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Chapter 1174 The Allies Are Coming

Chapter 1174 The Allies Are Coming
Neither lost nor won, the chips in front of him were still so few, Yin Lihua was so angry that her head hurt.

Su Jian is so awesome, she has seen it with her own eyes.

Like her monster son, she has a super brain, not to mention a set of mahjong, even ten sets of mahjong, she can find what she wants if the order is messed up.

Hiding here?To please his sisters-in-law and treat her like air?
"Lihua, are you coming out? If you're tired, you can go to rest and let Xiaojian talk to us."

"I am not tired!"

"I must be exhausted after sitting in the car all night. Go and have a rest. Little Jane is here to chat with us. If you are not tired, you can sit down too."

"You don't play mahjong anymore?"

"Come on, Lihua, come and sit down, we haven't seen each other for a long time, let's talk."

Yin Lihua reluctantly sat opposite Su Jian, rolled her eyes, picked up a fruit fork, forked a piece of cantaloupe and threw it into her mouth.

If they wanted Su Jian to make some money, they would do well, treat her like a baby, and play her like a monkey for a long time?

At this time the nanny came over and said to Yin Boda's wife, Lan Hui, "Ma'am, Miss Xie and her mother are here to wish the old lady a New Year."

"Miss Xie?"

"Let her in!"

Before Lan Hui said anything, Yin Lihua spoke first.

Haha, great, her allies are here, Xie Peishan covets her son, anyone with long eyes can see it.

But what does it matter? Anyway, she doesn't like the two of them. If Xie Peishan and Su Jian fight, she just needs to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

Knowing that Xie Peishan is a war scumbag, but as long as it can cause trouble for Su Jian, she will not let go of any opportunity.

Lan Hui smiled helplessly, and said to Su Jian, "Miss Xie is a distant relative of the old lady, and she also goes to school in the capital."

"Well, fifth aunt, I have met Miss Xie."

"Really? How did you meet? I remember she was admitted to Union University."

"Yes, my aunt took Ms. Xie there when the school report was due."

Lan Hui blinked, as if there was a lot of information, but she couldn't grasp anything.

Yin Wen's wife had a dark face. This eldest sister-in-law is really clueless. What are you going to give Xie Peishan?She couldn't see what the daughter of the Xie family was thinking?
Xie Peishan came in behind her mother. Compared with last year, the economic conditions of the mother and daughter have improved significantly.

Mother Xie no longer has a sad face, her skin has become much more delicate, her clothes are very decent, and she does not look like a country woman at all.

Xie Peishan wore a white down jacket, a pink cashmere sweater inside, and black jeans. Like an urban beauty, she was eye-catching.

But compared with the beautiful Su Jian, she still looks rustic.

Xie Peishan looked at her in astonishment.

At first, I thought that I could enter and leave Yin's house freely by relying on my ties of relatives, but now it seems that my thinking is still too naive.

"Eldest sister-in-law, second sister-in-law, fourth sibling, fifth sibling, and all nieces, nephews and daughters-in-law, happy new year!"

Xie's mother was smiling all over her face. She worked as a nanny in the capital for a year.

Focusing on Su Jian, she was taken aback. It was obvious that this tall and beautiful girl was a distinguished guest of Yin's family. She was sitting in the middle of the sofa, and everyone seemed to be surrounding her.

"Where's the old lady? Did it disturb the old lady's rest?"

"Old girl, sit down quickly, the old lady is still sleeping, and our mothers are talking."

(End of this chapter)

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