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Chapter 1261 Su Mingming is gone

Chapter 1261 Su Mingming is gone
Su Mingming distanced herself from them, and Aunt Yufen called out to her, telling her to follow closely and not get lost.

"Who is that girl? Why does she live in your house?" the neighbor asked curiously.

"The head of the family said that she came to the island alone, with no relatives and no reason. Seeing her pity, he brought her back."

"Brother Huang is kind in his heart."

"Oh, she is really pitiful. Her parents are dead, and her relatives don't like her. She is all alone. Why don't you take her in?"

"Orphan? What is she doing on the island? Don't you think about it?"

"Nonsense, maybe, maybe there is something else."

Aunt Yufen wanted to say that she actually knew Su Jian and Su Huan, but then she thought that it was someone else's housework, and as an outsider, she couldn't get involved.

During the [-]th tide, the moon on the sea is extraordinarily big and bright. Even without a flashlight, you can clearly see the crabs, conch, small fish, and shrimp that are too late to escape.

Where have the children in the city seen these?Except for Su Jian, Su Dan and Zhongli, the others entered the city like a cannon, and it was strange to see everything.

"Don't get lost, don't look at the moon and the ebb tide, but the sea at night is the scariest, and it's easy to lose your way." Zhou Xing instructed them.

The people in this village are too good at living and thrifty. They hardly turn on the lights at night, and the lights are dark. If it weren't for the occasional dog barking and duck quacking, it would be impossible to imagine that there are other people.

There is still an hour of high tide, and we must go back.

It's strange tonight, there are so many "big goods" on the beach, the women agreed to take a representative at dawn, take a boat out of the island, and sell the crabs and conch on land.

"Huh? Where's the girl? Where did she go?"

Aunt Yufen broke out in a cold sweat, she was the one who brought Su Mingming to catch the sea, and she was still within his sight 5 minutes ago, why did she disappear when she turned around?

"Miss Mingming? Mingming, where are you? Mingming?"

Aunt Yufen shouted loudly, the empty and lonely beach echoed her voice, but was soon covered by the sound of the rumbling tide.

"Sister-in-law, maybe that girl has gone back, let's go quickly."

Su Jian, who had already reached the shore, suddenly stopped and turned to look at the villagers who came ashore one after another.

Zhong Li asked her what happened.

"Brother, it seems that someone fell into the water."

Not falling into the water, but walking into the depths of the sea.

Su Huan and the others had already landed and found the two of them running against the sea.

"Hey, what are you two doing?"

Aunt Yufen ran to the shore in a panic, calling Su Mingming's name as she ran.

"Miss Su Jian, you, what are you doing?"

Suddenly two black shadows rushed in front of her, and Aunt Yufen's tongue got stuck in fright.

"Su Mingming is gone?"

"Yes, yes, I am about to go back and call someone to help find it."

"Auntie, you go home, let's go find it."

"Ah? Miss Su Jian, the tide is already high, you can't go in anymore, come back quickly, it's dangerous!"

When she shouted, Su Jian and Zhong Li had already run more than ten meters away.

The sea came up very fast, Su Jian pointed, "Brother, go to that rock, I won't let you go inside."

Zhong Li didn't try to be brave, his swimming level was far behind that of his junior sister, so don't take care of him when the time comes, wouldn't it be more and more chaotic?

"Where is she now?"

"It's more than 700 meters away from here, and the water has reached her chest."

Damn girl, why do you want to die in front of her?
Want to try if you can save her?Or should he grasp the mentality that he will definitely save her, and die together?
(End of this chapter)

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