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Chapter 14 Advancement of Powers

Chapter 14 Advancement of Powers
After eating, Mrs. Su couldn't sit still.

"Boss, take me to your second aunt's house. I'll stay at her house tonight."

"Ah? Mom, why do you suddenly want to see my second aunt?"

"If you are told to go, you will go, where is there so much nonsense?"

Su Mingcheng was at a loss, his second aunt's house was several tens of miles away from here, and it was probably midnight when he got there, would he go tomorrow if he wanted to drop by?
"Mom, wait until tomorrow..."

"Take me there quickly, I have something to tell your second aunt."

Unable to resist the old lady, Su Mingcheng had no choice but to borrow a tricycle from a neighbor's house. The old lady thought it was bumpy, so she laid three layers of mattresses to give up.

"Little Jane, take care of your family. I'll bring you the milk and come back."

Su Jian took out the flashlight and handed it to her father.

Originally, I wanted to stimulate the old lady, but I didn't expect to make my father suffer. This old lady will really torture people in different ways.

"Dad, be careful on the road."

"It's okay, lock the door, you two go to bed early."

Old Man Su watched TV for a while, feeling bored.I am used to watching the big color TV of the second family, and then watching the black and white TV of the old family, it seems awkward at first glance.

Su Jian took the textbook to Su Dan's room.

"We agreed to study together tonight."

Su Dan leaned against the quilt, crossed his legs, and was reading a comic book with relish.

"Sister, I studied today, and it's rest time tonight."

Snatching the manga from his hand, Su Jian said with a straight face, "You ate yesterday, why are you still eating today?"

Su Dan grinned, "Sister, your metaphor is not appropriate at all."

"Stop talking nonsense, come here and do a good job."

She has supernatural powers, and she wants to see if she can help her younger brother improve his grades. A family like theirs can only be successful if they study.

There was no way out, so Su Dan had no choice but to take out the test papers in his schoolbag, hehe, there were dozens of clean sheets, neatly stacked.

"Don't get angry, let me say a word, there is my deskmate here, Zheng Pengfei, have you heard of it? Don't look at him chubby, he is old and righteous. Hearing that our family lacks sparking paper, immediately pat me on the chest Said, in the future, all his test papers will belong to me, and if there is not enough, there will be books.”

"Su Dan!" Su Jian grabbed his ear angrily.

Zheng Pengfei and him, one came first and the other came second. These two trinkets turned the first and third classes of junior high school upside down.

She happened to know Zheng Pengfei's future. After graduating from junior high school, his family sent him to learn Taekwondo. Later, Zheng Pengfei became an excellent taekwondo coach. When Su Dan passed away, he cried the most sadly.

"Study hard, no matter what happens, you and Zheng Pengfei can't give up your studies now."

With the elder sister watching, Su Dan had no choice but to pick up a pen and start studying, while Su Jian took out her least favorite physics book, closed her eyes and thought for a while, and then opened the exercise book.

In front of her is a 9D world, not only the words and numbers are moving, but even the pictures on it are dancing her body, as if mocking her for being an idiot with no common sense in life.

She took out her physics book for the second year of junior high school, and she flipped through it.

After half an hour passed, she closed the book, and when she looked up, she saw Su Dan looking at her with strange eyes.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Sister, you can't spit out dates while reading."

Ok?Soon she understood what her brother was talking about, and she couldn't laugh or cry.

She found that her abilities seemed to be advancing. Yesterday, she could only see numbers moving, and a small amount of knowledge appeared in her mind, which could barely help her solve the problem in front of her.

Today, not only numbers, words, and pictures are moving, but her reading speed is also improving.

"Have you finished the paper?" She didn't want her younger brother to find out that she was a weirdo, so she changed the subject.

(End of this chapter)

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