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Chapter 267 Asking you to copy the book, you can't even find the answer

Chapter 267 Asking you to copy the book, you can't even find the answer
Language teaching and research group.

"Teacher Jiang, is this composition really written by a student?" Seeing him coming in, a teacher asked loudly.

Behind him, the representative of the Chinese class put the homework on his desk. Before going out, Jiang Renjiu said, "Well, the first prize must be her."

The representative of the Chinese class scrambled back to the classroom, knocking on the desk excitedly, "I'm announcing a big event."

"Got it, got it, Grandma Tian doesn't take the exam on what I said last night, we all know it well, it feels good to be given a lesson by her, ha ha ha ha..."

The class representative looked confused, "What and what, what I want to talk about is something else."

"Good thing? Bad thing?"

"I just..." He swallowed hard, coughed and said.

"Teacher Jiang said that the composition written by one of us will definitely win the first prize."

There was chattering and chattering for the first three seconds, but soon there was no sound, everyone looked at me and I looked at you.

"Who is it? From the liberal arts class?"

The class representative shook his head, "I don't know, I wanted to find out, but the smiling tiger glared at me, scaring me out."

Qin Du looked at his "awesome" deskmate, instead of studying kung fu, he drew pictures instead, and the paper was still a picture of a house with smooth lines.

"What are you doing?"

Su Jian was thinking about how to increase the utilization rate of the bungalow, when Qin Du came over suddenly, which shocked her a lot.

"Design a house."

"Uh... isn't that the first prize?"

"What? What are you talking about?" She didn't hear what the class representative said at all.

"Ms. Jiang selected a composition and said with certainty that the other party will win the first prize."

"It's amazing!" Su Jian admired from the bottom of her heart, she was never stingy with her own praise, and it is a virtue to admit that others are better than herself.

"Isn't it you?"

"Well, it's possible!"

It's very possible, she wrote two compositions yesterday, both in one go, less than half an hour before and after.


Qin Du returned to his desk and continued to read biology books. He asked Su Jian to prove that he was looking for abuse.

After reading all the books in senior one, senior two, primary four, she planned to ask the teacher for the papers of the last exam, and first familiarize herself with the exam direction of the person who wrote the exam.

Taking her time, she came to a large office on the third floor. The biology group and the history group shared the same room. Grandma Tian was standing at the window joking with her colleagues, holding a large tea mug in her hand.

Su Jian knocked on the door and came in. It was the female student she hated, and Grandma Tian frowned.

"What are you doing here?"

"Mr. Tian, ​​I want to ask if there are any papers for last year's exam. I want to do it first to familiarize myself with the question types."

Teacher Tian scratched his ears in disbelief, "Say it again?"

The 3D image shows that her ears are not diseased, which is the prelude to mocking herself.

"Uh, I want to do last year's examination paper."


"Biology, history, geography, politics, I want them all."

"Mr. Zhang, do you think this kid talks so funny?"

She curled her lips contemptuously, "Su Jian, how many lessons have you taken in biology class? Every day you either read extracurricular books or draw villains. What do you know?"

"Teacher, you can't look at people through the cracks of the door, and look down on people."

"I'm still not convinced. The next class is biology class. I want to take an exam. I want to see how much you can score. I thought about running away when I was just learning to walk? Why are students so immodest now? Can you do the exam paper? Hehe , even if I ask you to copy the book, you may not be able to find the answer.”

(End of this chapter)

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