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Chapter 17 There are still many good people in the world

Chapter 17 There are still many good people in the world

Su Dan hesitated again and again, and said, "Sister, you should go to the hospital. Mom bought a cart of cabbages last night, and I sold them at the wholesale market."

Only then did Su Jian see the tricycle in the corner. Liu Fang didn't sleep all night, and sorted out a hundred catties of fresh and tender green cabbage. If they were not sold in time today, they would rot and deteriorate.

"Can you do it?"

Su Dan puffed out his chest proudly, "Why not? I'm 14 years old, and my dad said I'm a man."

Su Jian couldn't help laughing, "Okay, you go, pay attention to safety on the road, don't fight the price, sell it for the money, and then you go to school, do you hear me?"

"As ordered!"

The siblings separated at a fork in the road, and no one cared that it was just a stroll, but actually went to brag about the old man Su who had two capable sons.

At the vegetable market, Su Dan parked his tricycle on the side of the road and asked the people around him the market price of Chinese cabbage, which was [-] cents a catty.

"Is that too little?"

His mother earned 20 yuan after working hard all night?Su Dan felt wronged and wanted to cry.

"Child, why don't you go to school?" Someone asked.

"Go as soon as the vegetables are sold."

"When are you going to sell out? The vegetable vendor finished getting the vegetables after four o'clock. You can only sell them yourself now. I don't think you will sell out at noon."

ah?How did Su Dan know that there was so much knowledge in it?

"Uncle, can you buy it? I'm two cents cheaper, can you cover it all?"

That man was also a good man, he touched Su Dan's dishes, not to mention that they were better than the previous ones, and there were no rotten leaves in them.

Vegetables grow well, but their hearts are not dark. To put it bluntly, they are honest farmers, and vegetable dealers are willing to deal with such vegetable farmers.

"What about your elders?"

"My dad was hit by a big car last night, and my mom was taking care of her in the hospital. Originally, these vegetables were going to sell for a good price, and they were all irrigated with farm manure. If you don't believe me, try it."

"Yo! You're quite sensible, you know how to help the family share their worries, okay, uncle won't bargain with you, and I don't try new things, so just pay me the normal price of [-] cents."

Su Dan was so touched that he almost cried, and kept bowing, "Thank you uncle, thank you uncle!"

My sister told him that there are still many good people in the world, and she told him to have light in his heart, and it was true.

He took the money and went straight to the school, and it was almost time for class. The guard saw him riding a tricycle and couldn't laugh or cry, so he locked the tricycle in the bicycle storage room of his class under the surprised and mocking eyes of everyone.

In the third grade teacher's office, Teacher Li put a shopping card into Wang Chunmei's hand.

"My son's study will make you worry about it, Miss Wang."

"It's easy to talk about, who are we talking to?"

Seeing Su Dan while walking out, Wang Chunmei frowned, but she set up a persona in front of the teacher of No. [-] Middle School as a good second aunt who cared for her nephews and nieces, so she still waved to Su Dan.

"How did you do it? Dirty all over?"

Su Dan didn't like her, so he avoided the hand she extended to touch his head.

Wang Chunmei cursed a dirty word in her heart, and said calmly on the surface, "Where's your sister? Why hasn't she come to school yet?"

Su Dan looked up, "Didn't you find a job for me? Does it matter if she goes to school or not?"

Today Wang Chunmei came here for this matter. She heard that Su Jian volunteered to apply for a high school, so she asked Teacher Li to take the form away, tore it up in front of her, and threw it into the trash can.

She smiled with satisfaction, "I'm doing everything for your own good. Go to class quickly. Teacher Liu in your class has a good relationship with me. I will tell her to take more care of you."

Disgusted by her hypocrisy, Su Dan rolled his eyes and entered the classroom.

(End of this chapter)

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