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Chapter 1211 Temporary Agent

Chapter 1211 Temporary Agent

In the past few days of sneaking in Jiangnan, my mobile phone was almost blown up.

Li Chunli called her eight or nine times a day, saying that she was being bullied and asked her to teach some nirvana moves to kick the crotch of old bastards, so when she returned to the capital, she went directly to Li Chunli's house.

Luo Jiarong was still living opposite her, and when he heard a knock on the door, he opened the door and saw that it was Su Jian, and he was very happy.

Li Yang, Jin Zhigang, and the entire game team were there, dragging Su Jian into the room with all their might.

According to the idea she provided, the game has already been completed, and it is just waiting for the opportunity to get the internal test.

"Very good, let's do it, I will provide the funds, anyone who has a dream is great, come on!"

She has to go to see the sister on the opposite side. If she is really bullied by the old bastard, she has to take revenge.

She couldn't help but want to enter a door, so she took a clip from her hair, poked it in the keyhole a few times, and opened it.

The house was in a mess.

Li Chunli didn't go home during the Chinese New Year. Her parents urged her to get married. She was afraid of their nagging and wanted to hide away. She simply said that she had gone abroad and couldn't go back.

Newspapers, magazines, clothes, socks, wine bottles all over the floor are in a mess, and there is nowhere to go after encountering a typhoon of category [-].

The ability spread out, and the person fell asleep in the bedroom.

"Sister, sister? Wake up, don't go to sleep, and you won't be able to sleep at night."

Li Chunli was woken up by her, and she stared blankly for a long time before realizing it.

"Little Jane, you are back, my sister is going to die."

"Bah, bah, it's the first lunar month, say something auspicious."

"Damn it, my sister is gone, I'm so fucked up, I've been bullied miserably."

"Sister, tell me well, who is bullying you?"

"Fucking Li Xiaobao, that idiot... put my sister to sleep."


"Dong dong dong—" There was a loud knock on the door.

The lock cylinder was broken, and there was a strong man at the door. Luo Jiarong opened the door and took a look, then shrank back.

When young couples quarrel at the end of the bed and quarrel at the end of the bed, the neighbors should not mix it up.

Su Jian went to open the door, using both inside and outside, the door was knocked down, Li Xiaobao hugged the big iron door with quick hands and eyes.

"Little Jane?"

"Hi! Brother Li, long time no see."

I will have to call her brother-in-law in the future. This is all raw rice and cooked rice. With Li Chunli's personality, the rain will turn to clear after a while, and then clear to rain, back and forth.

"Brother Li, you guys have a good talk, and you should be soft if you want to be soft."

"Well, I know, you see she pinched me, there is no good place on her body."

It's quite pitiful, he is also Qin Guoan's bodyguard after all, and with his unique skills, it is really rare for him to be beaten black and blue by a shrew.

After fixing the door for them, she went to Zheng Zhi's entertainment company.

The family of three hasn't come back yet, Zheng Zhi entrusts her to help take care of the company first, and today's itinerary is to bring a newly signed actor to audition.

Li Chunli should have done it, and Zheng Zhi should have known that his star employee was throwing a tantrum and had to find her.

The eldest girl got on the bridal sedan chair—for the first time, she didn't understand the process, but fortunately she had a strong learning ability, and after listening to Zheng Zhi's instructions, she also understood the general idea in her heart.

After taking the materials of the crew, she took the young actors to the interview place.

As soon as he got in the car, the little actor couldn't wait to introduce himself.

"Sister, my name is Ding Ding."

"Well, I know, don't call me sister, I'm not as old as you."

The 19-year-old Ding Ding was taken aback, "Is it true? You are not as old as me, why are you working?"

"Do your boss a favor, he's my little uncle."

Emma, ​​Ding Ding hasten to sit down.

Zheng Zhi came out of the military camp, and the contracted artists were managed militarily. The person Ding Ding was afraid of was his boss.

(End of this chapter)

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