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Chapter 1219

Chapter 1219
Just thinking about whether to go in, the big iron gate opened, and two people came out.

"Stop, stay, Mr. Tan, please stay."

Su Jian hid herself in the car and stared at the person who came out with great interest.

Long time no see, Feng Yuanjun, Boss Feng!

There will be a landslide on Metro Line [-] in March. The building is half built, and the money is basically invested in it. It's just a waste of time. I don't know if Boss Feng will go crazy because of it.

The man next to Feng Yuanjun should be the son of Mrs. Liu, the nanny. After a few words with a thin man in his 40s, the door closed.

"Let's go!"

With a long sigh, the two went to the corner of the street, took a taxi and left.

It seems that Feng Yuanjun knows about his sitting in the Chinese medicine hall.

What is the relationship between this family and him?Surname Tan?

"Hey, Uncle, do you know a family named Tan in the capital?"


Lao Zheng asked his assistant to bring over the address book and find Tan Xu's phone number.


"Yes, responsible for the construction of the subway."

"okay, I get it."

Could it be that Feng Yuanjun predicted that something would happen on Line [-]?

Years ago, she deliberately played the sound of cows in the underground, in order to scare Feng Yuanjun, distract him, and just add to his troubles.

She decided to go in and have a look.

Soon someone came to open the door and looked her up and down, "Who are you looking for?"

"I am Dr. Su from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Center."

Tan Xu could not close his mouth in surprise, "You are Su Jian?"


Feng Yuanjun didn't tell him that he was very young?

"Please come in!"

Tan Xu made way for Su Jian to come in.

There were several women with sad faces in the living room, and a young boy who was about her age. After hearing Tan Xu's introduction, everyone looked at her in surprise.

"Are you really Dr. Su Jiansu?"

He took out a business card from the bag, which was printed for every old Chinese doctor by the Chinese Medicine Center, and the lady at the front desk gave it to her before leaving.

Apparently they still haven't recovered from the shock.

"Is it Dr. Su Jian who performed surgery on Mr. Qin?"

Su Jian was stunned for a moment, because when she saw Feng Yuanjun coming out of this house, her first reaction was that Feng Yuanjun said that she would see a doctor.

It seemed that I was thinking too much. They should know about her through Qin Guoan.

"Yes, where is the patient?"

Tan Xu led her to the second floor, looking back at her as he walked.

"Mr. Tan, what can you do?"

"Oh, no, no, I just didn't expect Dr. Su to be so young."

Afraid that Su Jian would be overwhelmed, he explained, "The tone of the phone call was not good at that time, please don't take offense, Dr. Su."

"My attitude is not much better, we are even."

Tan Xu wanted to laugh, the little girl is too young, everyone knows that the older the doctor, the more popular Chinese medicine is, because he sees many patients and has experience.

She has studied with Fang Yong for less than two years, can she really do it?

Forget it, the person has already arrived, the dead horse is a living horse doctor, and the person recommended by Mr. Qin is probably right.

"Is Mr. Tan bothered by something?" Su Jian asked.

Tan Xu was taken aback, "Can you see this too?"

"Chinese medicine talks about seeing, hearing, and asking."

"So Doctor Su can see that I have a lot of worries at a glance?"

"I don't sleep well at night. I often suffer from insomnia, dreaminess, and heart palpitations." She grabbed Tan Xu's wrist and felt her pulse.

"It's amazing! My dad has suffered from insomnia for a long time, and asked him to go to the hospital to see a doctor, but he refused."

Suddenly a young boy's voice came from behind him. He was Tan Xu's son Tan Rufeng, who was in the same university as Su Jian.

"I know you, top medical student."

(End of this chapter)

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