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Chapter 282 Methane Poisoning

Chapter 282 Methane Poisoning
"Dad, Mom, Uncle, you guys go back first, Xiao Dan, Pengfei and I go to the bookstore and come home later."

Liu Fang secretly winked at her, telling her not to forget what happened at night.

She made an "OK" gesture to show that she remembered.

"It stinks, my God, it seems that living in the city also has troubles, smelling this smell every day, can you eat and sleep?"

The three of them held their noses and walked forward. On the street ahead, they saw people from the municipal government clearing the sewer pipe.

"Oops! Old five? Old five? Say something, what's wrong?"

Because it was too smelly, no one was around to watch. When the workers found that their colleagues who had gone down into the well were soaking upside down in the dirty water, they immediately yelled, which attracted the attention of Su Jian and the three of them.

"Sister, is something wrong?"

"Go and see."

The man on the well panicked and wanted to go down to pull his companion, but Su Jian hurriedly stopped him.

"Block your mouth and nose, there is methane gas in it, he is poisoned by methane gas."

Thinking of the textbook they had just finished reading, Su Dan and Zheng Pengfei immediately echoed, "Yes, yes, it's methane. The main components are methane and carbon monoxide. Excessive inhalation can lead to coma, which is very dangerous."

When the man on the well heard this, his legs immediately went limp, and he asked in panic, "Then what should I do?"

"Go down and save people, hurry up, is there a rope?"

Fortunately, there was a bunch of finger-thin hemp rope on the car, and the man put it on without hesitation, covering his mouth and nose with a wet towel, and tied the other end of the rope to the wheel of the tricycle that came to help out of kindness.

"You go down and hold your breath as much as possible, squint your eyes, and pull him out quickly, or you won't be able to save your life."

After the people were tied with a rope around their waists, the tricycle drove forward, dragging them to the mouth of the well bit by bit, and the enthusiastic crowd worked together to pull them up.

"It's over, people are weak, and it's probably hopeless." Someone said regretfully.

"That's right. Last year, some people felt dizzy just after going down. At that time, they said there was methane in it."

"Old five, old five? Wake up, you can't do anything, how can I explain to your family!" The person who rescued him also felt uncomfortable, his face was pale, and he couldn't breathe.

"Everyone spread out, whoever can fetch a basin of water, hurry up."

A shopkeeper brought two basins of water and poured it on the unconscious fifth child. Su Jian ignored the dirt on his body and tore off his shirt, "Get some more water, hurry up."

He was poisoned by inhaling excessive methane gas halfway down the well.

After doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Su Jian took out the needle in her schoolbag and stuck it at Renzhong and Yongquan points.

The lungs began to expand, the heart beat slowly, and the blood flowed to the whole body bit by bit, a smile appeared on the corner of Su Jian's lips.

"Take him to the hospital."

When she pulled out the silver needle, Lao Wu's complexion had obviously improved.

"Ah? Saved? The fifth child won't die?" The companion cried with joy.

"Don't waste time, go to the hospital for a system check, hurry up."

The onlookers burst into applause, "The little girl is amazing, if it wasn't for her, that person would have died."

"She knows Chinese medicine. The last time I saw someone get an acupuncture treatment was Dr. Sun. He has been dead for several years."

"Sooner or later, there will be a problem with this sewer pipe. Years ago, a child threw firecrackers into it, didn't it explode? Almost killed him."

"Oh, it's scary, the sewers are too smelly, there's no way to go on like this."

"It's not easy for the municipal government to come here again, but they can't find out what the problem is. A hundred people are useless."

The three of Su Jian did not leave, the person who came over should be a small leader.

"Student, which school are you from?"

(End of this chapter)

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