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Chapter 297

Chapter 297
When she got up in the morning, Zhao Jing's right eyelid kept twitching, and she was flustered, always feeling that something was going to happen.

"Qin Du, you and Tian Mi go to the dormitory to see how Su Jian is, and why Su Mingming hasn't come back to class?"

The two came to the downstairs of the dormitory and told the dormitory supervisor that they would go upstairs to see their classmates. The dorm supervisor said, "Aren't they two pretty girls?"

"Yes, one is Su Jian and the other is Su Mingming."

"Oh, one of them has a stomachache. They said they went to an outside clinic to get medicine. Go and find out if there is an infusion there."

Students who are sick also go to the clinic to get medicine. They have been like this for many years, and there has never been an accident, so the school does not strictly require them to go out to see a doctor.

Qin Du and Tian Mi approached and asked the clinic doctor.

"No one came here at all. I was out in the morning. I just opened the door before you came."

When the school found out that Su Jian and Su Mingming were gone, it was already noon, Director Guo was in a hurry, and his teeth started to hurt.

"Contact their home to see if they have returned home."

Su Mingcheng received a call from the school, and sure enough, as her daughter said, she couldn't go home today.


knew?Director Guo is not calm.

He met Su Mingcheng who was honest and honest in the hospital, but he was so scolded by his brother's wife that he didn't dare to say a word.

"Su Jian's father, do you know where Su Jian has gone?"

"Well, Director Guo, my niece told me this morning, she said she would not miss homework, please rest assured."

"It's not a matter of homework or not. You can make sure she is safe now."

"Safe, stay with her uncle." Su Mingcheng said firmly.

"Where's Su Mingming? Are you also with classmate Su Jian?"

"Mingming? I don't know, Xiao Jian didn't say that Mingming also went out together."

The second call was to Wang Chunmei, but no one answered the call, Director Guo stamped his feet anxiously.

This Su Mingming is really disorganized and undisciplined, he doesn't even say hello to the class teacher when he goes out?Take a leave?
Until the evening, the two sisters of the Su family did not come back. Su Jian's parents said that they knew that their daughter was out on errands, but Su Mingming's parents could not be contacted no matter what.

If Zhao Jingjue continues like this, she will definitely become depressed.

She wants to visit Su Mingming's house tonight. Parents can't send their children to school, so they don't care about it. No one answers the phone all day.

"Excuse me, is this family surnamed Su?" When she came to Su Mingming's house, there was a big iron lock at the door, and Zhao Jing asked the neighbor who was sitting not far away.

Mrs. Wang looked her up and down, "Who are you?"

"I'm Su Mingming's class teacher."

"Hey, the teacher's home visit? Did Su Mingming get into trouble at school?"

"Uh... not!"

Zhao Jing is not married yet, so she is most afraid of dealing with such a gossiping old lady with little feet.

"Auntie, when will Su Mingming's parents come back?"

"I can't come back."

ah?Zhao Jing looked at her in surprise.

"You don't know yet, do you? Su Mingming's father was arrested for embezzling public funds. Her mother hates the poor and loves the rich, so she divorced her father."

"Two days ago, her mother opened her brain. Oh, the blood flowed from the house to the gate. It scared me to death. I had nightmares all night..."

After Zhao Jing finished listening to Mrs. Wang's "horror story", half an hour had passed, and Wang Chunmei appeared in the alley, pushing her bicycle exhausted.

"Mother Mingming, hello, I am Zhao Jing, Su Mingming's class teacher."

Finally freed, Zhao Jing hurried over and called Wang Chunmei to stop.

(End of this chapter)

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