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Chapter 1241 Jiao Yajun May Be Crazy

Chapter 1241 Jiao Yajun May Be Crazy

Because Su Mingming could not be contacted, the civil affairs department of Wang Chunmei was involved in the funeral and sent directly to the crematorium for cremation.

The people sent by Zhong Qinghai to investigate in City B found a lot of things about Wang Chunmei's violation of teacher ethics when she was a teacher in No. [-] Middle School. The whole city took this opportunity to save the entire education system.

A high school ushered in the first monthly review.

Jiao Yajun suffered from nervous calf cramps. She wanted to resign and go to work in the capital. When her parents found out, they scolded her, saying that she was too muddy to support the wall.

Everyone else is trying to find ways, and she can do well when she enters a high school to work, and she is anxious to make room for others.

Calling her stupid is not evil at all.

At the same time as the assessment, a group of excellent teachers must be recruited to supplement each grade.

Excellent teachers from all grade groups gathered together. Jiang Renjiu, Sun Qiang, Zhu Ziming, and the old lady of biology, Mr. Huang who will retire next year, first held a meeting in Principal Ma's office.

The DVD was donated by Su Jian to the school. She, Zhong Li, Shao Zimu who was admitted to the United University, Ye Chunwang who graduated more than ten years ago, and several high school alumni working in the capital, recorded a message together.

"The children really have a heart. They are the pride of No. [-] High School. Teachers, Zhongli and Su Jian are the best graduates of our No. [-] High School. With their blessings, our school will definitely become the best high school in the province in the future." Director Guo said excitedly.

The assessment did not delay the teachers' class, Jiao Yajun walked into the classroom of Class [-], Grade [-] with a dazed expression.

Jin Xiaohui, who was sitting at the door, stared at her as she came in.

"stand up!"

"Hello teacher!"

Jiao Yajun waved her hand feebly, how could she be in the mood for class?But if you don't attend class, points will be deducted from the assessment items.

Damn, why do you always target her?What model high school?Even if you want to be lazy.

"Class representative, what did you talk about last class?"

Zhang Hui stood up and said, "Mr. Jiao, we have taught half of the simulation paper."

"Okay, let's continue today."

The mind is not in class, there are many mistakes, and some people start giggling.

"What are you laughing at? Take back your big die!"

Finally unable to bear it any longer, Jiao Yajun picked up the blackboard eraser and threw it at the student's forehead.

Emma!The director of the education bureau who was patrolling in the corridor ordered Jiao Yajun to be fired on the spot and told her to take her things and leave.

"Ah? I didn't mean it, Director Jia, please give me a chance, I really didn't mean it."

Jiao Yajun tried her best to wink at the student who was beaten, but due to her coercion, the student bit the bullet and begged her for mercy.

"I saw with my own eyes that there are still fakes? Principal Ma, immediately stop her teaching work, transfer her from the teaching position, and take the assessment for three months. If she fails to pass after three months, she will be dismissed immediately."

After class, the students talked a lot.

The new teaching building is divided into three buildings, the second grade is in the middle, the first grade and the third grade are on the left and right sides, and there is a corridor connecting them in the middle.

This is the ingenuity of Su Jian's design. The toilets are all built in the building, which saves students from rushing to the dry toilet in rainy and snowy days.

Liberal arts classes and science classes are on different floors, and both Zhang Hui and He Xin meet in the corridor after class.

"Teacher Jiao was fired?" He Xin asked impatiently when they met.

"It spread to your science class so soon?"

"Good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles."

Zhang Hui brushed her hair and was silent in thought.

No. [-] High School is indeed developing and growing. I have never heard of such a thing as a scholarship before, and now it is an eye-opener.

At the opening ceremony, Principal Ma announced the student reward mechanism. Anyone who wins an award in competitions above the provincial level will be given a corresponding cash reward by the school, with a base of 3000 yuan.

There is also a bonus for the top 100 students in the grade group, and the minimum scholarship is 1000 yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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