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Chapter 1268

Chapter 1268 Aftershock Extra Story (4)

From Song Ze's mouth, I learned that Zhongli's master is a famous surgical master of the Beijing National Association.

Looking at the swollen wounds on his belly, Fang Yong sighed, "The craftsmanship has regressed, so don't tell anyone in the future that I sewed up your wounds."

"Huh?" Yu Zhen was confused.

"Then who sewed it?" he asked reflexively.

"Just second apprentice sewed it."

Hey, if someone doesn't exist anyway, let him take the blame.

He took out a silver needle to regulate his meridians. From the conversation between Song Ze and Fang Yong, it can be felt that their identities and status are not ordinary.

The most unusual one should be Zhongli, right?
Hearing that he woke up, more and more people came to visit him.

He and his younger brother had just moved here not long ago, and they had no relatives and no friends, without exception, all of them thanked him for risking their lives to save Zhongli.

Principal Ma of No. [-] High School and Director Guo of the Academic Affairs Office came in with two bottles of canned yellow peaches.

"Xiao Yu, are you feeling better?"

Yu Zhen panicked and hurriedly asked Yu Wei to move a stool for the two of them.

"Xiao Yu, we are here to thank you on behalf of the school."

"After this incident, the school should be reminded that starting from today, the late self-study will be changed to [-] pm, and children can no longer be allowed to go home late."

The two asked the brothers if they had any difficulties, and even wanted to reduce Yu Wei's tuition fees and let the two move to the teacher's dormitory.

Yu Zhen declined their kindness politely and sent the two of them away, Yu Wei came in pouted.

"Brother, what's the origin of that Zhongli? It's like a big leader, so many people are flattering and flattering."

Yu Zhen frowned slightly, "Brother saves people out of instinct, no matter what his background is, as long as we have a clear conscience."

"Hehe, brother, I said you are stupid, you can't hide from that kind of thing, only you can move forward."

"Did you think about me when you saved people? In case, I mean in case, in case something happens to you, what should I do?"

Yu Zhen smiled wryly, "I'm sorry, brother won't let you worry in the future."

Yu Wei was still unbalanced in his heart, and continued to criticize him persistently.

"Are you in the math competition team?"

Yu Wei said with a long face, "Brother, I was able to enter the competition group because of my own real ability, it has nothing to do with you, and it has nothing to do with that annoying Zhongli."

Knowing his younger brother's temper, Yu Zhen didn't continue talking, and after finally waiting for the ward to be quiet, he lay down and rested.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, he suddenly felt someone beside him, and he opened his eyes suddenly.

"Mr. Zhong, he's awake!" A magnified oval face appeared in front of Aftershock.

Soon a man of medium build came over, with a square face and curly hair, looking at him with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Yu, my surname is Zhong, and I am Zhongli's father."

Yu Zhen quickly sat up, for some reason, he seemed to have seen this Mr. Zhong somewhere.

The most important thing is that he is upright, and the majesty of the superior is unconsciously revealed.

"My son has never made me worry about it, but this is the only thing that worries me all the time."

"Mr. Yu, as a father, I would like to ask you one thing."

"What's the matter? Please tell me!"

"Zhongli has faced all kinds of dangers since he was a child. He still has ten months to study in No. [-] High School. No one can predict what will happen in these ten months."

"I would like to implore Mr. Yu to protect his safety, and I will pay you every month."

Yu Zhen flatly refused, "Mr. Zhong, talking about money hurts feelings. As long as I, Yu Zhen, stay at the gate of No. [-] High School for a day, I will protect Zhongli's safety. Please rest assured."

Before leaving, the "oval face" girl threw him something, opened it, and aftershock gasped.

"My name is Zhou Yang, take it with confidence, Mr. Zhong applied for you, make good use of it, don't go astray, otherwise..."

Aftershock looked down at the thing in his hand, it was a delicate pistol!

(End of this chapter)

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