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Chapter 229 Why do they talk to you?

Chapter 229 Why do they all speak for you?
When the two elders heard that the two granddaughters were fighting at school, they moved their stools, and they had to come over to see what they said.

The three of them took a taxi to No. [-] High School. The monitor, Qin Du, had been waiting for a long time.

"Teacher Wang, please come with me."

Wang Chunmei was a teacher in No. [-] Middle School, and all the students knew her, and they called her "Wang Daoluo" in private, because she was really unlikable, and many students even hated Su Mingming.

The entrance of the Academic Affairs Office was tightly blocked, unable to drive away the students who watched the excitement, Director Guo's blood pressure rushed up with anger.

"Student Su Mingming, please don't cry. Many classmates have seen you hitting someone with a stool. What's the use of your sophistry?"

Su Mingming, who was finally relieved, found himself being taken to the Academic Affairs Office, and burst into tears.

She was scared to death, it's fine if no one comforted her, why did she put a pot of shit on her head?When did she hit Su Jian?Those boys deliberately framed them, didn't they just not give them a lecture?

"Director Guo? Director Guo?"

Wang Chunmei came in in a panic, and the old couple of the Su family finally caught up after stumbling.

"What about my family Mingming? Which of you dares to bully my family Mingming? I will try my best to seek justice for my family Mingming."

Director Guo and Teacher Zhao looked at each other. These two must be the grandparents of Su Jian and Su Mingming. Isn't the partiality too obvious?Su Jian was so badly injured, couldn't the two of them see it?

"Two old men, please be safe and calm."

Director Guo looked at Wang Chunmei, the palms and backs of the hands were full of flesh, could you let the old man handle the matter?She is really not very good as an aunt, no wonder the two children always fight each other at school.

Su Jian, who was wrapped into a big rice dumpling, asked Zhao Jing, "When will my parents come?"

"Soon." Unknowingly, Zhao Jing stood behind Su Jian, wanting to support her.

"Director, you have to make the decision for my family. She doesn't even dare to step on ants, so how could she beat someone? Someone must have framed her."

Director Guo touched his nose and asked Mrs. Su, "Auntie, don't you care about classmate Su Jian?"

Ok?Dead girl?
A big snow-white face suddenly magnified in front of Old Madam Su, she screamed in fright and almost sat on the ground.

"Grandma, look at me, you obviously hit me, and now I have a headache."

"You, you are, you are Little Jane?"

"Yeah, grandma, you don't even care about me. I'm also your granddaughter." She tried to squeeze out two tears as she spoke.

Wang Chunmei gritted her teeth and stared at her. No need to ask, it must be the trick of this scheming little girl. How could she hit her with a stool?Even if they want to clean up, it will be a dark and windy night, and they will be dragged to the grove to be beaten up to relieve their hatred.

"Little Jane, you have conflicts with Mingming, and you can't use this method to retaliate against her. She is your sister, and you forgot how many clothes she gave you? How can you imitate her and pour dirty water on her?"

Su Jian wiped away her tears and said, "Second Aunt, my classmates all saw that Mingming threw a stool at me, and everyone's eyes were sharp. If you say that I poured dirty water on her, why don't you just say that the classmates are all blind?" .”

Qiao Yifeng and the others who squeezed in to be witnesses were immediately reluctant, "Who is blind? We saw Su Mingming hit people with a stool."

Wang Chunmei sneered, "Perhaps you deliberately went up and slandered my family Mingming, don't tell me you can't do such a thing."

"am I crazy?"

"It's hard to say. With your character of catching and biting, it's entirely possible."

"That's right, little Jane, you're too bad. It's fine to bully you normally, but you still do this in school? Okay, you, now you know how to win over your classmates. Have these boys been seduced by you? Why do they help you?" say?"

(End of this chapter)

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