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Chapter 301 You Have to Pay the Price

Chapter 301 You Have to Pay the Price

Fearing that Li Liang would find out if she spent too long in the bathroom, Su Jian hurriedly said a few words to Liu Sheng and then came out.

Twelve dishes were eaten upside down.

"Come on, where are we going next?"

"Wait, wait, I'm too full, digest and digest before leaving."

Li Liang motioned her to sit down. He contacted a local guide who hadn't come yet. He said that treasures can be found in Myanmar. Many people took risks and tried their luck there at all costs.

Su Jian couldn't go through the formalities for going abroad in a short period of time, so he could only take another route. If he was caught, the food in the future would be a specific bun.

The person who came was a short and strong man. After Li Liang stuffed him with a stack of banknotes, they got into a van.

Su Jian admired the roadside scenery with great interest.

"Little Jane, you haven't been here before, have you?"

"Isn't this nonsense? Thanks to you, I'm going abroad soon."

Pretending not to hear her irony, Li Liang chuckled, "Let's make a big ticket. After you make a name for yourself, I'll take you all over Southeast Asia."


Ah!How could it be him who really made money?How silly and naive!

After dark, the van drove into a forest, the surroundings were pitch black, Su Jian yawned.

"Call me somewhere, I'm too sleepy, I want to sleep."

The guide probably could understand Mandarin, and looked back at her in surprise, but didn't speak.

"Sleep, sleep, little Jane needs to recharge her energy, I'll just watch the road."

What is there to see on the road?Is he worried that the money in the purse will be robbed?I held it in my arms all the way, for fear that others would not know what was inside.

The two subordinates led by Li Liang should have learned a little bit of kung fu. Su Jian felt itchy in her heart, wanting to compete with the other party, to test whether she could protect herself well after studying boxing all night.

She wasn't sleepy at all, she closed her eyes, used her abilities to call up the books in the "folder", and found a chess record to start researching.

Senior Brother Zhong has more than a dozen chess books, each of which contains a small note, which contains his writing experience and half-played endgames.

She is very interested. This is probably the commonality among top academics. They are full of energy and urgently need something to consume excess energy. Go just tests a person's intelligence and endurance. People can't stop.

She guessed that Senior Brother Zhong was a sullen type with a dark belly, and he belonged to the type of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

The road was bumpy, but there was no murder or robbery. The guide Li Liang found was reliable, and he entered Myanmar smoothly.

The van parked in a secluded place, maybe it was too tired. After turning off the engine, several big men fell asleep quickly, especially Li Liang, who snored so loudly that the ear hurts.

Annoying, is he a pig?
Su Jian tried to take away the leather bag under his body, but the miser snorted, turned over and hugged the bag firmly in her arms, and continued to sleep.

Through the car window, the street outside was very deserted, and the time displayed on the watch was [-]:[-] in the morning. If it was in Weitang Village, it would already be dawn by this time, and there were people working in the fields.

The car door wasn't even locked?
Opening the car door calmly, she swaggered around and picked a piece of fruit by the side of the road, and finally Liu Sheng sneaked up behind her.

"Uncle, you came a little later than I thought."

Liu Sheng was taken aback for a moment, now he is getting more and more confused about his niece's tricks.

"Little Jane, Boss Zheng said that he can also take you to gamble with stones. Now is a good time, let's run away, what are you waiting for?"

"No, Li Liang dares to set my mind, I have to make him pay the price."

Well, No.1, who knows that he has supernatural powers, can't let him go back.

(End of this chapter)

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