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Chapter 25 Some people are not worth saving

Chapter 25 Some people are not worth saving

Before she knew it, at noon, Su Dan came to her and asked her if she would go to the hospital to visit her father.

"Go home, that's the house that mom and dad worked so hard to build, why don't we go back?"

The siblings returned to the village together. The door of the house was wide open, and the yard was empty. When they walked in, they found Old Man Su lying on the kang with his eyes tightly closed and sweat on his forehead.

"Grandfather? What's wrong with you?"

Su Jian hurried forward to check, and the moment she touched the old man's arm, a three-dimensional diagram of organs suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

It was the stomach. When she was reading a medical book last night, she saw a cross-section of the stomach.

The organs are surrounded by hair-thin blood vessels and meridians, and one of them is red, which seems to be inflamed.

"Xiao Dan, call Dr. Shen over here."

After a while, the village doctor Shen Hongtao ran in sweating profusely with a medical kit on his back.

"Hey, how much wine did your grandfather drink?"

Only then did the siblings see that there were wine bottles on the kang and on the ground, weighing more than three catties.

Old man Su was addicted to alcohol, and he didn't dare to drink when he lived in his second son's house, for fear of being kicked out and not being able to enjoy the blessings.

Every time he came to Su Ming's house, he would pass out several times. Dr. Shen took out anti-inflammatory drugs with ease and gave him an intravenous injection.

"Let him drink some porridge, and if he drinks it, his stomach will be perforated."

After Dr. Shen left, Su Jian made a pimple soup. After the two of them finished eating, she asked Su Dan to go to school.

"Didn't you say that there is an exam in the afternoon? Answer the questions seriously, it doesn't matter, we will study together in the evening."

She stayed at home to take care of the old man, the infusion relieved the pain, and the inflammation disappeared visibly.

Su Jian has been shocked at the beginning, and now she is secretly happy. As long as she studies hard, the supernatural power in her body will become stronger and stronger, and maybe one day it will be so powerful that it is unimaginable.

"Damn girl, are you deaf? I told you that you didn't agree for a long time?"

A bottle opener flew over and almost hit her on the head, making Su Jian sullen.

"Grandpa, have you had enough trouble?"

"What?" Old Man Su's eyes were as big as bull's eyes.

"You want me to die on purpose, unworthy descendants, I want the whole village to know that your family wants to starve me to death."

"My dad's money from selling corn is in your pocket, and he has no money to pay for hospitalization when he's sick. Grandpa, everyone in the village is not stupid. How does my dad treat you? Everyone has a clear eye."

"You, you still dare to talk back to me?"

The old man Su still wanted to teach her a lesson, so Su Jian turned around and went out, bringing over the porridge and a salted duck egg.

"You just let me eat this?"

"Otherwise? Dr. Shen said that if you drink any more, your stomach should be perforated."

"Buy me meat, I can't eat without meat."

Su Jian stretched out her hand, "Okay, take the money, I'll go and buy you pork head meat, big elbows, and fatty intestines."

The old man Su's eyes were round, and he said with a dark face, "You are filial to me, and you still ask me to pay?"

"Master, where did I get the money? My dad is still lying in the hospital."

Taking the book to Su Dan's room, she turned a deaf ear to the old man Su's scolding, and immersed herself in the ocean of knowledge.

With the activation of the supernatural power, her memory is also getting stronger. Most of the medical knowledge is obscure and difficult to understand. Without a teacher, it is still a bit difficult for her to figure it out on her own.

When it was dark, Su Dan came back in a hurry.

He went to the hospital to visit his parents first, and the compensation paid by the party responsible for the accident was in place. In addition, Liu Sheng took out his savings, and Su Mingcheng would be able to leave the hospital and go home in a few days.

"Sister, I have great news for you."

He took out the math paper and shook it in front of Su Jian, "89 points, I got 89 points."

(End of this chapter)

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