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Chapter 288 I'm going to comfort your grandma

Chapter 288 I'm going to comfort your grandma
"Little Jane? Little Jane?"

Just as Su Jian came out of the water room, Liu Fang ran over in a panic behind her.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Is there anyone chasing after you?She looked downstairs, but there was no one.

"Quick, hide quickly, I ran into your third uncle downstairs just now."

ah?It can't be such a coincidence, can it?

Su Jian took her to Song Ze's duty room. Su Huan had just woken up and was sitting there in a daze with sleepy eyes.

"Huanhuan, are you okay?" Liu Fang touched her hand in distress, it was cold.

"Oh, you wear too little, silly girl, you must do a good job in confinement, or you will burn the root of the disease."

Su Jian said, "Let her not dress well, and I won't treat you when she gets sick in the future."

Su Huan rolled her eyes at her, and obediently put on a dress.

"My third uncle saw you?" Su Jian asked.

"No, I was terrified at the time. I thought he knew about Huanhuan."

"Mom, I forgot to tell you that Grandpa Su Huan is hospitalized here."

Liu Fang hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong? What's the matter?"

Liu Fang signaled her to go out and said that the two of them went to the corridor.

"Your third uncle thought I was visiting your grandma, but he said that your second aunt injured your grandma and lives in 403."

Yo, that's really big news.

"Mom, what do you think?" Su Jian asked intentionally.

Liu Fang sighed, "No matter what you say, she is your grandma..."

Su Jian's face turned cold, "So?"

"I'll go and see how badly she's hurt."

Knowing daughter is more like mother, how can Liu Fang not know what her daughter thinks?
"Your grandma must be confused now. You have to help her remember how it hurt. It's unacceptable for a daughter-in-law to beat her mother-in-law."

At this time, in Su Jian's eyes, her mother held the sword of justice in her hand, and was going to hunt down the evil monsters that acted recklessly.

"Hahaha..." She couldn't help laughing, almost blaming her mother by mistake.

"Mom, anyone who speaks nicely will say that we just disdain to be the kind of person who is inconsistent with the outside and the outside. The best way to deal with the bad-hearted person is to use her tricks to defeat her."

"Take someone else's path and leave her nowhere to go?"

Su Jian smiled in surprise, "Mom, you have quite a lot of words."

"That's right, these years of watching TV are not in vain. Your father said that you should study culture seriously, and the two of us can't hold back. We will live and learn as we grow old."

"Mom, come on, take this step, you are an invincible heroine."

Su Huan was eating in the room, and seeing the joy on Su Jian's face, she said enviously, "You have a very good relationship with your aunt."

"What about you? Not good with Third Aunt?"

Su Huan lowered her head in a lonely voice, "Does that matter? She has been in charge of me since I was a child, and I was not allowed to do this or that."

Su Jian didn't want to comment on other people's mother-daughter relationship, she said, "Grandma had a conflict with her second aunt, she got sick and was hospitalized, and she's in 403 of this building."

There was no emotion on Su Huan's face. She had no relationship with Mrs. Su. If they were not related by blood, they were just strangers who had met twice.

"Let's go after eating. Living here will have a bad effect on Dr. Song."

Su Huan said, "I won't go to your house. I told my dad yesterday that I will live in the school dormitory."

"Live with Su Mingming?"

"No, independent dormitory."

She looked up at Su Jian, hesitated for a moment and said, "If you come to live, I welcome you at any time."

"Thanks, I don't have a good sleeping habit, I'm afraid I'll scare you."

The two left the hospital through the back door, and Su Jian called a tricycle to take her to school.

At the school gate, Ding Xiaoxue stood there with a gloomy face.

"Third aunt? Why are you here?" Su Mingming got out of Li Liang's car and asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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