper to prevent her from seeing her answer.

Looking at it from the beginning to the end, there are about eight or nine questions that can be moved by itself. Su Jian sighed, because the foundation is too weak, but it doesn't matter, she still has time to work hard.

If you calm down and answer the questions, if the questions are moving, relevant knowledge points will appear in your mind, and after a little thought, the answer will appear on the paper.

She did the questions very fast, and Zhang Hui was surprised when she found that she was doing the same paper as him.

Wouldn't it be nonsense?Tsk tsk, I still want to take the high school entrance examination like this, and the gnat may shake the big tree—— I'm overwhelmed.

"There are still 5 minutes left to hand in the paper. If you don't know it, leave it empty. Don't write nonsense. Why don't you need money for your pen?"

Teacher Li stood up, stretched his waist, and saw Su Jian's math paper at a glance, hehe, it was full of writing.

(End of this chapter)

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