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Chapter 256 My parents are not filial

Chapter 256 My parents are not filial
Things are settled in this way first, Su Mingsong wants to leave, Su Jian asks him to send the second elder to the second uncle's house in the city.

"Can your second aunt agree?"

"My mother also doesn't agree with my grandma living in my house."

Anyway, in their eyes, parents are unfilial sons, so they just sit on the real name and say whatever they like.

"Little Jane, you, you, really, how could you do this? You are the same age as Xiao Huan and educated, so you can't mess around."

"Third Uncle, this is wrong. My parents used to be obedient to my grandparents. People in the village called him stupid and filial, but he didn't care. What did I get in return?"

"In exchange for my grandfather's slap in the face, his face was swollen, and he will not be able to lift his head up in the village in the future."

"We are not filial. If they want to live in my house, they have to work. If they want to eat ready-made food, it is impossible for my parents to serve them."


The old couple have bad faces, and only return to the countryside to work when they can't get along in the city.

quit!Whoever likes to do it!

Before leaving, the old man Su kept looking at the gift brought by Old Zheng. Seeing it, Su Ming stuffed it into the cabinet and locked it up.

From now on, he will resolutely not be his father's big brother. Fuck it, he will be a worthless person for the rest of his life. If he can't be struck by lightning, he will continue to be an unfilial son.

In the car, the youngest son and daughter-in-law all had gloomy faces, and the old couple didn't dare to say anything, and went all the way to the door of Su Mingfeng's house.

The door is locked, and the iron general guards the door.

"Oops, my stomach hurts."

Mrs. Su suddenly sat on the ground and rolled over. Su Mingsong was startled, obviously not understanding the fucking routine.

"Third brother, I'm dying, take me to the hospital."

"Mom, weren't you fine just now?"

"Just now, third child, you can't follow your two elder brothers and leave us alone."

I am like a bodhisattva crossing the river, and I can't protect myself. How can Su Mingsong dare to care about his parents?

"Are you full from eating too much? Just go in and relieve yourself."

He got into the car like a loach, then stepped on the accelerator and slipped away.

The old lady on the ground was sprayed with dust all over her face.

"Father, I think it's okay for us to die. None of the three sons can count on it."

A villa area in the south of the city.

The car parked steadily in front of a small two-story building, and Su Mingsong grabbed his wife who was about to get out of the car.

"Xiaoxue, thank you today!"

Ding Xiaoxue looked at him coldly, "No need."

"Su Mingsong, our marriage is over. If my parents didn't like you, you would have been kicked out of my house long ago."

"Now my dad is sick. In his last days, you have to play your role well and don't cross the line."

"As for your parents buying a house, I didn't refute it at your elder brother's house, so I will naturally give you part of the money. You have to make an IOU and return the principal with interest."

Su Mingsong had mixed feelings in his heart, and for the sake of his own future, he had no choice but to compromise.

"Okay, I promise you all."

"Xiao Huan didn't go to school today, and my cousin doesn't like to make dinner, so let's go out to eat."

Su Jian only took half a day off. After lunch, she went to school. She deliberately detoured to the south gate of the school, stood at the highest point, and kept her eyes on the house she wanted to buy.

The structural diagram of the building is right in front of you. The distance is a little far away, and the image is very small, but the internal structure can be seen clearly.

One beam was missing, oh well, she thought the house could hold up at least until dark, it seemed that the uncle was out of luck, he would be the only buyer of the two houses, and he had to sell them if he didn't.

After entering the class, the classmates huffed and surrounded her in a big circle, asking her how she was.

"Su Jian, Director Guo asked you to go to the Academic Affairs Office."

Before the stool was warmed up, a classmate called her, and Class [-] poked two heads out immediately.

"Boss Su, you don't know yet, do you? Someone gave you a silk banner...and a plaque."

 Some cuties said that the heroine's family is weak and wasting the chance of rebirth.There are real people around the author. The old couple is still living in the city. The son and daughter-in-law have divorced.A pair of old fools who only know how to enjoy themselves and are selfish.

(End of this chapter)

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