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Chapter 1138

Chapter 1138

"Coach Zhang, let's stop here today, I'm going back."

"Okay, I'll contact you later." Zhang Yongsheng knew what kind of virtue Chen Shunian was, and let Su Jian go first.

"Master, I haven't played enough."

In another pool, Jin and Wu Dao had a professional swimming and a dog planing, having a great time.

"You guys play, I'll go first."

"Master? Did he call you Master just now? Why are you a foreigner's Master?" Chen Shunian insisted and whispered in her ear.

"I don't know you, please stay away from me."

"Little girl, you are not short-tempered."

He stretched out his hand with a playful smile, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Chen Shunian, and I am the coach of the women's swimming team."

After looking up and down, Su Jian smiled and said, "Hey, is Coach Chen happy every day?"

"Of course, I am a very good-tempered person, and I have never been troubled."

"It's really rare. No one can be trouble-free. Coach Chen should keep this rare good luck."

Old color embryo, the kidneys are almost exhausted, wait for the day when you regret it.

Finding that she was being harassed by a man with malicious intentions, Jin crawled out of the water and pushed Chen Shunian away.

"Stay away from my master."

Wu Daoyou was skinny, with ribs all over his body, the gray hair on his head was wet in the water, and it was clasped wetly on the back of his head. He stared at Chen Shunian, showing a row of big yellow teeth, threatening him, "Believe it or not, I wrote Dao talisman curse you?"

"What do you want to do? Fight?"

"Ah! Coach Chen, are you angry? Didn't you just say that you have a good temper?"

Chen Shunian sneered, "I was just joking with them."

"Let's go, little sister Jane, let's change clothes."

Taking the opportunity, Hu Min'er took her away, and talking about Chen Shunian in the locker room, Hu Min'er said disgustedly, "He has a bad character, and he always takes advantage of the female players. I almost fell into his clutches."

Hu Miner's coach is a woman. She is now on the local team. Before she retired, she fought with Chen Shunian almost every day. She is a woman with a real temperament.

"Stay away from him. If you come in the future, call me and I will come with you."

After greeting Zhang Yongsheng, the four left the swimming pool.

"Let's take a taxi and go!"

Hu Min'er reached out to stop the car, but was stopped by Su Jian.

"I came here by car. Where do you live, Miss Min'er? I'll take you back."

The red Xiali car is not expensive. Hu Min'er was surprised that she has already learned to drive at such a young age, and she can't even ride a bicycle well.

After making an appointment to go to Yingying Entertainment tomorrow, after separating from Hu Miner, Su Jianjian sent Wu Daoyou and Jin back.

"It's still early, let's go to the bar to have fun." Wu Daoyou suggested.

Su Jian stared at him, "Master, is it already nine o'clock?"

"The nightlife just started."

"When did you become so wild?"

"Hehe, old man, I have always had a young heart."

"Master, I want to go to the bar."

He gave him a blank look, "Are you rich?"


Jin took out a handful of colorful bills from his pocket, shaking his head triumphantly.

"Master, I didn't sell clothes, I sold my body."


Wu Daoyou laughed loudly, "He did sell himself. He helped people repair cars in the repair shop, and got under the car to tinker for a long time. Otherwise, why are you arguing to go to the swimming pool to take a bath?"

Kim's father was the owner of a racing club and wasn't interested in driving, but Kim was very good at fixing cars.

Similar to her abilities, he can find out what's wrong just by listening to the sound of the engine. He has made hundreds of dollars in an afternoon, and wants to spend when he has money.

(End of this chapter)

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