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Chapter 246 It's a slap

Chapter 246
"Stop me all!"

Old man Wang was trembling with anger, he was always out of shape, and his son and daughter-in-law were about to lose their jobs, so they still had the mind to put the fight at home?

"You two are selfish, just take care of yourself, and don't care about your children at all?"

Let his in-laws catch him being pushed down to the ground and beaten by the old woman, Old Man Su also felt that he couldn't hold his face.

"It's hard for an upright official to decide on family affairs, Lao Wang, please don't get involved in my family's affairs."

"Isn't your family's business my family's business? I'm only a daughter of Chunmei. She's almost being bullied to death now. You still have the face to say it's your family's business?"

"What's the matter? Didn't you just lose your job? There are recruiters in the park every day, which one can't she do?"

Those who do odd jobs have no culture and can only do coolies.

Standing under the sun with a sign in hand, the sign says what I can do, such as scraping white, putty, cleaning glass, cleaning and taking care of children. If the employer needs them, they will be taken away, and I will die in a day Can earn two 30 yuan.

"Old Su, you want to piss me off, don't you?" Old man Wang screamed angrily.

"Now that Mingfeng is taken away by the organization, he may never come back again. Do you still have something on your mind to buy wine?"

"What? What happened to my Mingfeng?"

Old man Su was startled, could it be that his greed for money was discovered by the superiors?Didn't they all push the boss?At most, I will send back a few criticisms. As for being so excited?
Mrs. Su also chimed in, "The fortune teller has done a fortune teller for my family, Mingfeng. He has a strong official star in his horoscope, and he was born to be an official, so nothing will happen."

Emma, ​​a couple of old fools.

"Okay, if he's fine, everyone will be fine. If he goes to jail, my daughter will divorce him."

"Old Wangtou, why are you cursing my son? Oh, enjoy the blessings together, and fly separately if you are in trouble?" Old man Su glared at his daughter-in-law viciously.

"You think so too?"

Wang Chunmei was a little timid, but seeing the eyes of her parents, she gained confidence, "Father, Mingfeng is somewhere now, so I have to find a way to get him out."

"I don't have a job now, and I don't know a rich boss. It's all caused by Jane. It's because she doesn't want me and Mingfeng to live a good life."

"What does it have to do with Jane?"

"Father, Mingfeng almost lost Xiaojian ten years ago, and now that girl is taking revenge on us both, and she's all about sending Mingfeng to prison."

Damn it, I really want to rebel!
The three Su Jian siblings entered the village together with the elder's tricycle.

Su Dan stared at the black-smoky tricycle in front of him and said, "Sister, why do I feel that the person sitting in the car is our grandpa and grandma?"

"Don't doubt it, it's them."

What are you doing here in such a hurry?
At the door of the house, Su Mingcheng was watching eagerly. It was going to be dark, and he didn't know when the three children would come back.

The tricycle stopped in front of him, old man Su got off angrily, and when the old man got up, he slapped his eldest son.

Su Mingcheng covered his face and asked in surprise, "Father, why did you hit me?"

"You bastard, I'll kill you."

Still puzzled, the old man took off a shoe and started beating Su Mingcheng after him.

Neighbor Brother Ang hugged old man Su, "Third Uncle, Third Uncle, why are you beating someone?"

are you crazy?Mingcheng is almost 50 years old, so if you say you slap your face, you slap your face?Is there such a father?
Seeing that his wife was hugged tightly by Wu Tiejun, Mrs. Su didn't keep her hands idle, and patted Wu Tiejun's back, "Go away, tell you to meddle in your own business?"

Su Dan was like a calf, pushing his grandfather to the ground headlong.

"Don't bully my father!" He protected Su Mingcheng behind him with red eyes.

"If you hit him again, I will hit you."

(End of this chapter)

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