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Chapter 1229 Meeting Aunt 2 at the Station

Chapter 1229 Meeting Second Aunt at the Station
Lao Dao and Jin's Taoist robes were sewn by Liu Fang. Both of them are sloppy, wandering around the village all day, not taking a bath for a long time, and sometimes being chased by dogs and losing their shoes, so when they enter the restaurant, no matter whether the waiter or The diners all frowned.

Tan Xu doesn't care about these, he thinks that people of temperament don't stick to trifles, and the two of them are Su Jian's friends.

"Come, come, Doctor Su said, Daoist Wu likes to eat seafood, look, I have prepared..."


Wu Daoyou rubbed his stomach, and said bitterly, "At this time, at that time, I just came back from the beach and my stomach is full of shrimp soldiers and crab generals. Get some meat for us master and apprentice."

"I want to grill steak, half-ripe." Jin Bie didn't learn it, but learned the old-fashioned "brazen".

"What five matures? You can just eat it raw, why did human evolution forget you?"

"Master, I think you are scolding me."

"Eat cooked ones. I want stewed beef, roast lamb, and chicken stewed with mushrooms."

"Master, you have already eaten ten big cocks at Master Xiaojian's house..."

"you shut up!"

Seeing the master and apprentice quarreling over food, Tan Xu hurriedly stopped it. No wonder Su Jian said, don't order food for them yet. It seems that the person who knows them best is Su Jian!
Wu Daoyou ordered everything that Wu Daoyou liked. After drinking for three rounds, Tan Xu talked about his chance with Su Jian.

"Hmph! Feng Yuanjun is nothing."

If Su Jian hadn't discovered the feng shui formation in the yard first, and picked out the formation in a hurry, Feng Yuanjun would still be rich.

Tan Xu didn't really believe in metaphysics, and Wu Daoyou was not in a hurry to convince him. He would understand Su Jian's good intentions in a few days.

Tomorrow, he will go to the No. [-] Courtyard to find some useful things, so as to deal with the big event that will happen next.

As for his foolish apprentice, he must not take him with him, otherwise he could use his underpants for money and buy a bunch of junk.

Everything is going in a good direction. The first few days of school are not heavy, and people call to invite her to dinner every day.

She was going to pick up Song Ze and Cao Na's family at the station, and received a call from Hu Min'er on the way.

Originally, she had already gone to work at Zheng Zhi's company, and it was her job to take Ding Ding to the audition that day.

But there was a youth diving championship at the end of March, Zhang Yongsheng asked her to help train the children who were going to compete, and stayed in the south during the Chinese New Year.

"Miss Min'er, are you back?"

"Tomorrow morning, I will fly to the capital at noon. Ding Ding told me about the role you won for him. He wants to treat you to dinner. I will accompany you!"

"Tomorrow night."

"Okay, I'll call you when the time comes, we haven't been together for a long time."

The car was parked steadily, and as soon as the door was opened, a woman rushed out from the darkness.

"Excuse me, give me something to eat."

Su Jian grabbed her wrist and pushed her out. If it was an ordinary person, there would definitely be two big dirty handprints on her body.

"Second aunt?"

No, she can't be called the second aunt, the second uncle is gone, and the two have divorced long ago, so Wang Chunmei has nothing to do with the Su family.

Wang Chunmei was so frightened that she turned her head and ran away, panicked and almost hit by a speeding car.

The driver poked his head out and scolded her, then drove away.

"Aunt Wang, what are you still doing sitting on the ground? Don't you think it's cold?"

The senior brother told her that after Tang Hexiang was sentenced to death, Wang Chunmei would be released because of insufficient evidence.

I didn't expect to meet her at the station, the world is really small.

"I don't know you, who is your aunt?"

"Why don't you know me? I'm the niece of your ex-husband Su Mingfeng, you forgot? You tore up my application form for the high school entrance examination the summer before last, and almost changed my fate!"

(End of this chapter)

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