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Chapter 233

Chapter 233

Lao Zheng couldn't fit in his car, so he took two more cars, and the school sent Director Guo to go with him to the hospital.

Zhong Li is also among them.

Su Jian asked with surprised eyes, but there was no need for him to follow.

"Ms. Sun has been diagnosed, I will go to see him."

Oh, it turned out that he came back suddenly because of this matter.

But why is it such a coincidence that he bumped into this image of himself?She actually cared a lot about Zhongli's opinion of her, so he must think of herself as a funny girl now, right?

Woooo~ What a shame!
"Does your head hurt?"

A pair of beautiful eyes stared into her eyes, "Funny Girl" swallowed nervously.

She couldn't see her own 3D image, and all the theoretical knowledge was in her mind. Combined with her symptoms, she should have a slight concussion.

That girl Su Mingming tried her best. At that time, all the flying stars in front of her were shining little stars. If the stool hit the uncle in the cafeteria on the head, the consequences would definitely be more serious than her.

Wang Chunmei would stop laughing later, she thought she was fooling everyone.

Hehe, she would not do this kind of thing that kills one thousand enemies and hurts herself eight hundred. If Su Mingming apologized to herself immediately, she might not have caused the current situation. After all, she did not mean it at the time.

Lao Zheng notified Song Ze in advance with his mobile phone that he happened to be on duty in the emergency department tonight.

"Go and take a CT first. There are not many people today, and the results will be available in half an hour."

The old couple of the Su family called Su Mingcheng and Liu Fang aside.

"I heard you installed a telephone in your home?"

Su Mingcheng was stunned for a moment, "Father, before I can tell you, write down the number ××××××."

The old man Su had a gloomy face, "Can I remember? Are you stupid? Why don't you write it on paper?"

"Dad, I don't have a pen and paper."

"Won't you borrow it?"

"Go, where can I borrow it?"

Old man Su stared at his eldest son like a fool, what the hell, his brain was kicked by a donkey?I made him feel troubled all night, I really want to slap him and send him to grandma's house.

"Father, I borrowed a pen and paper. The little girl at the service desk is very talkative. She said that there is no need to return it. Let me keep it for you as a souvenir."

"..." My mother, can I kick you to death?
Without saying a few words, he was half-killed by the stupid old man. The old man Su said with a gloomy face, "Your little Jane is really outrageous. No matter how you explain it, she is her sister. Why do you go to school after making trouble like this? ?”

"Father, you have never regarded Xiao Jane as your younger sister, don't you know?"

"...Boss, are you trying to piss me off?"

Su Mingcheng's frightened face changed.

"Father, how dare I, since I was a child, I listened to my father's words the most. Is it because I can't speak that I am so angry? Don't be angry, I am not as sweet as Mingfeng."

Seeing that his father kept his mouth open and did not speak, Su Mingcheng asked again, "Father, do you have any instructions?"


"Hey, I'll go over there to have a look. Daddy, you need to call me. Mingfeng and Mingsong are not here. I have to take good care of Daddy and Mom."

He was so angry that he was the last person old man Su wanted to see now, so go as far as he wants, you bastard!
Liu Fang tugged at the corner of his clothes, "Mingcheng, will my daughter be seriously injured?"

"No, don't think about it, it's okay, little Jianfu has a big life, nothing will happen."

Wang Chunmei sneered and said, "Brother and sister-in-law, you two are really good at acting. Wait a while and see what happens to her!"

Su Mingcheng was unwilling, "Siblings, wouldn't it be better for Xiao Jian to be fine?"

"I heard that the person in the cafeteria was not feeling well, so I ran out to ask for help. Your family obviously fell down on a bench. If you break him, can the other party be as easy-talking as we are?"

(End of this chapter)

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