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Chapter 1214

Chapter 1214
When he passed by here, he was immediately attracted by Su Jian's appearance, she was a rose with thorns, it didn't matter, how could a girl her age not want to enter the entertainment industry?

Playing hard to get with him, huh?Ha ha!

"Okay, come in first, let's try the play."

Ding Ding begged Su Jian to go in with him.

"With you in my heart."

Emma!Seeing his heart suffocating, A Dou who couldn't help himself.

Forget it, give him a hand, first get a small role for him to try out, if he really can't afford the job of an actor, change his career as soon as possible.

"Miss Su, I totally agree with your opinion on how to choose scripts just now. Being an agent is worse than being an actor. I have a lot of scripts in my hand. You can choose whatever you want, and I will let you be the lead actress."

Su Jian shook her head, "Thank you Director Zhang for your kindness, I'm really not interested in this industry."

Interested again?

Director Zhang frowned, "I wonder which industry Ms. Su is interested in?"

"Except for this industry!"


Being able to talk to death is also a kind of talent, right?

I really don't know how to flatter him, he Zhang Dalei has a place in the entertainment circle anyway, and he has never been embarrassed like this.

With a beautiful shell, you must also have a beautiful emotional intelligence. If you are straightforward, bring a newcomer to the audition and don't give face to the director. Why use people from her company?

Zhang Dalei was thinking about how to give Su Jian and Ding Ding a bad blow, suddenly a woman ran over in a panic and said to Zhang Dalei, "Lan Lan has a stomachache, Director Zhang, drive her to the hospital quickly."

"What? Wasn't it fine just now?"

Lan Lan is one of the heroines in this play, a well-known actor who won awards and was soft-handed. When Zhang Dalei heard that she was sick, Zhang Dalei broke out in a cold sweat.

Hearing that someone was sick, Su Jian also followed her. There was no other way. Occupational diseases. A doctor's bounden duty is to save lives and heal the wounded. What's more, treating minor illnesses now is a matter of pinch for her.

Lan Lan has her own lounge, and now there is a circle of people around the door, and her manager angrily drives away the onlookers.

"What's the matter? It was fine just now, is she here as an aunt?"

The agent has a black line on his forehead, Zhang Dalei is one whose mouth is faster than his brain, and the actress has a stomachache, so you think about it, and if someone who cares about it hears it, you may make something out of it.

With just one glance, I knew where she was unwell, acute gastroenteritis.

It's a cold day, and there is a box of ice cream that has just been opened on the table. If you don't die, you won't die. This big star is deliberately trying to make trouble with his body.

"Hurry up and send it to the hospital, hey, the nearest hospital is twenty miles away? Lan Lan, can you bear it?"

Manager Lan Lan said, "It's too far away, can you think of another way?"

"How?" Zhang Dalei asked.

"Can't send a helicopter over?"


"If I have wings, I'll carry Lan Lan over there. That's fine. If I delay, something serious will happen."

Zhang Dalei asked someone to prepare the car, Su Jian pushed through the crowd and came in, "Let me try it!"


"You go out first!" Su Jian gave him a cold look, and Zhang Dalei actually felt creepy.

"What do you want to do?"

"Treat her. It's inconvenient for you to be a man here."

"You know how to see a doctor? Aren't you from Yingying Media?"

"She is still a doctor of the National Association." Ding Ding shouted at the door.

He remembered, and heard Sister Li say that she has an amazing younger sister, a top student at Washington University and United University, a super academic, and the youngest doctor in Guoxie Hospital.

When Zhang Dalei was dumbfounded, he was pushed out by Su Jian.

(End of this chapter)

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