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Chapter 1234 My brother also knows

Chapter 1234 My brother also knows
Bai Yanchun came in with a meal, and saw her little grandson sitting quietly in the corner reading a book, she set the table and chopsticks, and quietly backed out.

"Hello? Dongdong is still reading, you know you can't disturb him at this time."

The person who called was Cao Guohui. His grandson had been in the capital for six days, and he was looking forward to his son's return every day.

"Are you all right there?"

Cao Guohui sits in Pengcheng Group alone, gets up at three o'clock every day, and returns at five o'clock every day, busier than a donkey.

Daughter and son-in-law can still take care of his food and daily life at home. After the three of them went to the capital, Cao Yunzhi asked him to come to his house for dinner.

Su Dan and Zheng Pengfei went to school with their schoolbags on their backs. When they heard Cao Guohui call the capital, Su Dan deliberately slowed down and eavesdropped.

Bai Yanchun couldn't hide the matter in her heart, and now that Su Jian was almost fine, she told Cao Guohui about her being attacked.

Cao Guohui thought that the two children had already left home to go to school, so he asked loudly in surprise, "Is the injury serious?"

Su Dan grabbed Zheng Pengfei's arm and motioned him to keep quiet.

"Oh, I see, no wonder I called Zheng Yi, but I couldn't find anyone."

"Tell Nana, don't come back in a hurry, take care of little Jane..."

Su Dan hurried over and asked, "Uncle, what happened to my sister?"

"Huh? Why haven't you gone to school yet?"

Su Dan grabbed the phone and asked Bai Yanchun anxiously, "Aunt, what's wrong with my sister?"

He and Zheng Pengfei called Aunt Bai Yanchun together, and Bai Yanchun felt embarrassed for a while.

If she had known that the children were at home, she would not have said that if she was killed. Now it is too late to regret it.

"What's wrong with your sister? People eat whole grains, how can anyone not get sick?"

"Xiao Dan, don't tell your parents, she is in the capital, and she is a doctor of the National Association, and the master is so powerful, there is no need to worry."

"What's more, there is Zhongli by her side. There are so many people taking care of your sister. She has recovered now."

"Auntie, I know you are comforting me, you just need to tell me what happened to my sister?"

"If you don't tell me, I'll think about it all day long, I won't be able to take classes well, and I won't be able to learn well."

Whoops!Look at her quick mouth.

Seeing that he couldn't hide it any longer, Bai Yanchun had no choice but to say, "Your sister was stabbed a few days ago, and now the wound has healed, so it's fine."

"Pricked? Who hurt her?"

"Your second aunt!"

"Wang Chunmei?"

"Yes, she has killed herself by biting her tongue now, Xiao Dan, you can call your sister, she is really well now."

After hanging up the phone, Su Dan immediately called his sister's cell phone.

After the bell rang once, Su Jian's cheerful voice came, "Hello? Hello, who is it?"


"Xiao Dan? Shouldn't you be on your way to school at this time?"

"Sister, why didn't you tell me something?"

"Where are you now?" Su Jian asked vigilantly.

"Pengfei's house."

She probably guessed one or two, Su Jian doesn't blame Bai Yanchun for leaking the truth, it's a good thing for Su Dan to know, he can't live under his own protection all the time, the Su family will need him to carry forward in the future.

"When I went to the station to pick up Brother Song and Sister Na, I was attacked by Wang Chunmei. The wound has healed. Listen to my voice now, is it the same as before?"

Su Dan's tears rolled in his eyes, his sister was a superman, and she never reported good news but not bad news.

"Sister, I understand. Take care of your body and don't tire yourself out."

"I see, you and Pengfei go to school quickly."

The two got on the bike, and Zheng Pengfei was listening by his side all the time, knowing that Su Jian had lied to them.

"Old Su, let's go to the capital to see how Miss Jane is doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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