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Chapter 28 She Must Be Copying Someone Else

Chapter 28 She Must Be Copying Someone Else
The mother and daughter cleaned up and tied up all the remaining cabbage, and the east side was already pale.

"Little Jane, you go home and sleep for a while, and you have to go to school during the day."

"Mom, the senior high school entrance examination is approaching, and the teacher does not require you to come to school. I have asked for leave to stay at home these two days."

The one who should rest most was Liu Fang, her eye sockets were sunken, her eyes were dull, and Su Jian was crying in distress.

"Mom, I'm going to sell vegetables, you go home."

Unable to hold back her daughter, Liu Fang had no choice but to give up, and Su Jian rode a tricycle to a nearby wholesale market.

Uncle Yang, who sells corn, recognized her immediately.

"I still want to contact your dad, whether to sell corn or not."

Su Jian smiled and shook her head, "My father is sick, and the family is really busy."

"It's a pity, this cart of vegetables also belongs to your family?"


"Okay, let me cover it all. Go back and discuss it with your parents. It's a pity that the twenty acres of land don't grow corn. It's a plastic greenhouse, and there are fresh vegetables for sale all year round."

Su Jian smiled gratefully, Uncle Yang is also a good person, who else would give them advice?
When she came home at eight o'clock, Liu Fang slept for a while, got up to cook for Su Mingcheng, and took him to the hospital.

"So fast?" Liu Fang asked in surprise after accepting the 30 yuan for selling cabbage.

"Mom, do you still remember Uncle Yang? He took care of everything, saying that your food is served well and can be sold at a high price."

She fetched water to wash her face, and said as she walked, "Uncle Yang suggested that our family build a vegetable shed. Mom, I think it's very good. You and Dad are too busy. You can ask some people in the village to help."

Has Liu Fang never thought about this problem?They were so shy in their pockets that they had no money to build a greenhouse.

Old man Su snatched all the [-] yuan for selling corn. Her family is so dumb, but they don't eat less.

Knowing that her parents were in trouble, Su Jian continued talking, which would only increase her mother's troubles. She wished she could make money now, so that the family could live a good life.

At school, Teacher Zhu is holding a physics test paper.

"Su Jian? Where's Su Jian? Why didn't she come to school?"

Zhang Hui curled her lips and said, "Teacher, Su Jian has started working, and she won't come again."

What?Teacher Zhu was stunned. Such a good seedling, why didn't he take the senior high school entrance examination?

"What nonsense, monitor? Who's the monitor?"

He Xin stood up, "Teacher, I am."

"Do you know where Su Jian's family lives?"

Teacher Zhu has not been in this class for a long time, and he doesn't like to contact the students' parents, so he doesn't know the situation of Su Jian's family.

"Teacher, I know where her family lives."

Zhang Hui said strangely, "He Xin, how do you know about Su Jian's family?"

He Xin looked at her and said nothing.

"After school today, you take time to go to her house and tell her to come to school to find me tomorrow."

Teacher Zhu raised the test paper in his hand, "In this physics test, Su Jian got the highest score of 96 in the whole grade group."

"He Xin, I remember you got 93 points in the test, right?"

He Xin nodded.

Zhang Hui's face was as pale as paper.

"Teacher, Su Jian must have copied the answer."

Teacher Zhu looked at her, remembering this time, his physics class representative scored 51 points in the test.

"Who did she copy?"

"Copy, copy mine!"

She is the No.1 in the whole year group, a crane tail who occupies the bottom 96 of the rankings all the year round, how dare she get [-] points in the test?
Teacher Zhu supported his glasses legs. He has been teaching for more than 30 years, and he has seen all kinds of students, but he has never seen a physics class representative who opened his eyes and talked nonsense.

"How many points did you get?"

"I, I didn't answer the question well, because I will definitely be admitted to the teacher college..."

"Answer my question, how much did you score?"

All the eyes of the class were on her, and Zhang Hui was very embarrassed.

"She copied He Xin's. On the day of the exam, I found out that the two of them were flirting with each other. It must be He Xin who handed her the little note."

(End of this chapter)

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