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Chapter 1149

Chapter 1149
Speaking of their uncle, Su Dan sighed.

"Sister, come back and persuade uncle, he is going to drive grandma and grandpa to death."

"Grandpa was talking nonsense angrily, saying that his leg would be broken again, so that he couldn't go anywhere, and he would honestly leave it at home to farm."

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"Others introduced several partners to my uncle, but he didn't like it. Grandpa said that he is now ambitious, and he doesn't like anyone, and deliberately makes things difficult for the other party."

This is not right. After coming out, I have gained more knowledge. Of course, my thinking is different from the past. People are making progress. How can you say that if you break your leg, you will break your leg?She finally took out the steel plate inside.

I know that grandpa is speaking in anger, but how can uncle make grandpa so angry?Even if you don't want to get married, you have to perfunctory and wait for her to go back to mediate.

"Xiao Dan, is uncle at home?"

"Grandpa drove him back to his original village. He has been doing odd jobs in the city for the past two days."

"Aren't you going to work in Uncle's company?"

"No one persuaded me to go. I said that I would go back to my old life and be a bachelor for the rest of my life."

This uncle can't be so angry.

"I see, you call mom over here, and I'll say a few words to mom."

Zheng Pengfei scratched his neck and shouted at the other end, telling her to come back early, he missed her to death.

Su Jian couldn't help laughing, she also wanted to go home, even if her mind stayed at the age of 40, she was still a child of her parents, and she wanted to stay by their side every second.

"Hello? Little Jane, did Xiao Dan tell you? When are you going home?"

"Mom, I'll wait for my brother to go back together, and the teacher here has arranged a job for me, and I'll be busy for a while."

"Pay attention to safety, you are a little girl, don't force yourself in everything."

"Well, I see."

She wants to tell Liu Fang not to worry about Liu Sheng's marriage.

"Mom, uncle's fate hasn't come yet, don't put pressure on him, I will persuade him when I get home."

"You're right. Only you can persuade your uncle about this matter. Why didn't you find that he was as stubborn as a donkey before?"

"Mom, our family's conditions were not good before, how could you have time to think about these things? My uncle has always had this temper, you just didn't notice it."

When Liu Sheng was young, of course he had suitors, who could endure hardships and stand hard work, were not bad looking, and had a good personality. Rural girls looking for a partner, they fancy the character of the other party, and of course there are those who are interested in the other party's family.

"I remember an aunt named Wang Cuicui, what is she doing now?"

Liu Fang was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help asking, "Do you still know Wang Cuicui?"

"Mom, you always whisper in my ear, don't you remember?"

In the past, life was hard, Liu Fang felt sorry for her younger brother, the eldest was not young and had no woman to take care of her, and she often said in front of Su Jian that if her leg hadn't been injured, she would have married Wang Cuicui long ago.

"She married in a foreign country, and she has no contact with her."

"Mom, you should secretly inquire and see how Wang Cuicui is doing. If she is single now, match her with my uncle and see if the spark of love can be ignited again."

"You girl, you are not married yet, you are just in love, are you ashamed?"

"Mom, I brought home the son-in-law for you, why don't you understand this?"

After chatting with her daughter for a while and putting down the phone, Liu Fang had an idea in her heart.

Wang Cuicui's husband died of illness a few years ago, and she lived alone with her children in a foreign country. Liu Fang knew about this a long time ago.

At the beginning, she and Liu Sheng fell in love, and they were only one step away from getting married. Liu Sheng had an accident in the army and became crippled. Wang Cuicui's mother said that she would not allow her daughter to marry.

The family is poor and tinkling, and you are still a third-class disabled person. Why don't you marry the past and wait to drink the northwest wind?

Thinking in another way, she would not marry her daughter into such a family, but she was angry. After their family became rich, they wanted to introduce a girl from a good family to Liu Sheng.

(End of this chapter)

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