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Chapter 1246

Chapter 1246

Before the May Day holiday, the first ancient poetry competition of No. [-] High School was in full swing.

All liberal arts students in the three grades can participate. The judges and teachers used the evening self-study time to go through rounds of screening and finally selected ten students to enter the finals.

The match was scheduled for May [-]rd, and the reporters of the city TV station had made preparations for the live broadcast.

"Help me see, is the powder off your face?"

Surprisingly, Jin Xiaohui broke through many difficulties and entered the finals.

Surprise, absolute surprise, even if she didn't get the ranking, she was on TV!

Her mother had already passed the news to the seven aunts and the eight aunts. On May [-]rd at [-]:[-] pm, they would watch her game in front of the TV.

The contestant didn't have a dress code, so Jin Xiaohui specially asked her mother to prepare a red skirt, with rouge on her cheeks, twin ponytails, and red flowers tied on it. When she appeared, she almost blinded Director Guo's eyes.

"Why are you dressed like this? It's too ugly, go and wash your face."

"Director Guo, isn't this ugly? Today's society encourages individuality, so you can't restrain me with your old eyes."

As expected of a liberal arts student, he speaks a lot of fallacies and heresies. This is the experience he summed up from his long-term intrigue with his classmates.

Anger is anger, Director Guo has more important things to do, so she left in a hurry after a few words.

Su Jian came back, I had a good communication with her last night, and she and Zhong Li were special guests, sitting on the judging panel.

The auditorium of a high school was also designed by Su Jian. The audio equipment and lighting facilities were donated by Pengcheng Group.

In this final, an invitation was sent to the parents of a high school student. A total of [-] parents were invited to sit in the auditorium.

Zhang Hui did not participate. Watching the TV station staff busy setting up camera positions, testing microphones, and adjusting lights, she, like other students, regretted not signing up.

If she signed up, how could there be anything about Jin Xiaohui?

However, Jin Xiaohui also worked hard. I heard that her parents were very supportive of her participation in the competition and bought her a lot of Tang poetry and Song Ci. In the days of the preliminary competition, she memorized poems in and out of class.

Jealousy, crazy jealousy, why doesn't she have such a good life?
During the May [-] holiday, her parents did not allow her to go out and asked her to do farm work at home.

Her younger brother is 15 years old this year and has grown into a young man. He idles around all day, doesn't study hard, hangs out with some hooligans in the town, and doesn't do farm work at all.

Tonight, she found a reason and ran out secretly. If she knew that the TV station would come to record, she would have to sign up for it. Such a good opportunity would be wasted.

He Xin hugged her schoolbag, said "I'm sorry" all the way, squeezed over from the other side, and sat next to her.

"Here, I bought you snacks."

Zhang Hui looked around in panic, "Is your mother not here?"

"I didn't give her the invitation letter."

"What if the camera of the TV station catches us?"

"It's okay, I have prepared a hat."

Zhang Hui was not satisfied at all. She touched her schoolbag and asked, "Puffed food again?"

"I saw you liked potato chips last time, so I bought another ten packs."

Are you sick?Ten packs cost more than 20 yuan. Can he give the money to himself?
"I won't eat it, you can take it back."

"What's wrong? Are you angry with me?"


"But you look very unhappy."

"Have you said everything?" Zhang Hui pouted impatiently.

Seeing this, He Xin took out something from her pocket, folded it squarely, and stuffed it into her palm.

"This month's pocket money, you take it first."

(End of this chapter)

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