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Chapter 1263

Chapter 1263
Su Mingming waited anxiously all morning for Su Jian to come to find her. How did she know that Su Jian was busy meeting with the biggest leader on the island.

The island is under the jurisdiction of a township, and the head of the township lives in the village near the pier. Hearing that someone wants to invest in building a factory, he came to Su Jian early in the morning on a broken bicycle.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of Zhou Xing's house, the chain of the car broke. He looked at Su Jian and the others with a naive smile, "Fortunately, the chain didn't fall off halfway."

What a simple person!

Qiao Yifeng and the others heard Su Jian discuss business with someone for the first time, and the gap was clear at a glance. There was a reason why he succeeded one step earlier than himself.

Once again, I stated my plan to build a factory, and the original imperfections were also found out. The village head and Zhou Xing had the same reaction, and the town head was also very happy from ear to ear.

"I didn't expect that there are people willing to invest in our isolated island in the sea. Miss Su Jian, thank you."

At this moment, she is a businessman. In business is business, everyone wins, and no one needs to thank anyone.

Su Jian didn't come to see Su Mingming until evening.

"Are you still going to die?"

Su Mingming glared at her, even though she saved his life, it was because of her that his family was ruined.

Su Jian sneered for a while, "You can't live with your own crimes, Su Mingming, my second uncle robbed my father's job more than ten years ago, and your family plotted against us every year. You can't see these things? Don't you know where you are wrong? "

"You think it's wrong for us to resist and attribute our misfortune to others. It's because you have this idea that we are in today's situation."

Su Huan was also there, and she completely agreed with Su Jian's words.

Although Su Mingsong seldom mentioned his parents and two elder brothers, Su Huan was subtly influenced from a very young age. Those poor relatives in the countryside are not worthy of pity, and they will count others and see that other people's families are doing well.

After that happened, Ding Xiaoxue sent her to the city in a fit of anger. At that time, Su Mingming wanted to win her over to deal with Su Jian, and she almost got along with her.

Fortunately, she woke up in time and was willing to accept Su Jian's help. If she believed Su Mingming's words, her fate would be very bad.

If you make a mistake, correct it. Is it difficult to admit your mistake to the uncle's family?

How proud is Ding Xiaoxue?Don't you have close contacts with Liu Fang now?

Her mother often sighs in front of her. She used to be too delicate and superior, and she didn't know where her sense of superiority came from. She looked down on this and that, but she didn't know that the people she looked down on were stronger than her.

Look at the uncle's family, now that they are getting richer, Su Mingcheng and Liu Fang don't look down on anyone, they laugh at everyone, and they have nothing to say to her.

"Su Mingming, your parents did something wrong, and it has nothing to do with Su Jian. If you are still obsessed with Su Jian, no one will help you in the future."

Just wait and see if you don't believe me!
Su Mingming lay on the kang and cried loudly. She didn't have any opinions. Her parents were dead and her brother was in prison. She didn't know what to do in the future.

"I'll prescribe some medicine for you to recuperate your body. If you want to stay in the city, I can provide you with a house and maybe lend you some money to start a small business."

"I'm staying here."

All day long, she wandered aimlessly around the island, trying to figure out one thing.

It is impossible for her to return to her previous life, and it is impossible for her to return to the city. It is much better to spend her whole life on an island where no one knows her, than to be pointed at by others.

"Have you made up your mind?"

Su Mingming nodded.

"Okay, I want to build a factory here, you and Zhou Xing study hard, and when you can get started one day, I will leave it to you here."

(End of this chapter)

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