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Chapter 1197

Chapter 1197
Yin Shishi came with his father.

Yin Zixun thought that he had already gone to school and had reached the age where he should know the big things and small things that happened at home, and he should know how difficult it was for his mother, so he dragged him out of the bed on purpose.

This is the first time Yin Shishi has experienced such a thing, and Yin Shishi is very nervous.

On the way, he kept asking if his mother was okay.

"With Uncle Fang Yong and Aunt Su Jian here, your mother will be fine."

Yin Shishi is a little shaken now.

His younger brothers and sisters all said that Su Jian was very powerful, especially the little princess Yin Lele. No one was allowed to speak ill of Su Jian, and he announced arrogantly that the little aunt was her own little aunt, and no one could rob her.

Is she really that good?Can I see a doctor for my mother?
Everything was ready, and the operating room arranged for two doctors to go in for internships.

When he saw Su Jian standing in front of him in a white coat, Yin Shitou immediately remembered his few injection experiences.

He swallowed in horror.

Is it too late to admit that Su Jian is amazing?He was afraid that he would be disobedient, so Su Jian stabbed him with a needle.

"Little guy, are you here to cheer on your mother?"

Yin Shishi nodded mechanically.

Su Jian poked his forehead, "What a brave man."

He didn't do anything, just came to the hospital, is he a brave man?

Yin Shitou puffed out his chest proudly, "My mother also said that I am great!"

"Of course! After the operation is over, you have to help Dad and take care of Mom together, because you are a real man."

yeah!My aunt praised him. It's a pity that my brothers and sisters didn't hear it, but my father heard it, and he looked up at Yin Zixun anxiously.

Yin Zixun gave him a thumbs up, and Yin Shitou's heart burst into joy.

From now on, he will be a responsible man, have a sense of responsibility, and take care of all the people he likes.

The operation went smoothly. Yan Fen maintained well after the caesarean section. The adhesions were not serious. Large cysts were removed from the left and right ovaries. As long as nutrition and exercise are strengthened in the later stage, there will be no problem in giving birth to several children.

After being pushed back to the ward, Su Jian and Fang Yong left in a hurry.

During the operation, Dean Huang received an important call. An old man heard that Fang Yong was there, and tried everything possible to find out about him, hoping that he could arrange for him to meet Fang Yong.

The other party is rich and powerful, Fang Yong discussed with Su Jian and decided to meet him in the past. There are rich people in the south of the Yangtze River. If you don't get some research funds to go back this trip, how can you be worthy of his efforts?
Someone was waiting at the door, and drove the two of them to the door of a large villa. An old man with white hair stood at the door to welcome them.

"Professor Fang, Miss Su, my master is weak and cannot go out to meet you two. I am his housekeeper, please come with me."

I thought that the owner of the villa must be at least 60 years old, but I didn't expect the man on the hospital bed to be in his early thirties and not 40 years old.

However, he is already terminally ill, and his congenital heart disease does not mean that he cannot be saved. Even if the operation is successful, he may not live for a few years.

It's so pitiful, the saddest thing in the world, people are gone, and the money has not been spent.

Su Jian suddenly remembered a short line that was popular in later generations.

Let go of the ability, there are two people in the upstairs room, one big and one small, they should be the other party's wife and children, there are only four people in the whole villa, including the old housekeeper, and the old ones are really deserted.

"Please sit down!"

The man sat up with the help of the old housekeeper, which was a simple matter for normal people, but the man was already so tired that he was panting heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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