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Chapter 1208 Job-hopping

Chapter 1208 Job-hopping
"What about the end? How about the end?" After listening to Yin Yuzhen's narration, the old lady Yin asked anxiously.

"Mr. Luo took Sister Wang home to take care of her, and Sister Wang agreed."

The old lady has been eating fast and praying to Buddha, so she can't hear such touching things.

After chanting "Amitabha", I suddenly remembered an event from a long time ago.

"One day I answered a call from a stranger. She may have made a mistake. I heard her tone, as if she had something on her mind, so I wanted to enlighten her."

"The woman cried for a while and laughed for a while, saying that her son met a kind person who could save his life. It sounds like a miserable person, and I don't know if her son is doing well now."

Su Jian and Yin Yuzhen looked at each other.

The fate is so wonderful, it turned out that the person who answered Wang Guilan's phone half a year ago was Mrs. Yin.

Wang Guilan said it herself, and a kind person persuaded her to open up. She was in a better mood for many days, but it was a pity that she lost the other party's phone number.

Give the old lady a little room for reverie.

On the thirteenth day of the first lunar month, Yan Fen was discharged from the hospital and went home to recuperate.

From tomorrow onwards, Su Jian will not come to the hospital. The operation video of that day has been copied, and the CD is handed over to Director Huang, and Su Jian will leave the hospital with Yan Fen.

Dean Huang reluctantly sent her to the gate.

"Doctor Su, can I still contact you and Professor Fang in the future?"


"Really?" Dean Huang was overjoyed.

"My sister-in-law's medical treatment, you haven't received any money, I owe you the favor first."

"No, no, it's my honor."

It was only later that I found out that Yan Fen was the daughter-in-law of the Yin family. She couldn't afford the hospitalization fee?It's just a joke. The parents in this city are the Yin family, and there is no chance to curry favor with them.

Watching the car go away, Dean Huang was full of emotion to the assistant beside him, "Dr. Su's emotional intelligence is too high, she deliberately gave me a favor, which shows that he is as modest as a valley and can tolerate the world."

In cardiothoracic surgery, Director Li was delayed for another two days and came to work on the first day today.

Seeing Dean Huang at the door, he didn't say hello. He parked his newly bought car in the parking lot and went upstairs with his briefcase under his arm.

Ok?There are so many people in the clinic!

Because it is a private hospital, it used to be deserted and deserted. Even if a mouse ran past, it could watch the lively state for a long time, and it was actually overcrowded.

As soon as he entered the corridor, the little nurse at the guidance desk saw him with a strange expression.

It's fine if you don't say hello to him, but when he walked over and whispered, Director Li frowned deeply.

In the department, the doctors gathered together and didn't know what to talk about.

When I saw him, I just greeted him lightly, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Ahem!" He coughed heavily twice.

He said he was going out to visit a friend, but in fact he was invited to a tertiary hospital in Lin City for an operation. The operation was successful, and the other party also offered him an olive branch, allowing him to bring another doctor there. Wouldn't it be better than staying in a private hospital that was about to die?
"Director Li, you are finally here. Let me tell you, on the eighth day..." the doctor who had been walking close to Director Li said excitedly.

Director Li waved his hand, signaling him not to say anything, "I have something to announce. A tertiary hospital needs a thoracic surgeon. Anyone of you who is interested can sign up with me."

He originally planned to bring the doctor who had just spoken, but his medical skills were really mediocre, and he didn't want to bring someone who was hard to achieve, and go over to smash his own brand.

After finishing speaking, he returned to his office and waited for a long time for no one to come.

(End of this chapter)

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