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Chapter 1243 Don't Believe It's True

Chapter 1243 Don't Believe It's True
"Why are you arguing? Go back to your seats and sit down." The squad leader stood up and shouted at the two of them.

She walked up to the podium and raised the notebook in her hand.

"Just after class, I went to the teacher's office with the representative of the Chinese class to have a meeting. Now I'm counting the list of participants in the composition competition and the ancient poetry competition. Those who participated in both will raise their hands."

Half of the class raised their hands. Zhang Hui looked around and took out a political book to read.

Jin Xiaohui pursed her lips, deliberately keeping Zhang Hui from coming to the stage, "Zhang Hui, why don't you participate in anything?"

The two had just choked up a few words, but now they were angry, Zhang Hui couldn't help but sneered, "Just take care of yourself."

"Hehe, are you not participating because there is no bonus?"

One sentence hit the nail on the head, Zhang Hui's face was hot, and it felt like everyone was looking at her.

She said angrily, "If I don't participate, you can show your ability, otherwise what will happen to you?"

"Are you saying it again?"

Jin Xiaohui stretched out his arms and rolled up his sleeves, ready to fight her.

"Okay, okay, are you finished? It's annoying. I want to fight after school. It's like being forced every day. No wonder the science students look down on us liberal arts students, so they know how to intrigue and fight."

Zhang Hui burst into tears with anger. Her family was poor and she couldn't hold her head up in class, so she could only rely on her studies to make herself look good.

How great would it be if she had Su Jian's abilities?

The two of them were at the same table for three years in junior high school, and one month before the senior high school entrance examination, Su Jian's academic performance was at the bottom of the class.

Everything changed from that peaceful morning.

The monitor, He Xin, approached Su to give a brief application form for the high school entrance examination. She filled out a high school, and asked her to give up the technical secondary school and go to a high school together.

At that time she laughed at Su Jian, the toad wanted to eat swan meat.

She didn't go to a high school, not because she couldn't pass the exam, but because she wanted to start working earlier.

Laughing at Su Jian for being self-indulgent, it was because of her grades that she struggled to go to the worst high school, let alone the No. [-] high school in the city.

In just over a month, she was severely slapped in the face. Not only was Su Jian admitted to a high school, but she also became the most dazzling star that summer with the sixth place in the city.

Later, her life was like a hang-up, and she took the college entrance examination a year later. No one knows how many points she got in the exam, but she got admission letters from two top universities.

What's even more amazing is that the new teaching building of No. [-] High School turned out to be the design drawing given by Su Jian. From top to bottom, the school regards her as a god. Take it out and give it a compliment.

She didn't believe that all of this was achieved by Su Jian's hard work, so she went to He Xin to verify it. He Xin said that Su Jian only slept for four hours a day, and the rest of the time was either studying or making money.

Who wouldn't sleep less, she couldn't stand it after trying it for two nights.

After staying up for two nights, sitting in class, her head was dazed, and she couldn't listen to a word the teacher said.

But it's really strange that those science students like He Xin can do it, why?Is the brain structure of science students different from others?
Time passed day by day, and one day at the end of March, a loud noise shocked the entire capital.

A serious casualty accident occurred in a real estate under construction. At the same time, a strange pothole appeared near Metro Line [-].

Tan Xu was woken up by the rapid phone ringing.

"What? Landslide?"

"Tan Gong, come here quickly, some mysterious people are here and want to take over our project."

(End of this chapter)

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