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Chapter 262 I May Have Encountered a Ghost

Chapter 262 I May Have Encountered a Ghost
Someone is casting a curse.

"Poison you, poison you, slut, poison you, go to hell, shameless vixen."

It was Gao Meilan. Su Jian had a gloomy face, staring at her pouring pesticide into a doll's mouth.

"Auntie, it's so late, why don't you go to bed?" She asked quietly.

"Who?" Gao Meilan sat down on the ground in shock, panicking.

"I am the daughter of a vixen."

"Fox, the daughter of the fox fairy? You, are you a human, a, a ghost?"

"Fox Immortal should not belong to humans."

Across the cornfield, she deliberately put on a gloomy tone, and Gao Meilan, who was guilty of guilt, was almost scared to pee.

"I, I don't know you."

"Once born, twice acquaintance, now we know each other."

"What do you want to do?"

"Auntie, I haven't eaten human flesh or drank human blood for a long time."

As he spoke, he plucked the leaves of the corn with one hand. It was already autumn, and the leaves were dry and brittle. The rustling sound was particularly eerie and terrifying in the empty and lonely night.

Gao Meilan was frightened to death, half of her souls flew away.

"You, don't scare me, I don't believe in vixen."

"Yes, you just summoned me, you want to poison the vixen to death!"

"You are Little Jane, are you trying to scare me?" Gao Meilan asked sharply after thinking about it.

"Who is Little Jane?"

She has supernatural powers and has never used them to tease others.

Today is different, her mother has been wronged, thinking with her feet, she knows that the instigator is Gao Meilan.

This old woman will feel uncomfortable all day long if she doesn't act as a demon. She doesn't sleep at night and runs in the corn field to practice tricks, framing her mother with the method of tying villains.

Don't say that Su Mingcheng has bad parents, doesn't Brother Huai Yuan also have a low-quality mother?

Gao Meilan took the courage to pick up the rice sticks, summoned up her courage and rushed out, and there was not even a ghost on the road.

With the help of supernatural powers, Su Jian had already run not far behind her.

"Auntie, are you looking for me?" The voice came from the corn field, but she didn't hear anyone running in at all.


Gao Meilan let out a terrible scream, and in an instant all the dogs in the village started barking wildly.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Liu Fang woke up in shock, thinking that something had happened to her daughter, and ran barefoot to the opposite room to check.

Both Su Dan and Zheng Pengfei were still awake, their eyes widened in horror.

"Mom, did you see a woman with disheveled hair sneaking into Uncle Wu's house?"

The two were about to go to the door to have a look, when they saw a black shadow rushing into Wu's house as if fleeing for their lives.

Su Jian put her hands in her pockets and came out from the back of the room slowly.



Signaling them to go in, she deliberately patted the door of Wu Tiejun's house hard.

"Uncle, uncle, are you asleep?"

Wu Tiejun was woken up by the barking of the dog. He turned on the light and saw that it was past one o'clock in the morning, and there was nothing around him. Where did Gao Meilan go?

"Little Jane, what's the matter?" Wu Tiejun came out with his clothes on and opened the door.

"Uncle, a woman ran into your house just now. Is she a bad person? We were studying, and we heard screams from the back of the room. Could something be wrong with your aunt?"

Gao Meilan must be doing something wrong, Wu Tiejun's face turned pale with anger.

"Gao Meilan, you don't want to live a good life. We'll go to the village to get a divorce tomorrow. I've had enough fucking with you, get out!"

Back home, Liu Fang asked her what happened.

"Mom, I don't know either, maybe the aunt really encountered a ghost."

She beckoned Su Dan and Zheng Pengfei to come in.

"I've given you two a task..."

(End of this chapter)

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