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Chapter 239 Sending the Pennant

Chapter 239 Sending the Pennant

The school deliberately suppressed what happened yesterday, and the students were not allowed to talk about it.

Zhao Jing talked to Su Mingming.

"You and Su Jian are sisters. Your uncle's family will not hold you accountable, but the school will still give you some warnings."

"Su Mingming, please think twice before you do things in the future. Don't be reckless. Su Jian has a fate. If something happens, you can't afford it, so you have to walk around."

Su Mingming was very angry when he was dragged into the office to lecture him early in the morning.

"Mr. Zhao, I was acting in self-defense, not intentional murder. Besides, none of the many boys came out to protect the girls last night. Why don't you talk about them, why are you holding me?"

She glanced at Zhao Jing contemptuously, "Teacher, I'll go back to class if it's okay."

The student didn't realize the mistake, and was taught a lesson instead, Zhao Jing's face turned livid.

Why are all the girls in the Su family so difficult to serve?Did she poke the old Su's chimney in her previous life?Are you going to suffer this crime for the rest of your life?
"Excuse me, are you Su Jian's class teacher?"

Yu Zhen knocked on the door frame twice and asked.

"Oh, that's me, what can I do for you?"

Aftershock turned sideways, and behind him stood an old lady in her 60s, with a wrinkled face and a colorless turban on her head, her eyes were full of hesitation and anxiety.

"Auntie, we'll see little Jane in a while, so don't be nervous."

Zhao Jing's heart tightened, could it be that Su Jian got into some trouble outside again?
"What's the matter with you? Why are you looking for my student Su Jian?"

"When Su Jian is called over, let's talk about it in detail."

"She is sick and asked for leave, so she won't come to school today."

"Sick?" Aftershock was very surprised.

"What's up with her?"

"Sorry, I don't know what your relationship is with Su Jian, so I won't tell you too much." Zhao Jing directly refused.

"I'm the owner of the canteen at the door. This aunt's surname is Yang. A few days ago, her wife drank pesticide because of something he couldn't think about. It was Su Jian who saved him. Aunt Yang came here specially to give a silk banner."

What?Zhao Jing suspected that she had misheard.

"You said Su Jian saved people?"

If Zhao Jing had been in the hospital yesterday, she would not have been surprised by what Aftershock said today.

She went home last night and thought about it for a long time. She couldn't figure out how Su Jian, who was only 16 years old, dared to use silver needles to bleed critically ill patients. What if someone was stabbed to death?So the girls in the Su family are getting crazier than the other.

Now Yu Zhen told her that Su Jian rescued the old man who was drinking medicine a few days ago, and Zhao Jing suddenly felt that she was a waste, nothing but eating and teaching.

He brought the man in front of Director Guo, and when he heard that he was here to present a silk banner to Su Jian, Director Guo beamed with joy.

"Su Jian, this child, how many people have been saved without making a sound. What a good boy, Mr. Zhao, you are really blessed to be Su Jian's class teacher."

Zhao Jing's face is bewildered, how can she tell that she is blessed?Since taking over the sixth class, how many nights has she been unable to sleep?I just think about how to balance the contradictions among the students, let them study hard, and don't make troubles all day long.

After finding out that Su Jian was in the city hospital, Yu Zhen asked Aunt Yang to hand over the pennant to Director Guo, and the canteen locked the door, ready to go to the hospital to have a look.

The black Santana drove to the door again, Aftershock did not leave in a hurry, but took out a cigarette and lit it, quietly looking at the middle-aged bald man in the car.

Taking out a small comb and a small mirror, and tidying up his Mediterranean hairstyle, Li Liang rolled down the car window and stared at the school gate.

(End of this chapter)

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