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Chapter 1238 Too Kind Looks Stupid

Chapter 1238 Too Kind Looks Stupid

"Junior Sister, give me the phone, you and Dongdong are sweating, hurry up and wash in the room."

Zhongli asked for the phone, and seeing Su Jian holding Dongdong's hand into the house, he strolled to the door and asked, "Dad, are you okay?"

"A Li, your Uncle Changgui brought a telegram from the Public Security Bureau in the capital, saying that Second Aunt Jian died and asked me to deal with the funeral."

"Which police station sent the telegram?"

When Su Mingcheng said his name, Zhong Li frowned slightly.

"It's true, and both Jane and I know it."

"Ah? Really dead? How did you die?"

Su Mingcheng and Liu Fang are honest and kind-hearted in nature, and they have always endured being tricked and bullied by Wang Chunmei and Su Mingfeng.

There are many rural people like them. They have little experience, are timid, or have been discriminated against by their parents since childhood, and their temperament has long been cowardly.

Even though they are proud now, they are not happy when they hear that the person who bullied them is dead, and maybe they feel a little sympathetic to him.

There was no way, because of their personality, they were easy to be used by others, so when Zhong Li heard that they had received the telegram, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

The person who sent the telegram expected that Su Mingcheng would not check the information with Su Jian, but the other party was also very stupid. Su Mingcheng was no longer the poor man that no one could rely on before, and now there are people who are willing to advise him.

"Dad, you don't have to come, just Jane and I can deal with this matter."

"She, I mean Wang Chunmei, how did she die?"

To be honest, Su Mingcheng is still a little curious.


"Oh, where are Mingming and Xiaojun?"

"Su Mingming doesn't know where he is. Su Jun was arrested on suspicion of poisoning and inducing minors to commit crimes and homicide, and is locked up in the police station."

What?What happened to his nephew and niece now?

Zhong Li thought about it and said, "Dad, Xiao Jian didn't tell you that Su Jun is not Su Mingfeng's own son, right?"

"What? What are you talking about? Dad didn't understand."

"I mean, Su Jun is not the son of Su Mingfeng, he is the son of Wang Chunmei and Feng Yuanjun."

"Here, who did you hear this from?"

"They knew it a long time ago, they just kept it from everyone."

After hanging up the phone, Su Mingcheng and his wife looked at each other, and it took a long time to realize that there was an outsider in the room.

Wang Changgui was equally astonished.

Whoops I'm going!And such breaking news?Feeling Su Mingfeng raised his son for 18 years?

The old couple of the Su family did not die well, and everyone in the village knew it.

So, as a parent, don’t be partial. If you want to be the eldest in the family, you end up dying at the hands of your son who loves you the most. This is God’s retribution.

"Brother Mingcheng, as long as Xiao Jian is fine, just listen to Zhongli. You don't care about this matter. If someone sends such a telegram or makes a phone call again, don't worry about it."

Going home and chatting with his wife, Wang Jianbo overheard him.

The little boy frowned tightly, "Don't speak ill of the Su family behind their backs."

"No, no, no."

Wang Changgui suddenly asked, "Why didn't you go to school?"

"The teacher is sick, I asked for leave and came back."

Wang Changgui looked at his son worriedly. After the new year, he jumped up and almost surpassed him.

"Xiaobao, you will be in the second year of middle school in autumn, study hard, and try to get into the first high school. Didn't Xiao Dan say that you have time to find them to do the questions together?"

"Understood, if I don't get into the first high school, you don't have to be angry."

Don't get angry, the child is sensible and obedient, why be angry?

Looking back, he saw his daughter-in-law cooking with a big belly, so Wang Changgui hurried over to help.

"Little Jane has been asking us to have another child. Do you think Xiaobao has a gap in his heart?"

(End of this chapter)

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