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Chapter 1265

Chapter 1265 Aftershock Extra Story (1)

In 1995, Yu Zhen moved to City B with his younger brother Yu Wei.

In order to let his younger brother study at ease, Yu Zhen quit his job and came back specially to accompany him.

"How about it? Make up your mind quickly, there are others who want to sell the commissary."

With a cigarette in his mouth, Yu Zhen nodded after looking inside and out, "Success!"

In this way, he and his younger brother settled down in a canteen in front of No. [-] High School.

After Yu Wei was in her sophomore year of high school, it took a lot of effort to transfer here.

He knew a teacher at the school, and after settling in, Aftershock treated him to a meal.

"Zhongli? Is he a top student?"

The teacher, surnamed Zhao, is in his 40s and teaches chemistry in the third year of high school.

"It's not just a top student!" Teacher Zhao said mysteriously.

"You said that your brother's grades are good, and I'm also happy. There will be a math competition selection in two days, and let him participate."

"However, I can say the ugly words first. Whether he can enter the competition group or not depends entirely on his luck."

Amused by him, Yu Zhen asked, "Didn't it depend on his ability?"

"With Zhongli around, no one will surpass him."

Aftershock became interested. Tonight, he mentioned Zhongli twice, what kind of student he is, and Mr. Zhao, who has been teaching for more than ten years, kept it a secret.

"Slowly you will understand."

Late at night, full of wine and food, he sent Mr. Zhao home.

No. [-] High School has three gates, and the south is connected to a residential area, all of which are low-rise bungalows. You can go around to the east gate through the inside, and his small shop is at the east gate.

At this time, the school was early in the evening for self-study, and in the cramped alleys, you could occasionally see pedestrians walking in a hurry.

Regardless of the complex terrain and dense population here, except for some trivial disputes between neighbors, the law and order has always been very good.

No one dares to rob here, or plot evil, because the houses are next to each other, as long as you shout, someone will stick their heads out to check.

The more improbable things happen, the more likely they will happen.

After drinking some wine, he felt a little dizzy, so Yu Zhen pushed the car and walked in the alley.

As I was walking, I heard footsteps behind me.

He looked back and saw that the other party was tall and thin, with a schoolbag on his shoulders.

It looks like a student.

Aftershock didn't care, and continued to walk forward. The footsteps of the students were getting closer, and they seemed to be a little flustered.


Yu Zhen turned around, and was about to ask what was going on, when suddenly a black shadow flew towards his face.

He has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and drinking alcohol does not affect his ability to respond, so he suddenly reached out and grabbed it, and when he looked carefully, it turned out to be a wet mop head?
are you crazy?
When he saw his attacker clearly, the student was already standing behind him.

"Be careful, they have knives in their hands." The student said calmly.

After drinking, his temper also came up. If it was normal, he would not meddle in such nosy matters.

Not tonight, the person who dared to attack him has not yet been born.

Relying on hard work, they wrestled with each other for a while, probably because they were afraid of being discovered, those people retreated while fighting, and finally flung a dagger at them, taking the opportunity to escape.

The dagger was stuck in the left abdomen of the aftershock, and he looked at the blood-stained hands in horror, and at the last bit of consciousness, he was held in the arms of the students.

"You'll be fine."

Then he passed out.

When he woke up again, he was already lying in the hospital, Yu Wei fell asleep lying on the bedside.

At this time, a tall and thin boy came in with a thermos bucket.

His eyebrows and eyes are clean, his figure is very thin, and he is wearing a high school uniform.

"Hi, my name is Zhongli, you saved my life last night."

 Here comes the story everyone wants, thank you guys for liking Shiba’s book, and another Shiba has opened a new book, a systematic essay, this is the first time I’ve written it, I don’t know if I can write it well, so let’s insert the advertisement "The True Daughter Returns, Examined Tsinghua University Circled", the dog's head will save your life, don't spray if you don't like it!
(End of this chapter)

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