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Chapter 275

Chapter 275
"Oh, the living ancestor, I have waited for you. Have you brought the money?" Ding Jianguo asked impatiently.

Su Jian took two steps back, good guy, how angry is this?Breath so dirty?
Checked his body with the ability, this typical player who likes to take advantage, tortured by the house problem, the internal fire is very strong.

"I'll take a look at the house first."

In fact, it is clear at a glance without going in, she mainly wants Lao Zheng to see it.

"Uncle, the terrain here is not level. The one next to the street is the tallest, and the terrain here is relatively flat. The one next to the river will definitely suffer from waterlogging during the rainy season.

Ding Jianguo looked back at her, "Little girl, you know this place quite well."

This is a matter of common sense. Of course, with the help of supernatural powers, she has a wide field of vision, and she can have a panoramic view of the distribution of nearly a thousand households.

Lao Zheng has not received the floor plan of the house reported by the company, so he is not very impressed with what Xiao Jian said.

"The lowest terrain by the river?"

No, the big river that runs through the city goes all the way south and directly into the sea. If the terrain is low, the seawater will pour back and drown half of the city.

Ding Jianguo said, "She's right. If you buy a house by the river, it's cheaper. You can buy it for three or four hundred."

Speaking of this, his flesh hurts, it's all because he always wants to save money and save money, the problem with the beams is not repaired in time, and now he even has no home.

"When the dam was built, the soil was taken from that area. Later, more and more people came to the city. To save money, some garbage was landfilled. The foundations are all floating. When it rains, it absorbs water like a sponge. The house They were all soaked in the water, and now there are only families with very difficult financial conditions left there."

Old Zheng didn't know about this, if Xiao Jian hadn't provoked the conversation, he would still be in the dark.

He was born as a bricklayer. When he was young, he led a team of bricklayers to travel all over the world to build houses for people. When he entered the house, he could see the quality of the house at a glance.

"This is cutting corners. Didn't anyone tell you when the house was built?"

Ding Jianguo smiled ashamedly, "I built it myself, and I can't blame others. Now that I think about it, I'm really lucky. I haven't been crushed to death after living here for more than ten years."

"Uncle, in fact, your neighbors have known about your family's situation for a long time, so it's a last resort for them to move away?" Su Jian asked with a smile.

Ding Jianguo was stunned for a moment, and finally did not admit that he was right.

Hand over the money, hand over the keys.

"Little girl, can't you give me more? My family is really in trouble. This little money can't build a house now. How will I live in the future."

Su Jian shook her head, the bad life is your own fault, how can you rely on other people's pity?

"Uncle, the economy has developed rapidly in recent years. You have the skills to build houses. Why don't you work hard in this industry? At any time, craftsmen will not be hungry, unless you are too lazy. If you always think about speculation, It is impossible to make a fortune by taking a small profit."

Old Zheng nodded approvingly, "That's right, I was born as a plasterer, there is no free lunch in the world, brother, you have to work harder, now there is gold everywhere, it depends on whether you are willing to bend down to pick it up."

Ding Jianguo left the house he had lived in for more than ten years depressed, scolding Su Jian and Lao Zheng angrily while walking.

"What bullshit? There's gold all over the place, where is it? There's dog poop all over the place."

It takes about ten minutes to walk to the ridge, and a luxurious car is parked by the side of the road.

Passers-by were all interested in this car. Ding Jianguo was startled when he found the driver dozing off in the car, so he tapped on the window and asked, "Is your boss surnamed Zheng?"

(End of this chapter)

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