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Chapter 264 Everyone Knows To Participate In The Composition Contest

Chapter 264 Everyone Knows To Participate In The Composition Contest
"Old Zheng, what's wrong with you? Did you steal a piece of shit behind our backs?"

In the yard, Su Dan was waiting for him to go to school together, with half a steamed bun still in his mouth, and the two joked about each other in depth, and everyone was used to it.

Zheng Pengfei twitched the corners of his mouth, and suddenly ran over and hugged Liu Fang in circles.

"Mom, mom, please praise me, praise me, I've grown up so big, no one has praised me."

Liu Fang squatted on the ground preparing chicken food, and was suddenly picked up by him and spun around, her face paled in fright.

"Pengfei, Pengfei, what's wrong with you? Let me down quickly, oops, I'm dizzy, let me down quickly."

Su Mingcheng and Su Jian looked at him in surprise, Zheng Pengfei put Liu Fang safely on the ground, hugged her and cried loudly.

"Dad, Mom, Sister, Old Su..."

What a silly title, huh!

"I'm happy, I'm so happy, woo woo, sister, I'm in the top 20 of the class in the exam, woo woo woo, my dad said that I'm showing shame to Lao Zheng's parents, and my ancestral grave is going to be smoked."

Whoops, this is really a happy event, the whole family is happy for him.

"What about me, what about me? Did uncle say how I did in the exam?"

Zheng Pengfei blinked, "Old Su, I forgot to ask."

I'm stupid, Su Dan bared his teeth and wanted to hit him.

He should have done well in the exam. He has been studying hard all summer, and his hard work always pays off. The three siblings go to school happily.

In Grade [-], Qiao Yifeng blocked the door.

"Boss Su, lend me your composition to copy."

Su Jian stared at him in surprise, "What composition?"

""A Photo with Special Meaning", didn't you write it yesterday?"

"You also have a picture of Uncle Li at your house?"

"What do you mean?"

"It doesn't make any sense."


Back in Class [-], Qiao Yifeng looked a little pale.

Yin Quan chuckled, "How is it? I told you that you would be scolded, and even rushed to the muzzle of the gun."

"Didn't I forget to write it?" Qiao Yifeng looked sad.

Jiang Renjiu was the course selection representative. He and Yin Quan were poking a game console on the floor of the table. Jiang Renjiu found out and ordered him to be the representative of the Chinese class.

Now I don’t even have an idea for the composition. The photos of his family seem to be quite meaningful, but in fact they are the same. The meaning is that he has grown up and his parents have grown old.

The representative of Class [-] Chinese class is collecting homework. Everyone is complaining. After high school, the teachers of each subject leave a lot of homework. Almost everyone has to study very late before going to bed.

Su Mingming lay on the table to catch up on sleep.

"Hey, obviously you don't want to sleep, I'll tell you something big." Jin Xiaohui whispered in her ear like a mother-in-law.

"What's wrong? The sky is falling?"

"It's scarier than the sky falling."

She finally raised her head. She stayed at grandma's house last night, and she didn't know why they sold the house all of a sudden. The house was in such a mess that she didn't sleep well.

"I have a gossip. Teacher Jiang plans to select two of the essays we wrote in the past two days and send them to the national essay competition. I heard that No.1 is eligible to be sent to the University of Washington."

Surprised or not?Is it surprising?Can a freshman in high school not go crazy?This is the first olive branch thrown by Washington University since they entered school, and they have grasped the ease of living in the next two and a half years, but they have to cross the line drawn by others.

She looked up and looked around. Jin Xiaohui's so-called "gossip" has long been an open secret. The representative of the Chinese class does not accept homework, and returns to her seat to rethink her composition.

The happiest person in the class is Su Jian. She is holding a thick book to read.

Qin Du also heard about the competition, and frowned to revise his composition. Seeing Su Jian leisurely flipping through the book in his hand, he couldn't help but glance curiously.

""Dragon Babu"???"

(End of this chapter)

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